
I left early today. Why I left early, I don't even know myself. But I know that the desire to leave early appeared unexpectedly and for no reason.

On the way to school, I admired the beautiful view of only blossoming sakura trees. Indeed, what could be more exquisite and more romantic than thousands of cherry blossoms blooming almost simultaneously? And although the flowering of one tree is still short-lived - only 7-10 days, and hardworking janitors quickly sweep the delicate, silky-to-touch petals from the sidewalks - the winter blues passes at once. After all, this is only the beginning, this is the gateway to summer with its bright colors and heady aromas.

But for us, third-years, this is the beginning of the end.

Halfway down the road I see my classmate Nagumo. It is rare to see that him alone, and looking at his appearance yesterday, today he is completely different. Yesterday he performed a ceremony, and celebrated his appointment as student council president with all student council, except for...
And in fact he should have been in a great mood today. But looking at him from the side, it's like he lost in thoughts, it's first time seeing him like this. His eyes seem to be looking at something invisible in front of him, and I'm sure that if I stood in front of him, he would not have noticed me until he collided to me. 

Maybe he is nervous because today school is going to represent OAA app proposed by him?

I decided not to touch him and just walk by, yes, it may seem rude, but you can see from his face that he is thinking about something, and at such moments it is better not to touch him, I can say for sure.

And again looking to sakura trees I remembered something, a rumor. Rumor about relationship between Honami-chan and Ayanokouji-kun. I don't know if it's true or not, but if it's true then it's amazing. Thinking about that handsome and kind kohai who found returned my beloved amulet and Honami-chan being couple, It's even worth writing novel about such love, forbidden love, love between enemy classes. This could be the story of Romeo and Juliet in our time.

No, I'm dramatizing it all too much.

But still thinking about that my beloved kohais can be in relationship excited me. Will need to ask Honami-chan about it today.

Reaching the gates of school I saw them, both of them. They were entering the building, not hand to hand, but close enough so that their shoulders could touch. How much outgoing girl Honami is, but it's not the distance you could be with a male friend, which means... hehe.

I wanted to call them, but decided not to. I wanted to hear every detail of it and it was not good place and time to talk about that. There is plenty of time, no need to hurry.

Class was starting and first lesson was homeroom, not only us, but whole school had homeroom as first lesson. Today OAA app must be represented and students should get familiar with the app. I glanced at Nagumo and was at a loss. Instead of proud on his face, I saw him in the same state as earlier. He didn't pay any attention to teacher, and it was clear that his mind was miles away.

What is he thinking about?

Throughout the day by asking some people I was certain about their relationship, and yet when I wanted to know more and searched for them during the lunchtime I couldn't find both of them. So I decided to go after Honami-chan after the lessons.

Rest of the day passed as usual and we were packing our bags to leave, but something unexpected was said through the speaker:

[Student Council President Nagumo Miyabi, Acting director Tsukishiro asks you to come to the chairman's cabinet right now.]

It's rare that chairman would invite someone, and even when he did, he would do it through the homeroom teacher but not personally. At least everything mentioned was related to previous chairman.

Nagumo got up and went out into the corridor. I also went out to see where he was going and if he even heard what was said. Judging which direction he took, looks like he heard and was going to chairman's cabinet.

I didn't want to let him go alone in such state so I decided tag along with him. Even If i wanted to talk with Honami-chan about her romantic life, Nagumo was top priority right now. He didn't notice me, even when I was walking right beside him. It was long road but two of us reached the cabinet, only at the end he noticed me and didn't say anything about it, just looked at me for couple of seconds then entered the cabinet, shutting the door.

I decided to just wait for him in the corridor and hoping he would not do or say anything to acting director in such state.

It was nearly half an hour before I heard steps inside. After a moment door opened and Nagumo along with Acting director appeared in front of me. Nagumo with huge grin and sparkling eyes, it was like different person from today. And acting director looked at me with furrowed brows and with suspicious look, then he looked at Nagumo.

Nagumo: "You may not worry about her, she is just a friend." said, still having his huge grin.

Acting director just nodded.

Nagumo: "Nice to do business with you, acting director." he said and held out his hand

Acting director: "Likewise"

They both shook their hands. Acting director nodded with smile and went back to his cabinet. 

Then Nagumo placed both of his arms at my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes, his blue eyes were still sparkling, just like the stars were in the daytime sky. If anyone would see us, they surely would get wrong idea, right? 

Surely he is not going to kiss me, right?

He leaned and got closer.

What on earth, he is gonna do that?!!

My heart went doki-doki. I wanted to resist, move away, say something but I couldn't do any of that.

I just closed my eyes and shouted "Come what may!" inside myself.

But instead of kiss there was a quiet voice at my ear.

Nagumo: "Nazuna, something very interesting is going to happen." he whispered excited.

A/N: Pls vote, if u liked it
