Kiyo Facts Pt. 2


"Oh no…" Horikita muttered.

"Here we go again…" Kei facepalmed.

"Kiyopon, just for once…please stay silent." Haruka begged. 

"Let's just get out of here before he could open his--" 

"Can you think a thinking thinker that would think about a thinker while thinking about it being a thinking thinker?" 

"Kiyo, that's not a fact, that's a tongue twister." Shinohara said.

"It's better than some random ass facts." 

"What the hell are you doing here, Ryuuen?! This is the second time!" Akito shouted.

"I got bored at class that I'd rather lose my brain cells to this fucking genius." Ryuuen points at Ayanokouji.

"Hm? What facts are we talking about?" Hoshinomiya-sensei popped out of nowhere.

"Sensei, please don't go to another class all willy nilly." Ichinose said.

"Sensei no! Why did you have to--" 

"If one teacher can't teach all subjects, why is one child expected to study all subjects?" 

"Huh. You do have a point there." Asahina said.

"We're not robots, Ayanokouji." Chabashira-sensei answered.

"That's not the issue here, sensei." Hiyori said.

"In terms of orange, which came first, the color or the fruit?"

"Wait wha--oh you do have a point there." Katsuragi said.

"I think it's the fruit that comes first as I think that's were we see the first color of orange, I believe." Mashima-sensei replied.

"Then, when did the word orange was discovered? From the color of the fruit or the fruit itself?" Satou asked.

Everyone thought of the same thing.

"Just thinking about it makes my head hurt." Sakayanagi said.

"It's his fault for making us think some dumb brain puzzling facts." Horikita said.

"You and someone else are probably reading this at the exact same time."

"Reading what?" Kiryuuin asked.

"That wasn't for you all, that one was for my readers." 

"What did I tell you about popping out of nowhere, KR?!" Haruka glared at him.

"Same goes for me as well. What did I tell you about breaking fourth walls interacting with the readers, you idiot." Ritsu smacks KR's head.

"If you think about it…your burps are just your puke's farts." 

"Ugh, that's disgusting." Kamuro sneered.


"Sorry, got hungry." Akehama said.

"In the video game, Genshin Impact, Lisa only has a few years left to live." 

"Ayanokouji-dono! Why must you break my soul?!" Sotomura is being dramatic.

"Lalalalalalaa, I don't hear anything!" KR covered his ears.

"In the Light Novel, Classroom of the Elite, the tool monologue is overused and mostly everyone is getting tired of it."

"What in the goddamn are you talking about?" Ryuuen asked.

"Do you have that book, Ayanokouji-kun? I want to read it." Hiyori got excited.

(A/N: If you get that reference, you know you found a good COTE fanfic.)

KR looks away while whistling.

"A person named Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is one of the smartest anime characters."

"That's you, Kiyobaka." Kei pinch his cheeks.

"Oh great…another narcissist." Horikita tries not to pull her hair out.

"Fufufu, now you're speaking true facts." Sakayanagi shows a smug smile.

"Sleeping beauty isn't really a fairytale as in the ending, the male prince technically raped the princess who is technically a corpse by that time."

Everyone was shocked.

"That ain't even cool anymore." Hashimoto tries not to vomit.

"Now we're gonna go the dark path now, awesome." Ibuki is being sarcastic.

"Great! Just great! Thanks for ruining my childhood!" Amikura shouted.

"Singing is just yelling in cursive." 

"I think I have to study and get a job as a neurosurgeon so I can check your brain to see where are all these absurd facts are coming from!" Matsushita shouted.

"Chicken is only a breakfast food when it hasn't been born yet." 

"I wanna get out of here but I can't." Keisei is tied up for some reason.

"The real question is, does the chicken comes first or the egg comes first?" Akito asked.

"Oh no, now Miyatchii is infected with the Kiyofactovirus." Haruka said.

"There are some type of people who thinks that some cultural food from another country are counted as an extreme food." 

"Balut, for example." KR answered.

"What's Balut?" Nanase asked.

"It's a fermented duck embryo that is being cooked whilst inside of the egg. Balut gained its popularity in the Philippines as it has a unique taste which made some tourist from other countries want to try it as well." KR explained.

"Ugh, that's disgusting." Ryuuen said.

"From the looks of it, it kinda is but if you don't think about it and just directly eat it, it taste really good. You can also put a bit of salt or dip it in some vinegar to give it some flavor. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water." 

(A/N: My fellow readers especially the peenoise readers, have y'all tried balut before?)

"All children deserves parents but not all parents deserve children."

"That's just straight up facts, Ayanokouji-kun." Horikita said.

"Yeah, there are a lot of abusive parents out there in the whole wide world, but the children can't speak up as they're too scared of what'll happen to them." Hirata said.

"That says about society if you think about it." Kiryuuin added.

Shinohara felt uncomfortable for some reason.

"Thanks to the internet, you don't have to meet your heroes to be disappointed."

"You just called out the celebrities out there who became child molesters." Nishino said.

"Every single odd number has the letter "E" in it." 

"Annnddd now we're back to losing my brain cells." Kei wants to get out.

"What if phobias are made of how you died in an alternate dimension?" 

"Okay, that's enough for destroying my mind, I am already terrified." Sakayanagi said.

"KR, teleport us out of here, please?" 
 Horikita commanded.

"You got it." 

Everyone except Kiyo has teleported out of there.

"What happens if I start to look up front or to the person who is reading this line right now?" 

Ayanokouji is looking at you.

This is stupid yet fun. Anyway thanks for reading!
