My World Came Crashing Down(REQUESTED!)

A/N: Requested by RyuuYue12. I hope this fits!

(Bro, I don't know why I came up with the title based on the Dynasty song)

(An AU where Epic doesn't have his eye and they live on the surface)

"Cross, hurry up; you'll be late for work!" 

"Coming, babe!"

Epic and Cross were rushing to and fro in their house, getting their stuff along the way. 

They both had to do jobs to earn money for themselves. 

So here we are now. 

"Cross, I'll drive you to your office, you're almost late, and your boss doesn't like tardiness. I'll get the car. Stay here."

Epic ran towards their garage, not noticing that a car swerved out of control and was heading towards him. (I know this is so cliche, but I'm doing it anyway, at least it isn't the parents lost thing)

"WATCH OUT!" the driver shouted.


Epic turned to Cross. 

"Cross, I told you to stay there-"


Smoke was rising from the wreckage when it cleared. When the grey cloud cleared, Cross could see a ruined car with a deflated airbag, an unconscious human, and Epic lying on the floor, bleeding. 

Epic faintly groaned,


He called 999 as soon as his shock went away. 

"Hello? Boss, I need a leave. My boyfriend got into a car accident, and I need help! Thank you so much; I'll come back tomorrow; goodbye!"

"Hello? Yes, a car crashed into my boyfriend, and now he's bleeding from the head! The human's just unconscious. We're at 78 Valley Street. Please come quick!"

The medical support arrived 5 minutes later.

The rain was pouring down on them as if they knew what had happened.

Epic and the human were carried on stretchers to 2 ambulances; Epic had an oxygen mask covering his nose, helping him breathe as he was choking from the smoke.

Cross went on Epic's ambulance, crying and praying that his lover was alright. 

They got to the hospital, where the doctors placed Epic on life support, as he had lost too much raw magic. 

Cross waited outside, hoping for some good news. 

He was hoping that everything would be OK. 

But it wasn't. 

The doctors came out with solemn expressions. 

Cross started sobbing, as it could only mean one thing. 

Epic was about to die. 

"He can live for another 5 minutes before he runs out of magic to heal him. He lost too much of it, and we don't have enough anymore. I'm sorry."

Cross entered the room.

Epic, barely breathing, greeted Cross with a weak smile. 


Cross rushed to his dying partner. 

"Hey... Cross. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."

"It's alright, Epic."

"I'm so sorry that I won't be able to be with you when you need it. Please, please don't forget me."

"I will never forget you!"

Epic sighed and relaxed for the final time. 

"T-Thank you... I need to rest, Crossy. Can you let me do that?"

Cross was about to burst into tears. 

He couldn't deny Epic now when he was going to pass away.

"Yes... I love you so much, don't forget that, alright, darling?"

The machine was beeping.

Epic smiled. 

"I-I love you too, sweetheart. I won't. I'll see you later..."

And with a final, long beep, Epic closed his eyes and crumbled into dust on his deathbed. 

Cross fell to his knees and began to sob his heart out. 


the one he had promised to spend the rest of his life with...

the one he had promised to help...

the one he loved...

was gone. 

Cross let out an anguished cry. 

A doctor came to Cross and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother when I was 15. It was kind of like this. Was he close to you?"

"Y-Yes, h-he was m-my l-lover..."

"Oh... You loved him, didn't you."


The doctor led Cross to the window and opened the curtains. The sky was clear again. Birds were singing, the clouds were floating peacefully, and the sun was shining as bright as day. 

"Look, he went on to heaven, where everyone goes when they die... And I know that he stopped making the weather so sad. He wanted you to feel better, even up here; he cares for you. Even though he's not with you anymore, he still loves you. You won't forget him, but you can live life as it is. I believe in you."

Cross was slowly beginning to stop crying. 

"T-thank you."

"You're welcome. It was my pleasure to help you with this. Here's my phone number if you ever need some help. I'm going to leave you alone to think now."

The doctor left the room. 

Cross looked at the sky. 

A heart-shaped cloud floated by. 

Cross smiled. A bittersweet smile, but a smile nonetheless. 

Epic was up there. Epic probably sent that cloud to know he loved him and wouldn't leave him forever. 

"Thank you..."

Up in the clouds...

After sending his message, Epic went to his house up here. 

"heh, I'm so sorry, Cross. I'll be watching you from here from now on."




Narrator: *slaps me* STFU IDIOT YOU MADE ME READ 828 WORDS-



*Narrator begins shouting at me*



Anyways, thank you for requesting!
