Happy Birthday

Chest: Happy belated Birthday Singapore and Happy Birthday Indonesia 

Malay: you suck at making content, Chest

Chest: I KNOW! (;'д`)ゞ

Philip: now, now give her a break *pats head, chest*

Chest: thanks Phil ('・_・')

Indo: aww thanks Chest *pats head* ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Chest: w-welcome (^///^) 

Singapore: really my birthday was Aug 9 and you just greet me?  

Chest: Is he happy or mad at me? (。ヘ°) .... *waiting for something*

Singapore: *pats head* Thanks (^////^) (he's blushing but rather not to show it )

Chest: wait aren't you going to greet Indo?

Malay: we already did, your just slow and  late ಠ⌣ಠ

Singapore: Malay.. *threatening voice*

Malay: mgn *tense* I'm sorry, Chest *pats head*

Chest: it's okay, no problem  ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ

Chest: Phil! How's-

Phil: the food already prepare we gonna cook around exact 3pm sharp 

Chest: is Indo-

Malay: he already know but pretend he doesn't know he's DUMB

Indo: I heard that!

Chest: then Singa-

Singa: I'm busy preparing! *shout from kitchen*

Chest: then-

Indo: calm down... let them do it they already know what to do k ^^

Chest: k
