The Beginning of the End Pt.2

Nate's POV

I found her in the last place I expected to find her. She was sleeping in the lonely biography section of the library. Her legs were tucked up to her chest, and she used her backpack as a pillow. She looked so innocent, yet so tired.

I didn't want to wake her up. I liked her this way. In the most simple and basic way. At peace finally. As if the chaos she caused had exhausted her. It was hard not to love her like this.

Then it hit me.

I loved Matey. I loved her, and it didn't scare me. She held something against me and I didn't care if she hurt me. I loved her too much to even care.

Smiling, with a new sense of realization and content. I sat down next her and caressed a piece of hair out of her eyes. She stirred in her sleep, and slowly her eyes opened to reveal those bright blue eyes that had greeted me, her first morning in Palo Ville. The same eyes that warned me, it would be impossible not fall for her.

"Good morning." I whispered, letting my hand linger on her soft skin. Matey smiled back, but it seemed strained.

"Hello serial sleep depriver." She greeted me.

"You okay?" I asked her seriously. Matey furrowed her brows and seemingly contemplated her next choice words.

"I'm as great as a loon can get." she replied sarcastically with a mere shrug. "I mean, if you factor in all the weird shit i've done my entire life, I'd say i'm doing okay. Why? Are you okay? Everything chaotic in pretty boy land?" she fired back, steering away from her real answer.

"Well the taxes are too high in pretty boy land." I played along.

"I would assume, with all the hair gel and teeth whitener you guys use." she quipped. Without warning she quickly stood on her feet and offered me her hand. I frowned but took it anyway. "How long was I gone?" she asked, making it clear she didn't want to talk about the cafeteria scene.

"Uh, about half an hour." I answered her.

Matey groaned and placed her head in the crook of my neck. "I just missed history class. Whatever." She waved off, "I'm sure it's all about the failed bank system President Jackson had. Hey, do you wanna sit here for awhile?" she asked.

"Yeah." I answered immediately. Sitting and being with Matey seemed by far better than going to calculus. Better than anything really.

Matey and I sat in the biography section for what seemed like forever. Her head on my shoulder, and our hands found each other. Soon she drifted off into oblivion. Her soft breath hummed the silent library and it was bliss.

I could get used to this.


Matey's POV

"Who else knows?" Laurel asked, her brows closely knitted. She didn't wear her usual bored expression. Neither did she try to conceal her sadness. It was a new side to her, one I didn't want to uncover. I didn't want sympathetic Laurel, I wanted cold, sarcastic Laurel. My version of Laurel.

"So far, just Ezra and you." I answered her. I rummaged through my closet until I found the right outfit. I held it out for Laurel to see it and was surprised to find her glaring at me.

"You have to tell everyone else!" she snapped angrily, "I'm not kidding Matey, everyone has to know that you're leaving."

"They already do." I retorted. I held up the flower patterned dress and held it up against my body. "Do you think this dress it too much?" I asked, deciding to drop the conversation.

I had other things on my mind. My date with Nate was just an hour away, and he still hadn't told me where we were going. I didn't know how to dress for the occasion. Should I wear one of my dresses? A nice pair of jeans and a blouse? Or just something more casual?

Laurel glared at me, and snatched the dress away. "They don't know you're leaving so soon." she argued. "How could you get ready for this date, and not feel sad that you're leaving?"

I was sad. I was devastated that my mom was taking me back to Miami after winter break. There was so much to do, but so little time left. I didn't think goodbye wouldn't hurt so much. But it does, and I don't know how to stop it.

However, I couldn't let Laurel see this. I couldn't let her--or anyone for that matter--see me crack. I had to be strong and I had to say my goodbyes without wavering.

Tonight, I was not going to dwell on my leave. I was going to enjoy my date, because this was my moment. My moment with Nate to see what could have been, if only I had more time. I just wanted to see, how it felt to be that girl who went out with him. To see how it felt to have him for one night. Just one night before I left.

I could have that.

"I can't be sad Laurel." I sighed wearily, "I knew this was coming. I wasn't going to stay here forever. My mom and I, we're a family too and I need to go back to her." I shrugged with a smile.

Laurel let out an annoyed huff and threw my dress back to me. "Okay, fine." she resigned. "Just promise you won't keep this a secret from everybody. They need to know that you're leaving." she warned me.

I nodded and went over to hug Laurel. I really just wanted to hug my best friend. My big, cold, scary best friend. I was more than sure she would push me away, but who cares. However, surprisingly actually, her arms wrapped around me and she held me tightly.

That was the first time I let myself cry on her, and she didn't push me away. "I'm going to miss you most of all scarecrow." I sniffled.

"That's not your line, you're one of the munchkins remember?" She laughed, pulling away.

