ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 πŸ™πŸ‘ - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•ƒπ•–π•’π•˜π•¦π•– ℍ𝕒𝕀 π•šπ•₯ 𝕆𝕦π•₯ 𝕗𝕠𝕣 π•₯𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕀

After slapping myself, I received some odd stares from my classmates that were present. Then All Might saved m- I mean stole everyone's attention, like the attention seeking attention hog he is. Hmph. Yeah, what a bitch.

"I really have gotten weaker. Back in my hay day, five hits would have been enough to knock that guy out. But today it took more than 300 mighty blows," declared All Might. I could see from his beaten up body that he was exhausted, he had moved so fast that I wouldn't be surprised if the smoke surrounding him, was steam coming from his body with the heat and effort it took. His white shirt had been torn in places ad his rabbit looking hair had been dishevelled.

All Might turned to the villains I had forgotten about. "You've been bested villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly."

"No! He beat me he's not any weaker at all! And look what he did to my Nomu! He cheated." growled Handy.

"What's wrong? Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier? Well come and get me, if you dare," said All Might very intimidatingly. His face was very intense, it seemed like the deep contours of his face darkened.

This statement seemed to thoroughly frighten Handy.

"Man this is intense," said Bakugo.

"As I expected. There's no real reason for us to fight now. He'll handle this," added Todoroki.

Kiri, Bakugo and Todoroki started walking away and I began to follow them. Midoriya was still standing in place staring at All Might. "Come on Midoriya, we should regroup with the other guys. The last thing we wanna do is get taken hostage or get in his way," said Kiri.

Broccoli head just stared at All Might and Handy, who were having a staring competition. All Might lost when he shouted, "What! Are you scared?"

Handy began to lose it. He started attacking his neck with nail, viciously scratching at his already scarred neck. This was clearly a habit that plagued him. How often was this guy stressed? "If only Nomu was here... He'd rush you right now. Pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought."

"Tomura Shigaraki," said Kurogiri. Finally! All caught up on everyone's name. "Please do not fret. Look at him. He has definitely weakened. Nomu's attacks were successful. He's on his own. The children appear to be frozen in fear. And look our underlings are recovering. We likely have a few minute before their reinforcements arrive. If you and I work together, we can do this, we haven't missed our chance to kill All Might."

I wouldn't say I'm frozen in fear. I can just feel a load of people moving and I am waiting to see whether I need to defeat you all or them first.

Shigaraki's abuse of the neck stopped. "Yeah, you're right. This is it, we have no choice. We have to do it now. I mean, the big end boss is right here."

I turned around to face the people I felt approaching us from behind. Kiri, Bakugo and Todoroki followed in suit.

"I think All Might can hold his own against those two main guys. Let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anybody else," said Kiri.

"Will you be joining us?" Todoroki asked Midoriya. Midoriya just stared at All Might, clenching his fist.

I couldn't be bothered waiting for the broccoli head to make up his mind. Wielding my handle and bending water through it, screaming a battle cry, I charged to attack the small group of about six villains that had gathered.

"Get ready to die fuckers!" I screeched.

"Y/n!" shouted Bakugo and Kiri.

I used partial motionless bending to draw water out of the air and freeze around their feet to hold them still as slashed at them. I swung my water katana viciously at one of them, but he reacted quickly and leaned back, dodging the attack.

He reached down towards the ice, his hand turned into a sharp pickaxe and he broke the ice around his feet. He straightened himself and began to run towards me. His entire arm transformed into a sword. I think it was a katana like mine.

"I can already tell you are useless with a katana, your form is all wrong!" yelled the villain smugly. He swung his arm sword and I threw up my water sword, freezing the water in an attempt to block. The villains attack had so much power behind it, that even with the ice that I had worked so hard to harden in my training with Tamo-san, shattered.

I managed to twist his arm sword, so that when he followed through his in his swing to strike me, the mostly the flat side hit my shoulder. I still got a bit of the blade, it sliced across my exposed shoulder leaving a shallow cut. Oh my fucking god! He almost cut my arm off!

As I was standing there, still in a bit of shock, he went to strike me a second time. However, I felt arms wrap around my waist and body weight thrust upon me as I was tackled to the ground by someone.

