
Liked by colby_brock, fatherkels, and 506,978 others

sahar.luna: So glad to be home and back with this cutie 💛 I missed you babe 😚

👤: @colby_brock

@colby_brock: 💙💙💙

@fanacc: you guys are goals 😭😩😍

@fatherkels: y'all are pretty cute 😍

@samgolbach: *cough* picture creds *cough* 🙄

@hateacc: Colby and Shea would be cuter 🐸

@sahar.luna: @samgolbach ☕️

@deyvnlundy: 😍😍

@fanacc: this picture is cute and everything but LOOK HOW HAPPY SAHAR LOOKS 😭😭😭 IM TRULY LIVING

@fanacc2: @fanacc truuueee

@coreyschere: dang Sahar you are one smitten kitten 👏🏼

@shea_eylse: 😒🤢😷

@fanacc: @shea_eylse I've about had it with this basic hoe 👐🏽 post up bitch

@sahar.luna: @shea_eylse yeah square tf up 🙅 or step tf down ✌🏽 don't let me catch you 👀 peeping in my comments again or yuh weave gone get snatched 💅💇

@fanacc2: @sahar.luna SLAY KWEEEENNNN 😂❤️❤️❤️

Sorry for the short chapter AGAIN I started falling asleep while writing it cause I'm so tired lmao 👋🏽❤️💛💚💙💜 I'll update again today when I wake up lol. Also in case you guys are wondering that guy isn't Colby lmao it just looks a lot like him 😂
