Chapter 3: Hornykouji's Debut

I just finished eating dinner. Dinner was delicious, nothing unexpected from Matsuo.

I went back to my room while carrying a few books in my hand, I planned to read a few books before I go to sleep.

I was reading books that fall into the mystery and romance genre.

While I was reading the second book, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier and constantly yawning, it was a sign that I probably should go to sleep now.

I gently put the book on the table and turned off the lamp.


I finally was asleep...


I suddenly woke up to see the door to my room was open. that was unusual, I could've sworn I locked the door.

Ugh, I think my mind is playing tricks on me.

I turned on the lamp's light so I could at least see where I was going... I recently just experienced how it feels to hit your pinky toe on the edge of the table, last week and I don't want it to happen again... It was very painful.

I closed and locked the door, and I went back to my bed.

Right, when I turned off the lights I heard laughter.

"kusu kusu kusu." the laughter was very familiar I heard it from...

"Natsumi-san?" I called out to who I thought the laughter would be from, but...

No response.

My human brain must have been playing some tricks on me. I turned off the lamp once more and tried to sleep again.

"KIYO-SENPAI!!" something jumped to my bed.

I hurriedly turned on the lamp to see what happened and to see who it was...

It was Natsumi.

"Surprised to see me, senpai?"

"Who wouldn't be surprised to see somebody in their room in the middle of the night?"

"Kusu kusu kusu." she giggled

I was currently on the edge of my bed while she crawled closer and closer to me.


"What are you doing? But more importantly, how did you enter my room?"

"I have a key." she shook the key in her hand

"And may I ask where you got the key?"

"I stole it from Amasawa-san."


"Oh, you haven't met her yet? She is the girl with purple twin-tailed hair."

So her name was Amasawa.

"She also attempted to do the same, luckily I stole the key from her."

How was that different? I'm just lucky they both didn't decide to share the key, That must be a nightmare.

"Well, get out of my room, I was trying to sleep until you showed up."

"Eh? You surely haven't forgotten what I've said before right senpai?"

"About what?

"About me going to sleep in your room of course."

"I didn't agree to that."

"Well too late, I'm already here."

"Fine, but keep quiet I'm exhausted if you make a single noise you're out of here."

I laid down on my bed and so did she, she faced me while I faced the other way. There was a good amount of space between us until she moved closer to me and hugged me on my waist, but more importantly, her thighs were touching me.

{Hornykouji: Come on let me take over from time to time.}

{Ayanokouji: No!!}

{Hornykouji: Why not?}

{Ayanokouji: I will be marked as a Pervert.}

{Hornykouji: But... you already are a pervert.}

{Ayanokouji: ...}

I turned around to face her and hugged her back.

{Hornkouji: Yes! That's what I'm talking about}

{Ayanokoji: Shut up}

 She seemed to be surprised by my action, but she didn't question me and just hugged me tighter.

*Time skip*


I checked the time... It was currently 4:49 in the morning.

"Yue, wake up Yue... Yue"

"Huh? Kiyo-senpai?"

"Yue, You should go back to your room now, it's currently 4:50 in the morning, but I doubt some of our classmates are still sleeping. Today is our first day in school remember."

"Oh Yeah I almost forgot, thank you for reminding me, I still need some more sleep though."

I assisted her out of my room since she was still half awake.

"By the way..."

"What is it Natsumi?"

"You were thinking lewd thoughts last night weren't you?"


I swear it wasn't me, It was Hornykouji taking over.

*Sigh* "Just leave..."

"Although... I wouldn't have minded if you did something to me."

{Hornykouji: See I told you we should've done it}

{Ayanokouji: Shut up or I'll never let you take over}

{Hornykouji: Yes sir}

/End of Chapter 3 /

Author's notes: Hello Beautiful people, thank you for reading this fanfic, Unlike other class S/W/E fanfictions I will be revealing some of the class member's pasts so you will be attached to them. I would like to encourage you to also do the same if you make a Class S/W/E fanfic. I would like to see how creative you guys get.

( Plubrock_49 I know you already added this to your Class S/W/E/1 year older reading list. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, so predictable, Unless... you didn't. Did you?) Anyways I'll stop saying random things to increase the word count... Goodbye.