At the same time, I heard a gun shot, and the arm sword villain was shot in the shoulder. I was currently lying on my back, with the person who tackled me face down on my belly. I looked down and saw spiky ash blonde hair. Bakugo?!

His arms were still around my waist as he looked up. His eyes widened in panic as he unwrapped himself and pushed himself to a standing position. "You stupid water bitch! Don't do that again! You were almost sliced into pieces! " shouted Bakugo. I could see a light blush on his cheeks, probably from laying on my stomach. I am more embarrassed than him! I probably don't smell all that good from all the running around in dusty places I've done today. My face must have turned very red from the blood that way rushing to it.

But back to the matter at had. I looked up, trying to find the source of the bullets, and by the entrance I saw Iida leading the group of heroes.

"Sorry everyone! I know we're a but late, but I got the teachers here as fast as I could!" shouted the little mouse that I recognised as the principal of UA.

"Your class rep has returned! I fulfilled my duty and I brought reinforcements!" declared Iida.

I stood up. "Well done Iida!" I yelled in his direction. I looked over at Bakugo, "Let's knock these guys out," I said. He looked at me and nodded while smirking. We both charged, letting out our battle cries before knocking out the five guys that I still had stuck to the ground by my ice.

"YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!" I heard Present Mic scream. The villains near the entrance all cowered with their hands covering their ears.

Ectoplasm released some of his clones that defeated all the cowering villains.

I turned back to look at All Might, Shigaraki and Kurogiri. To my surprise, Midoriya was on the floor in between All Might and Shigaraki. He was lying there with his legs all messed up while Shigaraki seemed to have been shot in the hand.

Shigaraki turned to Kurogiri, I think they were trying to retreat, when guns went off again. All of his limbs had been shot. He collapsed and was quickly surrounded by Kurogiri's mist for protection.

Kurogiri seemed to try and warp himself and Shigaraki, but a powerful gust of wind started pulling him in the direction of the heroes. Thirteen, even in her newly injured state, was using her quirk to suck the villains in, trying to capture them before they could escape.

Unfortunately, Kurogiri successfully managed to warp them away even with the disturbance. We were left with the wreckage of the battle.

The minor villains were quickly honed in on by the heroes that Iida brought. The ones Bakugo and I knocked out were gathered by Present Mic, who gave a pat on the uninjured shoulder. "Good work out here little listener. Just remember to be less reckless next time," he praised.

"Yeah, that stupid villain could have killed you!" shouted Bakugo.

"If I didn't know any better then I would think you are worried about me sparky sparky boom boom," I teased.

Bakugo became enraged. "Shut the fuck up you water bitch!" screamed Bakugo.

"Whoa Bakugo, calm down, all the villains are being rounded up, you don't need to be so angry," said Kiri, approaching us.

"Kiri! Are you injured anywhere?" I asked frantically. I started jumping around him to see if there were any visible injuries.

"I'm fine Y/n," laughed Kiri, "but what about you, your shoulder? You need to get that checked out by Recovery Girl."

"It's fine, it isn't even that deep," I replied. I looked down at my shoulder, it wasn't too bad but there was definitely blood there. It was only dripping a little from the cut.

Todoroki had wandered over to Kiri Bakugo and I. "If all the Pro teachers are gathered here, it must mean the school's safe. The villains attacked this facility but not the rest of the rest of the campus," he shared his thought with us.

Kiri suddenly ran off in Midoriya's direction. "Midoriya! Hey!" he shouted.

The broccoli boy became frantic, glancing between Kiri and the smoke cloud engulfing All Might.

"Kirishima wait!" he shouted, throwing out his hand. As he did that, the ground between them rose rapidly, forming a wall between the two. Another quirk? Did Bakugo not say he was quirkless? Did Midoriya really possess a second quirk?

My speculations were proven wrong by the hero Cementoss. "For your safety, please stay back young man. Join your classmates at the front gate. Leave the injured to us, we can take care of them," he said.

"Oh gotcha. I'm on it," replied Kiri. He turned back and ran to us. "Hey he said for all of us to head for the entrance."

"Okay, let's go, I need to see if Mina is okay," I said.

