
Liz pov
My mom bought me tickets to see CNCO en México. I'm a proud Mexican I support Joel in every way. I don't care who you are but you don't talk about Joel in a bad way. We were driving to the place that they were going to be performing. We walked in and sat down. We were in the front and we could touch them. The show started it and they came out and started to sing tan fácil and Joel look at me and smiled at me and when they finish singing a security guard and tap me on the shoulder and I turn around and he said follow me

Joel pov
I got Ricky to let one of his guards go and find the girl that sat at seat 15 and he came back with her and an older version of her and they smiled at us but mostly me. I asked their names they said Liz and Álondra I said nice to meet you they said the same. I asked Liz if she wanted to go on a date with me and she said yes.

Ok @Luzon722
