
We ended up watching the kids movie, Underdog, which I would have complained about if I had paid any attention to it. Alas, I spent the entire duration of the movie observing Jisung.

It was cute how he reacted to it, like a kid, laughing at the dumb jokes, pouting at the sad parts, getting nervous at the suspenseful moments. This, as well as the entire day up until this point, helped me get to know him better, even if it's just knowing the little things, like the way he reacts to movies.

That's what I wanted in the first place, to know him. Yes I'd always though he was cute, but then I knew, not only was he cute, but he was kind, cheeky, shy, etc. I got to know so much more about him, just like I'd always wanted, and I'll never regret that.

It really couldn't get much better than it was, him in my arms, eating the popcorn as he kept reacting to the movie. I meant that in a literal way, meaning, it really was so perfect, it could only get worse, and you better believe it was about to.

As the movie ended, Jisung was half asleep in my arms, and the last thing I wanted to do was wake him up, but we had to go home, so eventually, I did.

"Jisungie, it's time to get up, we don't wanna miss the bus."

"I don't wanna yetttt." He whined, still trying to sleep, while snuggling more into my arms.

"Come on Jisunggg." I'd dealt with it before, practically every morning, or whenever he'd take naps, but that didn't make much of a difference, he still wouldn't wake up. So I resorted to just lifting him up, carrying him through the exciting crowd and through the food area.

By the time we made it to the lockers, where his bunny plushie and other things of ours were, I knew he was awake, but I didn't want to put him down because this only proved he liked it when I held him like that, also because I liked holding him too.

Sadly, I couldn't carry all our stuff and a 17 year old boy, so I dropped his legs, surprising him.

It was cute how he pretended to have just woken up, just like on the bus, but I played along, grabbing our things with one hand, his waist with the other. Then we left the park, heading towards the bus stop, ignoring all the dirty looks most people gave us.

We weren't dating, but I suppose it did seem like it, and Korea wasn't the most accepting place there was when it came to lgbtq+ couples. Then again, I didn't really care what they thought. I was going to continue showing all my affection to Han, whether or not people wanted me to.

With that in mind, I pulled him closer, letting him snuggle into my chest, still seemingly tired. As we made it to the bus stop and got on, he laid on my shoulder again, actually falling asleep this time, though the bus hadn't even started moving yet. But I knew he was tired, so of course I let him.

Sadly I had to wake him up again when we got back, so we could walk to his house from the bus stop. But he was still half asleep the entire walk, and I was practically holding him the whole way there.

A couple minutes later, we were walking up the driveway, and I absolutely froze in place upon seeing my dads car. But I came out of my trance when Jisung shivered slightly, and I realized I had to get him inside.

We walked in the door quietly, and, like I'd been worried about, my dad was in the kitchen talking with Jisungs mom. Luckily they didn't see us as I took Jisung up the stairs to his room.

I laid him on his bed gently, pulling off his shoes and jacket, then grabbing a makeup wipe and rubbing it against his soft cheeks, then the rest of his face.

When I was finished, I threw the wipe away, then stared at his face for a bit, taking in his soft features as if it was my last chance to do so. Before I could stop myself, I leaned down and placed a small kiss on his lips. It was only a few seconds, but they were maybe the most amazing in my life. Never had I felt such soft, plump lips before, sweet and full.

I knew I had to pull away, though it was the last thing I wanted to do right then, but I had no choice, so I slowly detached my lips from his, sighing as I looked at his adorable face once again. The moonlight shone perfectly, making him look like a painting. His cheeks were slightly puffed, his lips formed a small pout, and his messy brunette hair laid against his forehead and the pillow.

Though I was nowhere near satisfied, my dad was waiting downstairs, and I knew the longer I took, the more mad he'd get. So I quickly pecked his forehead, then stood up and walked out, turning and looking at him the whole way.

I wanna say first, you're welcome!! They finally kissed!! But also, even tho I'm excited abt that, never kiss someone without consent, whether they're sleeping or just didn't say you can. It's just not right, even tho I'm this case it's not bad since they like each other, jisung didn't give any confirmation or anything.

All I'm saying is don't do that and it's not good lol idrk but still I hope it's fine in this chapter

Bye everyoneeee <3
