"Hello, Niklaus. Why don't you take a step back?"

Deep into the warehouse and out of Everly's earshot, the two original siblings sunk their teeth into the security guard, making him to groan in pain. It wasn't long before Elijah pulled away, having sufficient to rid off the residual pain of the dagger. He eyed his sister who was still vigorously drinking as the color continued to drain from the human's face, and called, "Rebekah. That's enough."

Rebekah didn't move and Elijah sighed, "You are going to kill the poor man, sister."

"Are you afraid what Everly-Rose would say?" She pulled away, smirking at her brother with blood dripping down her chins. Elijah opened his mouth to deny but was interrupted by their brother's voice.

"Rebekah, come out, come out. Where ever you are?"  Rebekah rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"What is the meaning of this? Everly, what did you do?" They could hear the panic seeping through his voice and it quickly turned into yells, "What did you do! I will kill you–"

Klaus was cut off as he was abruptly flung against the wall. He glanced up from his attackers and his eyes widened in disbelief and slight fear at the figure before him: his older brother was standing protectively in front of Everly with veins disappearing under his eyes. He fixed the nonexistent wrinkle on his suit and said, "Hello, Niklaus. Why don't you take a step back?"

"Elijah....." Klaus breathed out.

"I hope you've been having fun without us, Nik." Rebekah sent the hybrid a fake smile and plunged a dagger into his heart.

"Rebekah," Klaus hissed in pain and pulled out the dagger, "You knew it wouldn't kill me."

She stepped back to where Elijah was and pouted, "Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more."

"Indeed. Our brother's recent indiscretion– betrayal might be the more accurate word, has made me rather vengeful," Elijah commented with a curl on his face that didn't reach his eyes. 

Everly looked between the siblings: Klaus had a blood stain on his chest, so did Rebekah with dried blood on her chin, and Elijah had a hint of rage in his voice. She felt out of place, like a family drama that she accidentally barged into. 

"Ah, and dear Elijah finally reunites with the girl he loves. Don't worry, brother. I've kept her safe in your absence," Klaus taunted, finally noticing the awkward girl behind his siblings. 

At his words, Everly's face went bright red like a tomato as she met Elijah's deep brown eyes who had turned back in worry. She had, in truth, never thought of the suited original like they seemed to be suggesting. Yet, when she met his eyes, the gentleness and worry, made her feel something she had never in her life experienced before. There was an urge to smile, an erratic pounding of her heart that wasn't painful or overwhelming, and a surge of warm that rush to her entire body. She glimpsed at Elijah, whose frown appeared to deepen at the color of her face, and couldn't help but noticed how fine he looked in his suit. He sure was a handsome man, one of the best if not the most. Her mind drifted to their interactions before he was dagger: the handkerchief, the necklace, and the way he stood in front of her. It all seemed too surreal to believe that it would be signs of likes, for he could very well be a polite gentleman, which he was. 

"Oh stop tormenting the poor girl. Tell us why you wake us? You selfish bastard never wakes us unless it benefits you," Rebekah saved Everly from her drowning thoughts whilst Elijah silently smirked at the latter's reaction. It would appear he wasn't hopeless after all, even if he didn't quite know of his own feelings as well. 

"Well, to be fair, I never wanted Elijah to wake up. That is all her," Klaus smiled smugly and motioned at Everly, then said, "As for you, I have a peace offering for you. Just this once."

Elijah and Rebekah shared a confused look, then the former glanced down at Everly who shrugged in response. She didn't know either. The majority of the summer she spent either sleeping on car because she couldn't stay asleep in hotels with her heart hammering heavily against her chest, or tuning out their conversation because she got tired of Klaus' constant plans for world domination. It wasn't world war two for god's sake.

Klaus turned back and announced, "You can come in."

Stefan slowly entered the warehouse and his eyes widened in shock and anger at the sight of the suited original, remembering full well of his betrayal. He expressed, "What the hell is going on? And where is Everly?"

Everly moved from behind Elijah and did a little wave at the young vampire, "I'm here, Stefan."

"Stefan," Rebekah breathed out, breaking his eye contacts with the girl, and her eyes remained solely on the Salvatore, gleaming with affection and longing.

Klaus stared into his eyes and said, "Now you remember."

Stefan blinked, walking closer to the blonde original, and muttered, "Rebekah."

"Stefan," he called.

"I remember you. We were friends."

"We are friends," Klaus emphasized whilst Elijah and Everly both looked completely dumfounded at the interaction. The former, however, had a distrusting glint in his eyes at the Salvatore's action. He could anticipate a past between his baby sister and Stefan, yet from the length he was willing to save the doppelgänger, he doubted any memory Niklaus had returned to him would matter much, if at all. But, whatever Stefan was scheming was not his concern. His brother deserved to trip and fall a few times for his broken promises.

