
The two birds woke up in each other's presence and felt at ease. It was the first time in a long time that Bella didn't wake up sad because of the distant memory of her brother. Lorenzo on the other had finally felt at ease by the thought of having someone permanently. They smiled at each other, not needing the help of words to express how content they felt.

Bellas bare chest was in contact with Lorenzos and catched on to its beating rhythm. She smiled at him with admiration lingering on her face. "You are a strong man Renzo" she whispered, only for him to hear. Her hands traced the scars on his body, her heart aching at the thought of him in pain. "I adore you" her words sounded like melody to his ears. He looked straight into her eyes, his heart beating as if it was going to run out of his chest. "I don't know what I would do without you" Lorenzo spoke with sincerity. "Promise me that you won't leave me" Bella spoke louder this time. "I haven't been this happy in a long time" she expressed her feelings to the owner of her heart. Lorenzo grinned at that "I promise".

It wasn't long after their promises that the both of them got ready for their days. Lorenzo had planned to bring Bella to the warehouse to meet the family again. She had been happy when she had learnt that she was the only girl he had introduced to his family. She felt special. They couldn't keep their hands away from each other on the way to the warehouse, where the family was waiting patiently.

Lorenzo saw as his family greeted Bella with love. Her happy aura was lingering in the air, making everyone fall for her charm. Laughter, giggles and jokes were filling the warehouse, making the gang reminisce about old times. Times when Juan Moretti and his wife was still present. Times when the gang was bound by love. Lorenzo saw as several of the guys smiled at him, silently thanking him. This time, he smiled back. He was also thankful for Bella. He heard her shriek different cuss words in Italian, that he was sure Sila had taught her. He chuckled at the sight of her, standing far away and observing her.

"She is one of a kind, isn't she?" Lorenzo asked his Charlie, who stood behind him and smiled at the young boy teasingly. He nodded as an answer and patted his back. "she sure is. Your mother was too son. Juan was smitten by her just like you are with her. Looking at you two makes me miss my friends more" Charles spoke with sorrow, looking away with tears in his eyes. Lorenzo noticed and pushed him jokingly before embracing him in a tight hug. "Thank you, Charlie," Lorenzo whispered, not thinking before he expressed himself. Charles shook his head, ready to protest but was interrupted by Lorenzo. "No, Charlie. Listen. Thank you. For everything. For teaching me to stand back up when I fell. For teaching me to appreciate my familia. For being a father to me after my father left" Lorenzo whispered to him. Charles sobbed into his shoulder, feeling overwhelmed.

Bella, who had seen the men, felt an unknown emotion for the man in front of her. It was the way he put his family before himself. He was caring, loving, understanding and supporting. He just didn't know it himself. Her smile widened, when she saw Charles dragging Lorenzo to his brother. She squealed happily, hearing the buff men beside her laugh at her innocence. "Finally," Diego muttered to himself, watching the reunion that was about to happen. The gang had gone quiet, seeing their capo mending his heart.

"Today in front of the whole familia, I want the two sons of Juan Moretti to shake hands for family. For the gang. For the familia. For themselves" Charles loud voice boomed in the whole warehouse.

Marco stood still, looking down. He shook his head before speaking; "I understand my brothers anger and I don't expect you to hug me and love me like you did. However, I would want my little brother back. A little brother that isn't so little anymore. It must, no, it is my fault that you have endured the pain and betrayal I threw your way. I will do anything to earn the trust of the familia again and I am ready to start today. Lorenzo, I know you won't forgive me but-" his sentence was interrupted by the man of very few words.

"I forgive you" Lorenzo spoke, looking at his brothers' desperate gaze. He looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in years. He looked much older than what he should have. He looked almost sick. "someone special to my heart told me that forgiveness is a gift waiting to be given. Do you accept the gift, fratello?" Lorenzo smirked, watching his brother laugh, tears streaming down his face. He jumped on Lorenzo, hugging him tightly. Whistles and laughter were heard from the gang who congratulated each other as if it was Christmas. Bella smiled brightly and laughed at Silas attempt to dance. However, she was pushed flush against Lorenzos chest, once he broke away from the hug with his brother. Bella cussed at whoever had pushed her and poked out her tongue at one of Lorenzos cousins. Lorenzo smirked at the action before screaming out on the top of his lungs; "I FUCKING WON BASTARDS" holding Bella and kissing her in front of everybody. Butterflies danced in Bellas tummy as she giggled in the kiss.

