
"They were terrible. Terrible. Why would they let those amateurs play when we're so much better?"

The guitarist exhaled and shook his head. "Can you stop pretending you didn't break rules-and even laws-around here?"

"They were dumb rules, Trentie dear. What kind of rule is 'No loud music'? That's what music is? How do they expect us to be quiet when we perform?"

"You're either really dumb or ignorant. Probably both, actually." He walked towards the car in the parking lot with Duncan trailing behind slowly.

They got back in Trent's car to drive to the dorms to relax.

Trent unlocked the door and the boys splattered onto their respective beds and just laid there for a bit.

"So uh," Trent faced his roommate who didn't bother to look back. "Why do you insist on following the girl anyway?"

That's when Duncan's head snapped over to glare at his friend. "Why do you care?"

"This again?" He sighed and went back to the wall. "I'm just looking out for you, well, and her privacy too. I wouldn't want someone to stalk me either. Besides, you're dating someone so what's all this about?"

"Mm, I'm not interested in her in that way. I'm just intrigued about, you know, freshies."

Shaking his head, Trent pulled his blankets over his head in an attempt to drown out the BS his roommate was spouting.


"CODY, THOSE MCNUGGETS ARE MINE!" Alejandro reached over to snatch the box out of Cody's grasp.

"UM, NO, THEY'RE MINE! Heather has your McNuggets." He flinched away from the other and ended up leaning into Noah while doing so.

Heather opened up their bag and there it was, Alejandro's McNuggets. He bowed his head in apology to then retreat back to his McNuggets. Noah gently tapped Cody which caused him to spring back up while spouting apologies to him. The slight blushes on their faces when they started eating didn't go unnoticed though.

"Oh Courtney, were you telling me something earlier?" Bridgette had to raise her voice to get the other girl to hear her over the loudness of the food court.

She nodded and wiped her face with a napkin before she spoke. "You remember that guy we saw when we were shopping? Well, I got his number for you. His name is Geoff." She picked up her phone and sent her friend the contact that she retrieved for her.

"Geoff? Why is it spelled like that?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Are you sure it's not Geh-off?"

"Bridgette, he literally talked to me out loud and introduced himself. You really think I would get it wrong?" Courtney scoffed into her burger which she hated and knew was extremely unhealthy but she continued eating so no one would notice.

"Okay, okay, sorry." Bridgette hung her head low and ate her food while Courtney just nodded in response.


"First day today, huh. You ready?" Trent was walking around the dorm organizing and selecting certain things to put in his bag for the day.

Duncan groaned and pulled the covers over his head. After getting ready, the roommate shuffled over to the bed and yanked the blankets away from the boy underneath.

"You really want to waste your money because you're sleeping in? Get ready, dingus."

Eventually, he stumbled out of his bed to wobble into his clothes and grab his toiletries. While he was heading to the bathrooms, he spotted a familiar face. Taking a second to rack his brain for who it could possibly be, they suddenly appeared right in front of him.

"Um, can you move?" The guy said in a monotone voice before he raised his eyebrow at Duncan. "Wait, aren't you the guy who was being a creep?"

That made him stumble back and sputter. "W-what?" That's when it hit him. This was the guy that told him to "get lost" when he offered to partner up within their group.

"What's your name again? Duncan right? Like Dunkin Donuts?"

"Uh, maybe?" Not much scared him, but this guy was an exception.

"Mm," He nodded like he was processing the information then just shoved past Duncan without looking back.

'This day is gonna be hell.' He thought to himself.

He wasn't wrong.

He didn't really check his schedule before school started. That was something he regretted. That action he didn't take resulted in him running back and forth throughout the campus. It made him feel like he was a freshman again. Lost and confused. But the excitement and amusement wasn't part of the experience this time. 

Duncan finally made it to his third class of the day. He already was worn out and was tripping over anything and everything he happened to step on. He made it into the room and was immediately noticed by the professor.

"Hey, you! Late? Sit up here in the front! Don't sit in the way back! Sitting up front is crucial in my class! Next to this young lady right here!" The professor rambled on and on so Duncan just obeyed and went to the front row.

"Duncan?" He heard the girl who he was supposed to sit next to, mumble to herself.

"Ah! You know this boy! That's great! You can help him catch up!" The professor exclaimed, seeming to have heard her too. He clapped his hands happily and gestured for Duncan to take the seat next to her. "Hurry boy! We need to keep going!" He went back to his desk to continue with the presentation he was doing beforehand.

Duncan noticed who the girl next to him was and smirked. "Hey, Princess. You wanna help me?" Then his phone dinged and both the professor and Courtney gave him a glare. He was sure the other students in the class did too but he didn't bother to look at any of them.


Gwen🤡👅🍑🍒: u wanna hang 2day

Duncan💀😈😏: no

Gwen🤡👅🍑🍒: y not

read 1:41

"You helping me? I didn't hear the answer earlier." He wiggled his eyebrows at her and shoved his phone in his pocket.

She rolled her eyes back at him. "That's cause I didn't say anything. But either way, the answer is no."

He just smiled and pulled his notebook and laptop out, to Courtney's surprise.

my internet is poopoo and school sucks. but also the contact name thing on the right is what they put as their own contact. so like that's what duncan put for his contact. and then on the left is what they put as whoever they're texting's contact. the convo from last chap was from courtneys phone so that's her own contact and what she put as their contacts. i also prob made a ton of mistakes so sorry :(
