

The world was just a void now with the muffled noises that were being perceived occurred challenging to understand or acknowledge, the best way to sum it up was that every sense he had was numbed as if he was in a weakened or coma state. He tried his best to remember what the hell happened to himself some unknown days or even weeks before this with the last thing he could recall being that he fell under a large amount of debris, all during the time that Titan Cameraman was fighting both G-Man Skibidi Toilet and Infected Titan Speakerman, swearing that something heavy like a brick must've fallen his camera-head after he was reaching out for somebody distinct with his hand. The sad thing was that the person he was reaching out to didn't notice him while they were saving another particular cameraman, in addition to that he for whatever reason wasn't able to scream out for assistance and crawl to them for their notice, to make it worst the impact onto his camera-head additionally was strong and could have lead to possible microprocessor damage.

With his consciousness slowly awakening, Brownie leans his camera-head up and with whatever little intelligence he can make up he notices that he is strapped into a chair tightly with ropes in the absence of his legs, blue ink, or correctly his blood was splattered onto his beaten and stabbed chest, it could be that he was severely beaten up while he was sleeping. His lenses appeared to be trying to adjust and fix but with how damaged it is the sight he had must remain glitchy and damaged until he was repaired, his microprocessor trying to comprehend where the hell he was as of now, some pain being felt all around his severely damaged camera-head. Brownie coughs quietly as he looks around the atmosphere which gives the impression of being a test room, a rectangular horizontal window in front of him with some distracted skibidi toilets singing their annoying and filthy song.

The skibidi toilets eventually became aware of his waking and grinned menacingly from ear to ear with their heads jerking around uncontrollably, a scientist skibidi toilet that looked different from the actual one entered the observation room with the same expression on his face. With a control panel donning multiple buttons and a few levers in front of the entities, they press one of them by stretching their heads, each entity gazing at the weakened cameraman in the testing room while a claw arrives out of the opening wall and places an abnormal seeming toilet parasite. Brownie stared at the slightly big parasite that had a superior appearance, most notably that it had some spines around its legs and rough organic armor around its skin as if it was even required at all, the brown cameraman with what little strength he had attempting to break free from the chair.

On instinct he tried to scream out for help but felt as if his vocal wires had been ripped out forcefully or at best punched to a clump of sparking scrap, leaning his camera-head down at the floor from exhaustion and eventually tilting it back up to see the parasite in front of him with an evil smile, the cameraman in brown only staring at it and waiting for his fate to be revealed after he had no choice but to give up. Atlas the skibidi toilet parasite jumps onto his camera-face and crawls over to his nape, ejecting its inner mouth and clinging onto Brownie's neck as he begins to mind control him into a prisoner, a strike of pain entering into Brownie's neck which leads him to try and resist, but it wasn't enough. As the walls open square holes to reveal more claws holding attachments specifically made for a cameraman, the unfortunate Brownie could feel himself lose his control and sanity alongside his fingers painfully elongating to be sharp for scratching, the rope that held him gets ripped off by the infected cameraman, new modified legs being connected to his bottomless wire exposed waist and a bunch of other things he was unable to discern.

He vaguely and barely discerned the aching truth of what was happening; he was a new harmful experiment that the skibidi toilets were proceeding to test out on The Alliance in hopes that he would be in use for killing his allies. Brownie inhaled for what air he could get as he could feel his beaten lungs gasp for it, painfully seeing that he had been equipped with every modification that the toilets gave him, the parasite forcing him to stand up despite his body being absent of energy and making him continue to chant the insanity bringing skibidi song. Is this what he deserved for being a foolish perverted simp that nobody loves? Perhaps, he vaguely thought in a very tight mind space to himself that he did deserve this, blue ink dripping out of his cracked and damaged camera lenses in a manner of tears that he cannot produce ever.

With that, he is agonizingly forced to march over to the now opening lab door and enter the observation room, the skibidi toilets singing their song like they're communicating to the controlled cameraman as to where they want him to fly to with his new jetpack, Brownie being capable of merely understanding the language they're speaking after being infected. Whatever mumbled gibberish he heard from them, he became aware that they were ordering him or the parasite to fly to an ongoing battle of the cameramen and skibidi toilets, deeply worrying Brownie very much as he feared killing his teammates. The injured brown cameraman tried to resist the parasite's control with sudden movements not made by it, but that only made it tighten its leg grip on his neck and dug its teeth alongside its sharp leg ends into Brownie's neck deeper, ceasing any more movement made by him and giving better control to the parasite.