"Shut up, and hug me again you wicked bitch." I smirked, opening my arms open for her. She smiled and swatted me away.

"No way, one free hug is all you get. We still have to get you dressed for the date, and I called Pj over for help. She'll be here soon." she informed me. I was surprised Laurel invited her, but I could see those two becoming fast friends when i'm gone. I just hope they can all stay friends when i'm gone.


Nate's POV

After school, Reese and I arrived at the creek to set up everything. I knew this date had to be special for Matey. I didn't want to give her the plain date I usually gave other girls. With her it was different. She was different.

Reese and I spent hours cleaning the astro room, so that the moldy smell went away. I had scented candles placed in every corner of the room. I had the music set up so we could listen to it as we ate. I even had Hans cook the dinner since he was really great with that kind of stuff.

Though he warned me that Matey hated anything with fish in it.

Everything was coming along nicely....and then he showed up.

"I am here to help!" Ezra announced loudly, barging into the astro room with two bags from Bermuda Burgers.

"Dude, it's about time. I was starving!" Reese cried out, snatching the bags out of Ezra's hands. He ripped open the first bag and stuffed his face with the curly fries. "Oh my god, this is heaven." He groaned.

I glared at Ezra who was staring at Reese in disgust. "We don't need help." I said swiftly.

"Oh." Ezra cleared his throat awkwardly.

"What are you talking about?" Reese said, with a mouth full of food. He pointed at the ceiling, "We still have to decorate the roof for the second part of your date." he said.

"So you guys need my help?" Ezra asked hopeful. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.

"No, Reese and I can handle-"

"Oh hell yes, you got the toy too!" Reese cried out holding a small toy. "Hey Nate, i'm taking a thirty minute break."

"No you're not. You have to help me." I said pointedly. Reese rolled his eyes and walked away from me, completely ignoring me.

"Looks like you do need my help." Ezra said, amused. I groaned and shoved past him.

"If you fall off the roof, no one can blame me." I said briskly. Ezra followed behind me, and we walked to the roof in silence.

Something about Ezra really ticked me off. Why did he have to come here and ruin my night? Why did he want to help? I bet he just wanted some way to weasel himself into my date with Matey.

I always knew he had a thing for her.

"Where do you want these lights?" Ezra asked, holding up a string of lights. I pointed to a pole next to him, then pointed to another pole on the other side of the roof.

"There to there." I grumbled, turning around and grabbing a broom to clean up around the area.

"So are you serious about the Matey part?" He asked, "Because she's my best friend, and I don't want her to get hurt."

"If I wasn't serious, I would have already kicked your ass." I glared at him. Ezra furrowed his brows and looked shocked.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I care about Matey, and I know that she cares for you. So i'm really trying to hold my tongue around you, but it's hard. I really want to hate you, but I can't really do that without Matey hating me, now can I?"

"I don't love her--in that way. You know, Matey was my first friend here and she is the oddest girl I've ever met. But she's my friend, and that's all she'll ever be. Besides, dating Matey would be like dating myself. No thank you, i'm too much for myself sometimes." He scoffed. But I wasn't convinced. Ezra still wasn't someone I wanted to trust. "I'm team Mate, just so you know. I'm not here because I want to sabotage your date, i'm here because I want everything to work out for that girl. Not because i'm in love with her, because I'm not, but because she's my best friend." He added.

"You really don't have a thing for her?" I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. Ezra stared at me, and I searched his eyes for any sign that he was lying.

I didn't find any trace of dishonesty.

"No." He said and I hated to admit it, but I believed him.

"Then lets finish up here...for Matey."

Ezra smiled and wrapped one of his arms around me, "I feel like you're my Laurel."

"No i'm not." I huffed, shoving him off of me.

"Can you feel the love tonight!" Ezra ignored me, as he sang loudly to the tune of the 'Lion King'.

"Shut up!"

"It is where we are!" He continued on, grabbing the lights and stringing them together. I sighed and knew I wouldn't win this round with Ezra.


Matey's POV

Everything was perfect. I mean, it was something straight out of a movie, and Nate did it all for me. I was both happy and sad. Happy because, Nate had went the extra mile to impress me, when he didn't have to. I would have been in awe with just a movie and a walk in the park. But he went far and beyond tonight with the candlelit dinner.

I was also sad, because this would be the last time we could be together like this. In less than a month, I was leaving for Miami. My life here would be over, and I would go back to being Matey from Miami.

"What are you thinking about?" Nate asked, placing his hand atop mine. I smiled as I gazed at his soft features in the candlelit room. His brown eyes seemed softer, and his smile was boyish. I could fall in love with that face over and over again.

"I was just thinking that this has been the most amazing night. You shouldn't have done all of this for me, Nate." I laced my fingers in his and it felt right. Like my hand belonged in his and that was a bittersweet feeling.

