CHAPTER 3 : Prince Aadhyant Raghuvanshi


Prince Aadhyant gave his speech with full confidence, grace, and dignity, every moment exuding a quiet strength. Vihanna listened keenly, seeing the love he had for his people clearly in his eyes. He talked about his plans for building a school for children's education.

Though not yet a king, the determination in his words and love for his people clearly marked him as royalty. Vihanna found herself respecting the prince for his thoughtful vision. But she couldn't shake off her earlier thoughts—why would such a wealthy prince be stranded on a deserted road?

Unbeknownst to Vihanna, Aadhyant had a secret refuge he visited when anxious, a place from his childhood. He kept this hidden, aware that a prince couldn't show anxiety in public. He hadn't informed anyone of his destination, fearing that if he called for another car, his disappearance would be noticed.

This was Aadhyant's first speech, and naturally, he was nervous. He recalled his father's words, "Remember, my son, greatness lies not in the crown you wear, but in the actions you take. Lead with wisdom, compassion, and courage, and you shall be remembered not as a king, but as a beacon of light for generations to come." He knew leadership was his destiny, but his father's sudden announcement of the birthday party had caught him off guard.

Little did he know, the party was arranged by the royals to find him an alliance, pushing him towards marriage and the crown sooner than he expected.

Confidently delivering his speech, Aadhyant's gaze fell upon the girl who had given him a lift. Struck by her captivating beauty, he was drawn to her deep brown eyes, which seemed to hold untold secrets. Draped in a delicate pink saree, she appeared ethereal against the palace backdrop, commanding attention with her quiet confidence. Aadhyant found himself unable to look away, but the realization of his position snapped him back to reality. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and continued his speech, avoiding her gaze to stay focused.

Meanwhile, Vihanna, enjoying herself with friends, locked eyes with Aadhyant. Expecting a simple acknowledgment, she was surprised to see him close his eyes in frustration, as if her presence overwhelmed him.

"Hii," a voice interrupted Vihanna's thoughts. She turned to see a man in his late twenties extending his hand. "What's your name?"

"I'm Vihanna... Vihanna Kashyap," she replied, shaking his hand.

So what do you think who is he? Stay tuned to know.

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