A small amount of blue liquid dripped from the neck down to his clothes and to the floor it lightly landed on, his wounded microprocessor was cramping so much and overheating to the dangerous point where the brown cameraman could feel his mind about to melt, he knows his body needs to rest from no vitality but the parasite only denies his request. Brownie then leans his camera-head up to see the ceiling with a visible circular entrance open up, the cameraman in brown using his jetpack to propel up and then to the location he was directed to; a beautiful desert within the ongoing of confliction and striking.


Dementia is a decline in cognitive function, such as memory loss, language ability, and problem-solving skills. It was a thing that 13-14% of elderly humans got which Brownie learned from reading a health magazine he scavenged sometime during a search, and because he had briefly forgotten how many of his allies he or precisely the parasite had killed on the way to the desert in addition to his microprocessor being damaged, Brownie fears whether any of The Alliance could get something similar to that or if he has already gotten it. He doesn't know if his sudden memory loss was mildly good in a way since he doesn't need to fully remember the brutality that he caused to his allies, barely recalling how specific the killings and slaughters were, but it still confuses him if it's just the parasite messing up his sanity or that his microprocessor is just damaged.

As he landed on the ground and aimed his right arm laser cannon in front of his line of sight where he could see scattered corpses of cameramen and toilets, a sudden trio of armed cameramen unluckily stumble upon the experimented on lightly mutated Brownie who quickly took note of their presence the moment he twitched his camera-head directly at them, gazing at his colleagues who appear to express some type of fear despite, especially one stunned cameraman that looked a little familiar to Brownie but he couldn't recognize with enough microprocessing power. To them, they were shocked at what in God's name the skibidi toilets had done to poor Brownie who's camera-lenses leaked blue ink through the small cracks, his once handsome looking brown coat was torn with slices and ink, and oh God, his throat looked like its wires have been ripped out of to expose whatever electrical objects remain intact. The infected cameraman could only care less and shot a plasma cannon at one of them who wasn't able to react in time and made his limbs fly all over the area he was in, the other two running away and attempting to fire multiple laser shots at Brownie who was beginning to dodge each one of the rays, flying his jetpack into the cameraman ahead and pushing his front to the ground as the familiar one watched in horror from behind.

With the parasite feeling malicious at this time and Brownie currently kneeling onto the cameraman who now has his back on the ground, the entity was starting to force Brownie who it was controlling to rip the ally's camera-head off as he suddenly grasped onto the sides of his head, the convulsing Brownie trying his hardest to resist and watching the grunting cameraman try to punch him off so he can escape. Awfully enough the both of them were out of stamina and Brownie ended up pulling the cameraman's head off of his neck which revealed exposed sparking wires, Brownie in a small rage throwing the head across him while it slid and bounced against the ground, the faintly mutated infected turning his twitching camera-head over to the cameraman.

For whatever reason he has the strangely peculiar cameraman set off speaking out to Brownie as if he could reason with an experimented infected cameraman that could deactivate him within mere seconds, the brown coated cameraman stopping for a few seconds during the moment that he trembled around.

He had his laser gun somewhat aimed near the ground rather at the opposing enemy. "Brownie?! A-Are you still in there?!" The brown cameraman he called out to only propelled forward and punched the distinct cameraman down to the ground who began to hold his head in pain.

The cameraman groaned painfully. "Ugh...crap..." Brownie involuntarily kicked him in the stomach and observed him throb in agony as he held onto it and started to cough, laying his back on the ground in defeat and hardly staring at the enemy.

With the familiar cameraman attempting to get up and fight back, Brownie desperately reached for his laser gun and with all his strength he swung it forcefully against the ally's camera-head, causing a resounding crack to echo through the air. The cameraman's body went limp but his consciousness remained intact and trapped in a state of helplessness, the infected Brownie fueled by a mixture of adrenaline and remorse clutched the colleague's neck with one hand to ultimately prevent any chance of resistance for him and despite having the option to leave the intimate associate to die or deactivate, the brown cameraman continued to rain blow after blow upon the camera-face with the repetitive strikes taking a toll on both captor and captive. 

