
Hi and welcome! As I had mentioned in my description, I do make my own covers and banners, which can take a while depending on my standards. This book will serve as a collection of my creations, from my discarded story stuff to my w.i.p ones.

(G) - Gallery
(R) - Requested
(T) - Tutorial

I'll also be posting some tutorials for using Picsart, specifically surrounding the areas I use often, just in case you guys are curious.

At the moment, I do not take requests. If I change my mind, this introduction will be updated.

The only exception for requesting covers is my close friend ( ThankfullyYours ) since I know him irl. Because of this, communication is easier and I had a fairly good idea of what kind of covers he wants.

If I do plan on taking requests, be ready to fill forms with detail. Ways for you to retrieve the cover/banner can be discussed through dm. If I just so happened to be free and you randomly dm me for a cover/banner, I will probably do anyway, so long as it's doable for me and if I have spare time.

Depending on covers/banner, it takes me around an hour to a day to complete.

Feel free to continue browsing and seeing the wonders/horrors that are my editing skills. Over time, my editing styles change, so you get to notice that if I decide to post.

I will make tutorials for some of my banners/covers if I am in the mood for it. The cover for this portfolio will be the first tutorial I'm doing. If I ever change this cover (if I discover a new obsession), I will not make a tutorial for it.

© to the original artists of the photos used in editing. I make no claim to the original photos, only the final product of the editing.

The two apps I use to make the covers are Picsart and Phonto. If I feel very try-hard for something, then I will also use IbisPaint and Polarr, but I rarely do (and will probably never use it for making covers). If I need renders/pngs, and the internet does not have the one(s) I prefer, then I'd either suffer rendering with Picsart(since it's on my phone) or I use Paint Tool Sai on my computer and suffer but to a lesser degree.

This time, I will answer questions (if they're worth answering) since I get notifications.

And... That's all for the introduction. (Also no, I don't post every day).