"You're worth it dollface." He said sincerely. I grimaced and feigned annoyance.

"I hate that nickname." I lied. In all honesty, it had grown on me just like Nate had. I wasn't fond of either one of them when in the beginning, but they both tampered with my heart.

I guess life was funny that way. You know in that screwed up 'I give you something to love only to take it away' way.

"You love that name, you can stop lying." He teased. I chuckled and ignored him.

"I should give you a nickname." I mused aloud.

"Adonis, is a great one." Nate offered with a cocky smile. I rolled my eyes and threw a roll at him.

"How about Voldemort?" I countered him, with a sly smile. "You both have that grotesque look going for you." I teased him. Nate narrowed his eyes at me, and I smiled innocently.

Before I could stop him Nate jumped up from my seat and went in to grab me. I quickly got up and tried to run away from him, when he caught me by my waist. I laughed and flailed in his arms.

"Put me down Archer!" I cried out between bouts of laughter. Nate chuckled and shook his head.

"No way, you insulted me. I think it's time for some payback." He retorted.

I scoffed and tried to claw my way out of his arms, but he wasn't going to budge. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, as he carried us out of the room, and through the empty halls of the building.

"Roof." He answered with a shrug. "I'm just going to throw you off." he smirked.

I gasped, and poked his chest hard, "Someone can't take criticism well." I joked.

"Criticism? You called me ugly!" he retorted. I laughed and let him carry me off, refusing to fight it by this point.

"Fine but if you throw me off the roof and I die, I will haunt you until your very last breath." I warned him.

"Kinky." He winked.

"You're so gross!" I grimaced, as Nate laughed.

We reached the roof of the building, and Nate let me back on my feet. I gasped and took a moment to appreciate the decorations and the hard work Nate did for me. Lights hung up from the rusty pole of the roof. A soft rug lay on the floor and small white petals were astray on the ground, leading a path to the center of the roof.

Then the soft humming of music played. I looked around and didn't see any ipod, or stereo in sight. I turned to Nate and wondered if he was a wizard who could play music. That would be kinda cool.

"Where's the music coming from?" I asked. Nate smiled and walked over to the edge of the building. I watched carefully as he placed one foot on the edge and glanced down. "If you jump and die, don't think about haunting me. I will hire an exorcist and get rid of you."

Nate laughed and shook his head. "No, the music is coming from those guys." He said pointing below him. I furrowed my brows and followed him to the edge of the roof. I glanced below us and there was everyone.

They were all standing around and talking amongst each other, as Reese manned the huge stereo system. Ezra and Hans were talking to Laurel. She looked beyond annoyed with Ezra, but he didn't mind because he looked busy talking to Hans. Then Pj and Reese were next to each other, as Reese showed her something on the stereo.

I smiled to myself and felt a little fuller. I had brought all these people together someway, somehow. My only wish is for them to remain together even after I'm gone.

"I had a lot help tonight." Nate said from beside me. I glanced up at him and smiled.

"I am truly blessed to have friends like you guys. We're almost like a family." I smiled. Nate offered me his hand, and we stepped down. Nate led me towards the center of the roof.

The soft lyrics of an indie song drifted through the air. The songstress voice speaking to us, and we slowly glided to the song. Nate held me closely and I smiled as I felt the happiest I have ever been. I didn't think about my hair, or my outfit, or how close we were. I just drifted off into the song and placed my head in the crook of his neck.

"I don't want to forget this." Nate whispered in my ear.

"Me neither."

Nate lifted his head and met my gaze. The music seemed like it faded away, and the background felt irrelevant. It was just Nate. That's all I saw, that all I felt. It was him. It was the boy I loved and that's all the mattered in this one precious moment.

His eyes hooded and so did mine. I couldn't explain in it words even if I tried. Because words could never do this kiss justice anyway.

I tip toed and captured his lips with mine. He stilled for a moment, then he kissed me back, fervently, passionately. It was a heated kiss, with too many words exchanged between us. So many missed opportunities had finally boiled down to this kiss. To this moment shared between us two.

That was when I realized I made the biggest mistake of my life. Now that I knew how he felt, and how I felt when we kissed. It was going to be harder to leave when the time came. I had made myself hurt all over again.

I did this.


I gave you guys a double update. Do you love me, or what? I'm sorry for taking too long in updating these for you guys. With thanksgiving, it's been a little hectic around here, plus my family is remodeling the house so it's harder to sit and write.

But this story is seeing an ending, and i'm working out the last plots for the book. Be prepared for what I have in store!

Continue to read, vote, and comment every chapter. I really appreciate you guys, and all the positive vibes you bring into my life.

song of the chapter is 'Sea of Love' by Cat Power (I love this song so much.)