"No! You're getting checked out by the nurse!" shouted Bakugo.

"No! It's not even that serious!" I shouted back.

Bakugo glared at me then picked my up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Ahhh! Let me down! Kiri help!" I said, thrashing around.

"Sorry Y/n, he's just trying to make sure you're okay," said Kiri.

"Traitor!!!" I screamed and him. "Let go of me! What if I hurt you more!?"

"I'm not as stupid as you are, I know how to protect myself!" Bakugo shouted back at me.

Author's POV - With the League of Villains

It was peaceful in the dimly lit empty bar. That was until a purple portal opened up and spat out the man covered in many severed hands.

"Ow. Shot in both arms and legs. All those underlings wiped out. Even Nomu was beaten," whined Shigaraki in disbelief as blood pooled beneath his body. "We failed. Those kids were so strong. And the symbol of peace wasn't weakened at all. You were wrong master, so wrong!" He stared up past his face hand at a computer that displayed the words 'Sound Only'.

"No, I wasn't. We just weren't as prepared as we should have been," replied a voice from the computer, presumably this 'master's' voice.

"I agree," a second, gruffer voice chimed in, "We underestimated them. Thankfully we failed under that cheap League of Villains name and not our own. And what about the creature the master and I created? Where is Nomu?"

"Yes, why is he not with you?" asked the master.

"He was blown away," said the warp gate. The purple body of mist had shrunken down and revealed a well dressed man, only where the visible skin would be still remained mist.

"What?" said the gruff voice in shock.

"It was All Might's doing. Without the coordinates to his precise position I could use my warp to bring him with us. We didn't have any time to search for him," said Kurogiri, pacing around the room in frustration.

"This is a travesty, and after all we did to make him as powerful as All Might," the gruff voice spoke.

"Well, I suppose it can't be helped. Unfortunately," commented the master.

"Power... that reminds me. There was a kid there that tried to protect All Might. He was just as fast as him," said Shigaraki.

"Oh?" said the master.

"If he hadn't gotten in our way, we might have killed the symbol of peace. That brat. That brat!" raged Shigaraki.

"Naturally you're upset. But this was not a futile mission. We learned many things. Gather the villainous elite, take all the time you need. I must remain hidden in the shadows, which is why I need you to be my face, a symbol of your own," said the master, "Tomura Shigaraki. Next time you will show the world it should be afraid of you."

Y/n's POV

"Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Everyone seems to be unharmed except for that boy who's legs were all messed up and the cut on your shoulder," the detective said to me.

A load of police men were called to the USJ to arrest the villains. An ambulance came as well. I had been given a bandage after Bakugo brought me against my will. Now I was standing beside Mina. Thankfully she was unharmed.

Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same about Aizawa.

"Detective," said Tsu, jumping up in front of him. "What about Mr Aizawa?"

"The bone in his arms have splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage, but his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired once he's healed up," said a voice through the phone the detective was holding.

"Well you heard the man," said the detective.

"Ribbit.."ribbited Tsu.

"Not his eyes!" cried Mineta.

"Um sir, what about Thirteen?" asked Mina. I had heard what had happened to her as well.

"There's no need to worry there. Despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back. Thirteen's gonna pull through good as new."

There were sighs of relief from the girls around me, I found myself relieved as well.

"And All Might is also without any serious injuries," said the detective. Damn. Right now I couldn't care less. "He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery Girl's power should be all the treatment he needs.

"What about Deku?" shouted Uraraka.

"How's Midoriya?" asked Iida. I care even less.

I zoned out and just stared at the USJ thinking about how useless I was when fighting the arm sword guy. Thank god Bakugo was there to save me. I wonder if Tamo-san could teach me how to properly use a sword. If he does, I hope the training isn't as intense as Urokodaki's from Demon Slayer.

Word Count: 2632

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please tell me if there are any mistakes. πŸ’ž

I present you a slightly longer chapter as an apology for the slightly later publishing. 🫣

On a different note. Summer holidays! Yay. I finished school last week but the weather where I live had been mostly rain. I also play golf and I came first in one of the weekly competitions we do, so yay me.πŸ˜„

Enjoy the memes.
