17. Advancement Manuals

'Profile, is there some sort of glitch in your ability?'

Zeno asks Profile checking out the scrambled status screen. He also notices a sharp decrease of World Energy within his Mindspace.

Apparently his belief that his 'View' skill would not cause much consumption of World Energy was a false call. It seems a lot of Energy is consumed while looking at the status of Higher levelled Advancers which he should have thought of before doing so.

[Viewing the status of higher levelled Advancer can result in such glitched results.]

[User is advised to refrain from doing so since there is a chance for them to detect the user almost instantly.]

Profile' voice rings out in his ears when he notices a large head swooping down from above stopping a few centimetres above him.


Once again, the thundering voice falls upon his ears making his heart beat at an abnormal rate. This wasn't the effect of any skill. It was just the effect of old man Fleming's powerful voice reverberating. Even Paul who was unfazed till now starts to sweat bullets and almost goes down on his knees hearing the voice.

After a few seconds that almost seems like an eternity, Fleming withdraws his gaze and stands up straight facing the double door. Making a firm stand on the ground and tightening his muscles he slams his palms onto the double door pushing it open.


The gigantic double door makes a giant creaking sound causing irritation to everyone who hears it. Looking through the door, a dark large spacious hall which is lighting up automatically could be seen.

After that endeavour, the giant like figure of old man Fleming reduces to normal human size like a deflating balloon.

"That was fun, wasn't it?"

Old man Fleming comments to Adam who just smiles a little bit. Not many know the fact that old man Fleming is the current strongest Advancer within the village. He would be the only one, the military guards could call for help when a threat to the village arises.

"You all have got two hours before this door closes automatically. So take care to not get trapped within it. I won't bother to open it if any of you get trapped."
Saying that, Fleming sits down on the smooth floor in lotus position and falls asleep resting his back on the wall.

Except Zeno and Paul who were unaffected, only a few boys were still awake after the turmoil. Many of the girls who had run away could be seen hiding behind the structures nearby. Seeing that the Giant like Fleming disappeared, the students began to regain their courage and came closer to the building.

'I think it's once again show time.'

Zeno decides to go into the library unperturbed without paying any attention to others.

"What should we do about him?"
Sunny asks Paul about Wayne who is sprawled out on the ground.

"We can't just leave him here. Let's carry him to the shade. If he wakes up, he can join us afterwards. If he can't, we will share with him what we got."

Paul gives his opinion to which Sunny nods. Both of them goes on to carry fat Wayne to a tree shade nearby to leave him there and return.

'It isn't bad for a library in a backwater village, I suppose. I have to say, it is pretty impressive.'

Entering the large hall like room, Zeno is greeted by the grand view of large shelves adorned with multitudes of book at each level. Bright large glowing gemstones attached on the ceiling of each level acted as light sources for reading.

Apparently the lowest level is the most cramped up place since it was packed tight with shelves filling up every crook and corner of the hall. Only one way was there to go upstairs, which was through the steel staircase set up like a long dragon coiling around a support boring through each cloud like levels or storeys.

For someone hailing from the modern civilisation of earth, this sort of layout of the building didn't amuse Zeno at all. However the same couldn't be said for the other children.

Everyone of them who had entered the building except Adam stood flabbergasted by the grand and elegant appearance of the well arranged bookshelves and array of assorted gemstones attached on the ceilings. By the time, they came back to their senses, Zeno had already found the section of shelves containing Advancement techniques from the lot.

'Profile, how many books do you think we will be able to scan in 2 hours time?'


'What's the matter?'

[User currently has 55 energy points left after 'View'ing Mr. Fleming's status.]

[With this amount of World Energy, it is better if User can limit the amount of books he uses the 'Scan' upon based on its rarity and quality.]

'So how much is my energy consumption for scanning one technique manual?'
Zeno asks, bothered as he was planning to Scan all books he could lay his hand upon.

[To Scan a hundred page manual filled with information, User would require about 5 energy points. However, User is advised to Scan technique manuals with too much description or information.]

[A detailed manual containing a large amount of information is suitable for processing and understanding than 10 manuals with less information.]

[As of now, User can Scan about 11 detailed technique manuals, but it is better if User doesn't consume all his Energy Points in one go as User may experience a blackout doing so.]

Zeno was disappointed to know that he could only Scan 10 to 11 manuals out of this treasure trove. Moreover, he didn't know what 10 manuals he should choose out of this collection.

Meanwhile Paul and Sunny had entered the facility and were mesmerised by its appearance. That is when Sunny notices Zeno standing alone between adjacent shelves nodding his head gazing at a fixed space paying attention to no one.

"Is he really alright?"

Sunny asks being a considerate person. Even though he doesn't talk much, he is always considerate of others that he sometimes pulls his attacks a bit during fights.