Overwhelmed by guilt behind the parasite's control, Brownie couldn't believe the extent of the harm he had inflicted upon this unknowing individual, each strike saddening him deeply as he watched the fissured face of the cameraman, marred by the inevitable consequences of his own actions.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity of staring at the beaten cameraman, Brownie's gaze softened at him who was gasping for even the smallest quantity of air, soon managing to force out a few words while Brownie let him speak. "I...I-I knew were somewhere in there..." He coughed.

"I was a-able to tell that you were trying to resist its control, but you couldn't. I'm s-still glad you tried, I-I'm proud of you." He took a brief moment to inhale some air, his camera-head twitching and emitting some electric fizzes from the damage taken.

"I'm not sure if you're able to understand me or not...but if this is my final message to you, then I wanna say that I'm glad we were friends from the start and that I-I was a-able to assist with your mentality..." He took his possible final breath.

"A-And h-hey..." He tried to move back as Brownie's hand was reeled back and ready to deliver a final packed blow to his camera-face, his hand was visibly bucking and twitching like he was trying to resist the parasite's action.

Turns out he was right, Brownie was trying to refuse to kill him, but with how it looks like his fate is unfortunate, he accepts it in peace with a stare into the infected brown cameraman's camera lenses. 

"D-Don't forget the name Cameron-" Milliseconds before he finished ending his sentence, his camera-head was pummeled into the ground and crushed deeply, the sound of his fragile microprocessor being snapped and electrocuted, killing him instantly.

The shocked Brownie was wholly immobilized by his or technically the parasite's doing, now gazing down at his cameraman colleague he had just recognized and whom he had the most respect for, smoke releasing out from the dirt where his crushed camera-head laid lifelessly in, the large amount of guilt weighing onto the infected who's neck leaned down in blameworthiness and unhappiness. He had one question for his luck and the parasite; just why?...for what reason do these types of things have to happen so badly to him? How can it be reasonable that things are like this for him? What does it give for all of this to happen to him? The distracted Brownie continued to gaze at the lifeless corpse of his friend and was filled with more regret the longer he looked, his camera-head twitching from the parasite attached to his neck and digging its claws deeper into him, the piercing pain didn't make the depressing moment any better at all.

With the noises of somebody flying a jetpack and landing on the ground right behind the overly distracted Brownie, the advanced parasite was unable to react nor control the cameraman in time prior to a single hand gripping the back of its toilet body, the hand taking some strength to forcibly tug the refusing parasite until it was removed, leaving nasty ink filled bite marks and punctures in Brownie's neck. Right after the parasite was thrown onto the ground and simply stabbed in the head by the ally's knife, Brownie felt his self-control returning and his own notions becoming more clear, but for the cost of being cured he felt a heavy amount of agony and intense fatigue weigh onto him and his limbs, the brown cameraman's body falling onto the remains of his own comrade and with whatever mutations left by the toilet parasite were apparent all began to revert to their normal proportions. After that was done and over with, his blacking out body was flipped onto his back on the corpse and his camera-head was staring up at whoever took the parasite off of him, they turned out to be some black clothed speakerman wearing headphones who were giving a look of concern to the dying Brownie.

He looked around in the atmosphere to see if anybody was around, that being answered with Plunger Cameraman arriving in his glitch toilet vehicle and hopping out of it to investigate the fallen brown cameraman, walking over and kneeling down to tilt his camera-head at the poor dropping unconscious lad.

"...call and get the advanced cameraman medics prepared, he's losing vitality," was the last thing Brownie heard before the world faded away and he fell unconscious. 

The words echoed in his mind as he lost consciousness which left an indelible impact that he couldn't shake off, and even though he was no longer in control of his body his dying thoughts were still racing temporarily, the cameraman's voice becoming a constant reminder of his own "misdeeds". The words scared him and led him to think how bad of a state he was, feeling himself fall apart in his unconscious state, the muffled noises of jetpack flying being vaguely heard by him. He could feel the weight of his guilt getting heavier and pressing down upon him, threatening to slowly suffocate and kill him with its overwhelming presence.