Klaus then turned to Rebekah, "And now the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch."

"The original witch?" Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you have that Gloria needs?"

She reached to her neck and her face fell when she saw how bare it was, "Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!"

Elijah frowned.

"I don't know. I didn't touch it," Klaus said and turned to Everly, "Did you touch it?"

Rebekah snapped her head at the girl and slammed her against the shelf as she held her into a chokehold, "Where is my necklace!"

Everly clawed at her arms with her chest tightened in pain. Elijah's reaction was immediate and pulled Rebekah from the girl, and said sternly, "Rebekah, enough! Control yourself." He briefly glance at Klaus' approaching figure, "You too, Niklaus."

"Are you alright?" Elijah crouched down slightly and gingerly tilted her head to the side, his eyes frowned in worry and guilt as he stared at the bruise forming on her neck.

"I'm fine. I didn't see any necklace–"  A stabbing pain shot through her heart and she let out a pained yelp, cutting herself off. Her hands clenched tightly onto the fabric above her chest as she panted heavily. 


Black dots began to fill her vision and her legs collapsed under her, unable to support her weight anymore. 

Elijah quickly caught her and his fingers trembling slightly with her body limply leaned against his, "Everly!" 

"What is wrong with her?" Rebekah asked, creasing her eyebrows at the human's skyrocketing heartbeats.

"Klaus! Her medication!" Stefan suddenly remembered, grabbing onto Klaus' arm who noticed his older brother's slightly disheveled figure. The hybrid nodded and sped to grab the medication bag she had left in the car. He dropped it beside the pair and questioned, "Which one is it?"

The bag was filled with bottles of differently labeled pills and some syringe.

"Everly, stay awake!" Elijah urged, shaking the girl as her eyelids began to close. She blinked slowly, trying to rid off the haziness in her field of sight, and noticed her little bag of emergency kit. Her arms shakingly reach inside, fumbling through the bag, and grasped a syringe into her hand. Elijah helped her sit up with his hand on her back and watched as she injected herself with the substance.  His ears trained intently on her weak heartbeats, letting out a sign of relief when it finally slowed down after a quiet zap. He assumed it was from her pacemaker, which he learned to have the function of correcting pulses.

"Is she okay?" Stefan asked in concern, looking at the still petite figure in Elijah's arms.

Elijah nodded, "She fell asleep." He casted a side glance at his siblings, "I hope none of you are going to interrogate her any further because I'm fairly certain she didn't take the original witch's necklace."

Rebekah looked down from her brother's stern gaze, she didn't know the girl would be so fragile. It wasn't her intention to harm her. Scared her? Yes. But causing her to nearly die like what just happened? No. She wouldn't do that to Elijah who appeared to have fallen for the girl.

Klaus, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows at Elijah's suppressed ire for their sister's action. His brother was hopelessly in love, that was clear to him.

"Now, if you all would excuse us," Elijah stood up with his lips tightened in a thin line, "We have a hospital to visit." With that, the pair disappeared into the street.

Rebekah said nervously, brows knitted into a frown, "He's angry at me."

"Well of course, dear sister. You nearly murdered the girl our brother is smitten with," Klaus smirked at her.

"I didn't mean to and what is wrong with her heart? It sounds odd."

"She has some kind of heart defects, and isn't supposed to have much mood swings or else she'll get worse. I wonder if she will survive this time," He said cruelly and Stefan whipped his head at him in disbelief.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Stefan spat in disgust and stomped out of the warehouse, leaving the two original siblings alone.

A/N: unedited.  I honestly don't know how that happens. I usually have a plot going on in my mind but it tends to change once I start writing. Does any of my fellow writers experience the same thing, like how your character is actually semi-making the story?

(exaggerated/comedical inner dialogue below, if any of u are interested) 

Again, don't dwell on medical stuff. I make them up on the syringe part :)

FYI: I couldn't find the part (if) I let Elijah told Everly about the Original Witch = his mother, so I'm just gonna do it again. But DO LET ME KNOW if I did.

Should Elijah call Everly, Lily? (It's this story right? I don't think I have other character that starts w/ Lily– oh wait, yes I do. Ok nvm. Why don't you guys think of a nickname that Elijah can call Everly with 😉) Comment here ➡️


Elijah: I'm not sure what I'm feeling, but I like where this is going.

Everly: (look at the siblings' squabbles) I probably should leave (legs start reaching to the exit).

Rebekah: She looks like a tomato. Weak and fragile. But I like her :)

Klaus: *sigh dramatically*

Stefan: Someone get me out of here.