The rest of the day was spent with the familia who was on top of the world. Lorenzo and Bella too engrossed in each other to notice anyone else. Bella felt a vibration in her pocket, to which she picked up her phone. She giggled at the sight of the boys dancing and dragging Lorenzo to the dance floor. She felt her panties dampen at the sight of Lorenzo dancing with the boys. His hair was messy from her combing her fingers through it. His unbuttoned shirt revealed his tattoos and tan skin. He had rolled up his sleeves and looked even more hotter, if that even was possible. The boys chanted "CAPO CAPO CAPO", to which all the elders laughed. The happiness was oozing from the warehouse.

A sob brought Bella out of her trace. "JAMES?!" she screamed in the phone, walking out of the warehouse. "Bella" James sobbed into the phone. He mumbled unrecognizable words that Bella couldn't make sense off. "Ali-he broke-broke-up" he stuttered before sobbing again. Bellas eyes went wide at the information and she yelled into the phone; "HANG IN THERE JAMES! I AM ON MY WAY BABE". Bella was about to go back in to get Lorenzo, but bumped into the familiar tattooed chest. Lorenzo looked at his amore, with worry. He didn't have time to question her before she rushed out.

"Ali broke up with James. He is a mess!" she sighed out loudly, facepalming herself. Lorenzo nodded, dragging her to the car until Bella stopped him. "You need to be here with your family Lorenzo" she smiled at him sadly. Lorenzo looked at her confused; "You are also my family dumbass. Through thick and thin, amore" he spoke, dragging her to his car.



"He said that it was for the better!" James shrieked out, downing another drink Lorenzo handed him. I glared at the mafia man that had presented his "coping mechanism" to my friend. Coping mechanism as in getting shit faced drunk!

I walked over to James and rubbed his back gently, to which he held me close and hugged me. Lorenzo was about to take my hand in his, until I swatted it away midway. This was not the time for his possessiveness.

"Jamie, stop crying. Please. It's his loss" I tried again, hearing him sob into my shoulder. I had been here with Lorenzo for a while, trying to get James to stop crying. However, I hadn't been successful, and Lorenzo was no help. He was just drinking and getting James drunk too.

"Look, you always tell me that we don't cry for boys and look at you!" I tried making him laugh. And bless the lord, he fucking chuckled! "Ali is incredible, I know!" I said in a lighter voice. I felt a pillow being thrown at me and glared at Lorenzo who shrugged. "What I am trying to say is that I love you two. You are my best friends! If you care about him, you should let him go. If he says that it's for the better, then maybe it is. Trust him and go forward. You are boss bitch!" I snapped my fingers in front of his face at the end. I could feel Lorenzos eyes on me, but I looked at James who was grinning while some tears still ran down his cheeks. I wiped them away and kissed his cheek, hearing Lorenzo cough.

"Hands to yourself, kids" he muttered for both of us to hear. James laughed at his joke, offending me.

"Now you are laughing?! I have used all my jokes here and you only chuckled!" I jokingly poked James chest. Lorenzo walked over to us and sat down beside James on the couch.

"Look kid" he started, downing another shot of vodka. "If someone fucks you over, you fuck them back" he uttered, making me snort. He looked at me with amusement lingering in his eyes while continuing his dumb speech. "Nah, but seriously tho. Fuck him. No, don't fuck him. Fuck Diego. He is Bi" he joked, pushing James lightly. I laughed out loudly, James following my lead. I even heard Lorenzo chuckle and I laughed more at James shocked expression at Lorenzo.

"Let's put on a movie before you two start fucking it each other with your eyes" James muttered, walking over to the television.

"Have you forgotten that I am the underworld mafia capo that can kill you in an instant?" Lorenzo asked James, standing up from the couch.

"You won't let us forget" I muttered under my breath, but I was sure that he heard by the way he rolled his eyes at me.

"Let's fucking party" he said, holding my hand and pulling me up with him. he kissed my cheek, looking at James. He hesitantly shook his head at him.

"My boyfriend just broke up with me and partying with gangsters is not what I want to do right now" he mumbled sadly.

"A party is just what you need, kid. Its only family and I am trying to get you laid" Lorenzo told him, to which I swatted his arm.

"Come with me Jamie. We will go to mine after" I spoke to him softly, clutching his hand. he nodded, kissing my head in response.

"What are you? Cupid?" James joked, looking at Lorenzo who smirked widely.

"I am Lorenzo, bitch" 
