A Strange Precognition

(MC's PoV)

Kushida has just left my room. I just chatted with her randomly while showing her important people in the industry.

While I was chatting with her, I figured out something about her through her body language.

She was calling me a bitch and show-off in her mind.

Talk about ungrateful.

Anyway, I will have to work on her excessive self-hate which gets directed towards others. She will slip in the pressure with the burden she is carrying.

I will start training her after a week, since I have given her one week's time to think about my offer, and whether she wants to be an actress.

Sigh. It reminds me of all those White Room kids I was looking after. Ichika... I hope she does not create too much trouble for Matsuo.

Suddenly, I felt an intense pain in my head, just like when I receive some bits of memories of my past life. But it was too severe. I haven't told Kiyo about the headache or he will worry about me.

When I stopped clutching my head and opened my eyes, I was somewhere, somewhere in darkness all around. Kiyo! Where are you! Save me!

I-is that Kiyo!? Hey! I am here! Why can't you hear me!

W-what is happening? Why is Kiyo not facing me!?

Suddenly, I saw him drop to his knees on the ground, and there was me standing, staring down at him.

No! It was not me! Her eyes are so hollow!

That can't be me!

She lifelessly stared at my Kiyo, then uttered something which I couldn't hear.


I don't know why, but I screamed, and the scene shattered and I was brought back to reality.

My heart was beating very fast, my head was spinning, and on that day, I fainted, for the first time in about 8 years.

Yo! Author here! It has been a while huh? I have been too much busy these days, you know, college and stuff.

Anyway, I have finally thought of the main plot of the fanfic, it is going to be awesome!

And thank you HutuWatt  for rating this and my Kiyone fanfic.

So, until we meet again!
