
They're now like a happy family . People that saw them gonna said that they look cute together . Duean also said to the elder that greet them that Tian is his dada .

Phupha don't know if he should confess to Tian that he likes him . He doesn't have any courage to . Safe to say that this is the first person that caught Phupha eyes. Before this he always been busy with his works. Never he thought that he will fall in love with his son babysitter. Hearing duean called Tian dada really make Phupha feels good .

"Tian" he calls tian to sit beside him . Phupha decided to confess . If he get reject , Phupha will take this as a practice .

"How do you feel living with me and duean?" he asked

" of course it feels great. I don't get bored easily these days . I have you and Duean" he replied with a smile . that smile , beautiful and cute at the same time .

" want to live with me forever?" phupha asked looking at frozen Tian infront of him .

" what do you mean?" tian said chuckled nervously

" i like you"

" i like you , i like being around you , i like you a lot . I can't help but smile when i see you . I can't seem to get you off my mind even if im in my office"

Tian still shocked with Phupha sudden confession. He like it . Tian like it . He like Phupha too .

" i like you too" Tian replied.

" i wish i could kiss you right here , but i think you want to take things slowly." phupha said still staring at Tian eyes

" maybe a little peck will work" a peck , phupha thought , a little peck . He peck Tian both red cheeks .

The two of them look like a teenager. Shy and awkward.

" daddy , i want to sleep with you" duean said rubbing his eyes

" you want to sleep with me?"

" yes with dada too."

" okay , let's go" they smiled at duean .

"goodnight" they said to each other before fell asleep

Tian is now with him . Duean will live with his dada forever. His two favorites person infront of him . He hugs Tian who is hugging duean. The family is now complete. No one will go. They gonna live together forever.

