Chapter 5 - Sparks Fly

Cato led Clove round the back of the training centre to a small assortment of trees on the outskirts of the outdoor shooting range as the sun began to set.
"Where are we going!?"
"You'll see, it's not much further."

Soon enough they reached a tree with a few sticky-out bits that looked like they tried to resemble a ladder. Clove looked up and saw a box shaped structure. "it's a treehouse, isn't it?" She asked excitedly. "Climb and you'll find out.". "Uhh... are you sure this is safe? There's a bar missing from the ladder." Clove asked nervously laughing, unsure. "The older careers and I built it about a year ago. Nobody comes here anymore especially throughout winter so I'm guessing you haven't seen it before." Cato told Clove, placing his hands on her waist to lift her up onto the first out of 12 ladder steps. "Sweet gesture but I feel like I'm going to genuinely accidentally kick you in the face." "You won't, but incase you do fall I need to be here to catch you." He smirked and told her as she began to climb.

"How long did this take you? Did you build it from scratch?" She asked looking down at him before climbing any higher. "It took around two months. And yes, we did built it from scratch surprisingly. Go on then! Get to the top." Clove escalated a few more steps, then her foot slipped slightly. Cato held her waist to keep her up. She looked down at him again. "Thanks." "Close one."

Clove reached the top and beheld the small hut structure with a hexagonal, presumably meant to be square, window on the wall in front of her. There were a few pillows sealed in plastic to prevent them from getting dirty, some logs and a make-shift fireplace trangia stove for cooking. "This is adorable! How did I not know about this before?" Clove rhetorically asked, looking intently around. Cato just smiled and sat down on the floor leaning against the logs. "I used to come here when my parents fought." Clove turned around to Cato and looked at him. There were a few seconds of comfortable, understanding silence. "Are you okay?" She asked him. He nodded.

She knew he wasn't the type of person to want that kind of deep conversation so soon so she just sat next to him, legs touching. He pulled a packet of marshmallows out of his pocket. Clove laughed and opened it as he held it from the bottom. They both put their hands in at the same time, fighting over the hand space, laughing. Cato picked up the one Clove was going to eat. "Hey, I was going to eat that!" She said, getting on her knees to try and steal it back, grabbing his arm.

He ate that one then held the packet up away from her. Clove tried to lean over his torso for it but she couldn't reach far enough. She gave up and sat back down next to him. "You're so annoying, I hate you." "You know you love me." They both gazed into each others eyes. The laughing turned into quiet again. Cato tossed the bag down and Clove twisted to face him more so he could put his hands on Clove's waist. She kneeled there, feeling overwhelmed by so many emotions at once she could barely feel her legs anymore. She glanced at his lips trying not to kiss him but it was irresistible.

He pressed his lips against hers, moving one hand to Clove's face. His lips were soft and their mouths melted into each others. She put one hand on his shoulder and one on his upper chest. Clove realised what was actually happening and indecisively pulled away. "Cato, we shouldn't-" but Cato just pulled her back in and she didn't object. She worried about how she was going to get attached and one of them will merely get hurt but all she could do was weave her hands into his hair slowly. His lips were warm and smooth. The butterflies in her stomach were having a rave. Cato pulled away even though he craved more of her. "Cato, the games, I can't-" Clove said looking at the floor.

He placed his finger over her mouth and pulled her down gently to lay next to him as he laid down slowly. She settled her head on his chest and she could hear his heartbeat still racing a little. They both laid in silence and Clove contemplated what had just happened before she fell asleep.
