Nellie receives a vision

Nellie put her headphones on, and played her favourite song from Ariana Grande-'we can't be friends.'

She slowly drifted into self-pity, until her mind was drowning in it. Why did Rhea have to leave now? Why did she take her in to start with? Should she have left her with Olivia, if stuffing makeup on her face and starting random drama with random people made her happy?

Her pity quickly grew into anger, and she started to rip her notebooks. In the end, she came back into her senses, and crashed onto her bed, going to sleep in a few heartbeats. Nellie longed for an interesting dream to keep her out of Rhea for at least the morning.

"Your wish is granted, welcome to Restored Mind, Lady Roselyn. Call me Mr William, and the lady beside you is Miss Hesketh. Today, we will-"

Nellie wanted to speak, but she couldn't talk-only think. She examined the room as the two doctors spoke to each other, mumbling inaudible words. 

The room was like a room where eye exams take place, because of the chair in the middle-but there were no charts, and more computers than a usual room. Then there was a-a microwave..?

Her mind searched for any rooms she had seen before, or any of the names and faces she met-dreams were mostly a mix of memories, after all. 

Nellie gave up on searching with her useless, fuzzy mind. She turned to face Mr William as he spoke.

"I heard you liked Ariana Grande-you should know why you're here."

As quick as a flash, a picture of Ariana Grande crossed her mind. Then, like a short film, a series of memories of the 'we can't be friends' music video followed. Then Nellie put the puzzle pieces together-she was in the exact same room as Ariana had been when she was creating the video.

She knew exactly who she was going to forget.

