Chapter Six


-------------------------------------Few days later-----------------------------------------------]

"No," I say as I throw another bale of hay down to Zach, "I have to think about Dani. I can't just go off to chase people with guns like I did before."

"Zane, you enjoyed the feeling of getting the guy the other night." Zach says stacking the hay on the truck.

"I don't have time for this." I say jumping down from the loft, "I told Brandon I would help but I can't just leave Dani alone."

"But," Zach starts.

"Get your butt in the truck Zach." I groan, "I am not having this conversation with you." Zach huffs but does what I said and I sigh looking down at my watch, "Shit," I mumble climbing behind the wheel.

"Zander Butch Savage, you are going to get it." Lacey says when I walk into the classroom, "You should have picked Dani up three hours ago."

"I know," I apologize and dodge the book she threw at my head, "I tried to call but I had no cell reception."

"Well, thanks to you I'm late for the date I had tonight." Lacey groans and grabs her purse, "She's in the library." and stalks out of the classroom.

"Crazy woman," Zach whispered as we headed to the school library.

I rolled my eyes and push the library door open and chuckled when I spotted Dani arguing with the older boy.

"I want to borrow that one." Dani says.

"Why don't you go check out one of the picture books." the boy sighs and returns to putting books on the shelves.

"I've already read all of the picture books, therefore I think I can check out a chapter book." Dani exclaims rolling her eyes.

"Dani leave the boy alone." I sigh.

"Daddy," Dani yells when she turns her head towards me, "Greg won't let me check out Sisters Grimm FairyTale Detectives ."

"How 'bout we stop by Ms. Kylie's bookshop and see if she has the book." Zach says and Dani squeals and runs out the door. I sigh and follow them to the truck and drive to the bookshop.

When we pulled up I saw Deputy Carson leaning against the front of the store. "Zane, Zach, little D." he nods in greeting.

"Hi." Dani says and skips into the bookshop and Zach nods before following her in.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused at why he was just standing here.

"Sheriff told me to keep an eye on Ms. Kylie till he catches the guy after her." Carson say and shrugs.

I nod and walk in to make sure Dani find what book she wanted. Thirty minutes later we leave after Dani gets the whole series(Zach bought it) and saying thanks to Kylie. Buckling Dani up I here my name being yelled. Looking up I see Brandon and tell Zach, "Take Dani home and feed her, I'll be home soon."

"Hey, I need your help with something." Brandon says and we head back to the station. "Ok, so I have a feeling that this guy is in town but I haven't been able to find anything to say that he is. I was wondering if I missed anything so I thought you might be able to see if you could find something that I missed."

"Sure, what do you have so far?" I ask pulling a chair up to the table. Two hours later I found something and went to find Brandon. "I found something." I say after walking into his office.

After explaining what I found he decides to look into it tomorrow and we head to the diner since it was late. "So are you sure you don't want in on helping look for this guy?" Brandon asks as we sit down at a booth.

"Yes," I say, "Like I told Zach earlier, I have to think about Dani. I'm not just going to run off and leave her."

"I know, if you want to the offer is always open." Brandon says and the waitress puts our food down.

After we pay I head to Zach's truck, "Hey let me know if yo find anything." I say to Brandon. He goes to say something but is cut off by a terrified scream.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Brandon said looking around.

"That came from the bookshop." I say and run towards the store. Sliding to a stop outside I see Carson unconscious on the sidewalk and I here another scream running into the shop I don't see anyone down here so I run up to the apartment.

Kicking the door open I yell, "Hey!" when I see a man wearing a hoodie backing Kylie into a corner. The guy changes direction before I realize what he was doing and tackled me, banging my head on the floor once before heading towards the door that leads to the back way up the apartment

"Zane," I heard Brandon yell before he burst threw the door with his gun drawn.

"Back alley." I say and he runs after the guy. Getting got my feet I walk over to Kylie who was on the floor crying. "Hey, your ok. He's gone." I say and sit beside her. She buries her face into my chest. I pick her up and sit on the couch with her on my lap while I rub her back. "Its ok." I mumble into her hair.

"I lost him." Brandon says coming back into the apartment.

"Why is he doing this to me?" I heard Kylie whine as she sits up.

"Don't worry, we'll get him and make sure her can't hurt you ever again." Brandon says. Kylie nods then blushes before standing up.

"Sorry," she mumbles, "I know I'm not light."

I chuckle, "Little dove, your about as heavy as one of Dani's book bags filled with books." she rolls her eyes before sitting down in the bean bag on the other side of the coffee table and feel disappointed.

'Wait disappointed? What the?' shaking my head I stand up and go check out the back door to see if I could fix it while listening to Brandon ask Kylie some question since she said she was up to it.

"Where's Casey and Kyler?" He asks and I then realize that they weren't here.

"Casey took him to the Zoo a few towns over. They're stay in a motel tonight before coming back tomorrow." Kylie says, "Thank god neither of them were here. I don't want them to get hurt."

"Well, I don't think its safe for you to stay here tonight." Brandon says, "Do you think you can stay with Sam..."

"NO," Kylie interrupts him, "I don't want him to find and hurt Sam."

"You can come to my place." I stat, she starts to argue, "No exceptions. I know how to keep my family safe therefore you can't say that its a bad idea."

"Fine." she sighs after a few minutes and heads into the bedroom. Thirty minutes later, Brandon heads back to the station and Kylie climbs into the truck with me and I head to the ranch.

Walking in I see Zach passed out on the couch as we walk past the living room and down the hall. Checking on Dani I smile when I see her sleeping in her bed before leading Kylie to the guest bedroom across from my room.

"Here you can sleep here, I'm right across the hall if you need anything." I smile down at her as she walks in the room and closes the door. I head to my room and change before laying in the bed thinking. What the hell is wrong with me. I shouldn't be feeling like a love sick puppy. She has way to much going on and I don't want to add on to it.

Suddenly I heard humming coming from the room I put Kylie in listening to it I slowly fall asleep.
