Chapter 1: The Fall

Upside down. His whole life had been turned upside down. In one moment, that was it. It was like a bad dream.

'Cody,' Eva said, his friend reaching out in a surprising act of kindness, 'I'm so sorry.'

He said nothing, watching in horror as his boyfriend kissed another woman on television. At first, he'd been so excited when Noah and Owen had been cast on the first season of the Ridonculous Race. Of course he'd been a little disappointed as he'd hoped to be on himself, but  it did give him a reason to catch up with Izzy and Eva every week, as Cody and Izzy gathered at Eva's flat to watch their partners compete.

The three had been watching in angst, praying that the duo could make it, but they'd fallen due to Noah's distraction.

Cody guessed he was being naive. All the signs were there, there that Noah was truly in love with Emma. He'd brushed it aside though. Noah was lying for the fans, maybe Don was making him say things like Chris used to do to them. Izzy and Eva tried consoling him, but in the end they were Noah's friends really.

That kiss though, there was no faking it. He was smitten, truly in love. He looked at her the same way he used to look at him. When they first snuck off in the World Tour cabins, or the dates he took him on afterwards.

'I'm sure it's just-' Eva tried to say, trailing off, as Izzy remained speechless.'

Cody ignored her though.

'I need, I need a drink.' he said, 'and I need to go to bed.'

'We can come,' Izzy said, 'we can go to the pub?'

'No.' He shot her down quickly, before getting up.

Leaving, Cody slammed the door before running out into the cold. He would message the girls in the morning, let them know he was okay. Right now he just needed to go home, go to bed, have a rest.

Taking his phone out, he sent another message to Noah's number, one he knew he wouldn't get. All the other messages were him telling Noah how proud he was, and telling him how much he missed him, how much he loved him. This one was a simple "???".

Making his way home, Cody entered his flat and closed the door behind him. He threw his phone across the room before opening his freezer where half a tub of ice cream was. He tore it open and didn't bother getting a spoon, digging into it with his fingers. It was cold and hard and it burned his fingers, but he shovelled it down before dropping the tub on the floor and going to bed.

He felt sick to his stomach as he lay there, thinking about what he was going to do about Noah
