"I loved the art museum the best!" Hyunjin exclaimed happily. "I will sketch today because I am happy."

"Do you sketch when you are happy?" Felix asked.

"Kinda..I sketch when I am sad too." Hyunjin shrugged. "It's like a way to divert my mind."

"That's so cool." Felix commented. "What was your favourite place prince Seungmin?"

"Just call me Seungmin." Seungmin chuckled. " I loved the flower garden! It was so pretty."

"It's my favourite place as well!" Jeongin chirped, holding Seungmin's arm in excitement as the older ruffled his hair.

Hyunjin side eyed them, clearly jealous of all the love his brother was giving to Jeongin but he had promised Seungmin to not fight anyone so he sucked it up.

"Channie Hyung, you know-" Jeongin stopped mid sentence.

They had just entered the elder's room and Chan was just standing towards the huge window, looking outside and Minho was on the couch, clutching his head in his hands.

Upon hearing Jeongin, Minho stood up fast and grabbed the file on the table and headed out.

"Minho?" Felix called for him in his quiet voice but Minho just shaked his head, Felix understood he didn't wanted to be bothered right now.

Since Minho left, Felix thought that it could be something that has to do with the royalty.
"Uh..I will excuse myself then.."

"But Felix-" Jeongin called.

"Felix stay." Chan finally spoke but his tone of voice was the one full of authority. "Call Jisung and Changbin here too."

'Did I do something wrong? Why is he so mad?' Felix thought to himself as they waited for the other two to arrive.

"Seungmin, Hyunjin , did uncle ever told you why you had enemies?" Chan asked.

"Yeah." Seungmin answered. "It's because we are prince's. So, if they kill us then they can dethrone Cyrene."

"What about your people? Do they like you?"

"Hey! Why won't they like my brother?" Hyunjin pouted. "He is so nice."

"Are you sure?" Chan raised his eyebrow in suspicion and for the first time in his life, Hyunjin was scared of Chan and shifted behind Seungmin, uncomfortably.

By now Changbin and Jisung were there too.

"Well...I don't know if they like me but they are scared of me, that's for sure." Seungmin said giving it a thought, remembering how during the festivals they performed, no one really was too hyped about him and would go quite when he appeared.

He never really understood why and believed that they just thought this would make the king happy.

"And you never questioned why ?" Chan asked.

Jisung and Changbin looked around, totally confused as to what was going on when Felix whispered to them about his lack of knowledge too.

When Chan saw that Seungmin was quiet, he sighed and walked over , closing the door and the windows.

"A few days ago I stumbled upon this mystery called Elenchomeni ."

Felix's eyes narrowed at the mention of the familiar name and he started paying more attention to what the prince was going to say.

"So, Minho and I did some research that could get us in trouble but what we found could potentially put all of us in danger."

"Hyung what is it?" Jeongin asked.

Chan took a deep breath, gathering all his courage with that and then looked at Felix.

"It's a place where people are trained to be assassins."

"Assassins?" Jisung was confused.

Seungmin heart dropped when he remembered about those shady people he heard a few days back in his palace and he looked at Chan for answers.

"Assassin who?" Jeongin asked.

"People who saw the faces of the prince's and weren't from the palace. I am sorry, Felix." Chan looked down in guilt.

"No." Felix was in denial, he couldn't lose his parents over something as trival as seeing the face of one of the people present in this room.

People he was around all the time, people he called friends and people he trusts.

"This- they did not just die because of you..." He whispered.

Felix just stood there looking at the floor as he finally understood why Jaeun had never told him about that place. The trauma that he had forgotten, she remembered and now all the hate in her heart made sense.

She wasn't unreasonable or scary like Felix often joked instead there had been reasons all along.

"Lix.." Jeongin tried to pull him in an embrace, he wanted to wipe away the tears, Felix didn't even knew were falling but Felix recoiled at his touch.

It disgusted Felix, his touch, this place, all these years of friendship and loyalty..it all disgusted Felix beyond words. He felt like a traitor, serving the very reason his parents had to die for.

"Felix.." Jeongin reached out once more with tears in his eyes, he could see the Felix he knew disappearing right before his eyes...he desperately tried to hold on to the fleeting friendship.


Felix stumbled a few steps back. He couldn't be here ,afterall.

"Felix, I am sorry and this is not an excuse but none of us knew anything." Chan pleaded.

"I don't care..." Felix mumbled. "You didn't had any struggles , I had to survive on the streets for a one time meal, I had to grow up without parents and I had to sleep under the open skies when it rained while YOU slept under the blankets without any worries because you were a... kid? Was I not a kid? Why did I had to go through and live in a messed up world? WHY?"

The silence was louder than any laughter the palace had heard in all these years.

"I quit." Felix announced.

"I am sorry.." was all Chan could say as Jeongin cried.

"Don't ever bother me again, don't ever look for me or even try to harm Jaeun in any way"

Felix turned away, opening the door about to leave when he turned around one last time.

"Or I will kill you."