"Don't worry, he is just a little eccentric, from my personal experience. We shouldn't waste our time and should look for some manuals ourselves." Paul replies casually.

"Which one do we select?" Sunny asks, looking at the whole plethora of books.

"Why don't we seek advice from Sir Adam?" Paul gives his opinion after thinking to himself for a time.

Both of them approach Adam, who is yawning while observing the kids running here and there and copying one or two thin manuals into their notes. He was getting really bored looking at the lot of them. That is when he noticed the duo who is coming towards him.

"How can I help you boys?"

Adam asks being impressed by the camaraderie they showed to their companion a few moments ago. You don't see kindness and responsibility together often these days.

"Sir, can you help us find appropriate Advancement techniques? We don't know which one to select among these."

Even though Paul felt weird calling a kid 2 years older than him Sir, he knew Adam deserved it. During the last Dungeon Break, the whole town had seen him in action.

He single handedly defeated 20 Colossal Red Slimes that had come to attack the village with a single attack. Even though Advancers belonging to higher levels are present in the village, none of them matches up to his skill except for his father Larry who passed away 3 days back.

"Actually, I don't think it matters if you select any of them since all of them are Basic level techniques. Everyone is just as good as other one.

The Principal once mentioned that there are 5 Uncommon techniques hidden between these thousands of book. Even I don't know which of them are those. So just randomly select one technique and copy it for now."

Adam advises the duo when he senses a wave of minute energy flux passing through the whole 1st level of the Library. At first, he panics thinking that it might be some sort of attack from an enemy hiding within.

Then he comes to the realisation that only primary class students are present inside. But even then, none of them can unleash a skill such as this with their current Soul Gift and capability. He had checked everyone's Gift yesterday except for one.

'Could it be Zeno?'

Having such a thought appear in hia mind, Adam activates his movement technique <Fleeting Cloud Steps> and vanishes from his spot like a ghost.

"Wha.. what just happened?"
Sunny asks out aloud frightened seeing Adam vanish like mist. Paul also looks around and notices where he disappeared to. Only the two of them had noticed Sir Adam's disappearance as others were busy trying to copy whatever they got their hands on.

"I think Sir Adam went for something urgent. I guess, we have no choice but to at least try copy one technique before the door closes."

Paul provides his opinion on the matter to which Sunny nods. They both proceed to select the thinnest book out of all of the books and starts to copy it onto their notes.

Adam who had vanished from his spot tracked the source of the wave emitted before and arrives at it swiftly to notice Zeno looking at an empty space while slapping it left and right.

Apparently Zeno had chosen to use his skill <Scanner Vision> to view the status of all books and asked Profile to select the ones with higher rating and lower errors. Even though about 20 energy points were consumed in the process, he was able to find the best technique manuals among this collection of thousands of books.

"Zeno, what were you doing?"
Adam closes in on Zeno from behind trying to scare the crap out of him.

"WOAH.., what's wrong with you?"
Zeno gets alert and almost flips out turning towards Adam.

"What were you doing just now?"

Even though Adam asked that, his eyes were concentrated on Zeno's hands. Seeing that there is no tattoo on Zeno's hands, Adam became sure that Zeno didn't acquire a normal Gift like the rest of the villagers.

"I was just standing here looking at the books thinking about which one to copy."

Zeno replies which wasn't technically wrong. However Adam wasn't an idiot to believe that nonsense.

"Oh! Is that so? So have you decided yet?"

Adam asks trying to maintain the converstion.

"No, I will choose after reading through some of them."

Zeno aswers with a lie. He has already found 5 manuals which is suitable for Scanning from his previous skill usage. But no need to tell things to Adam for now.

"Hmm, I see.
I know I should have asked sooner, but can you tell me about the Soul Gift you have awakened?"

Adam didn't really think of it before, but after the sudden wave of flux, he is really interested to know it.

"How about a no?"
Zeno rejects it without thinking much. Even if Adam is his only relative alive, Zeno doesn't want anyone to know about Profile.

"And why is that?"

"Nothing, just for fun." Zeno replies casually trying to get away from Adam for now.

"If you don't want to talk about it, fine. However, don't use your skills on others if you can't hide it well.

I will leave you alone for now. But don't think this is over. We will talk about this later at home."

Adam gives a warning before once again disappearing from there like a cloud of mist and reappearing back at the entrance of the Library.

"So what was I thinking, before?

Yeah...., the manuals."

After making sure that Adam had left him, Zeno proceeds to collect the 5 top manuals from the position pointed out by Profile before. He once again checks out the statuses of the manuals since he was disturbed before by Adam.

[Book: Purifying Energy Advancement Technique
Rating: Uncommon]

[Book: Flexible Energy Advancement Technique
Rating: Uncommon]

[Book: Stable Energy Advancement Technique
Rating: Uncommon]

[Book: Formless Energy Advancement Technique
Rating: Uncommon]

[Book: Basics of Yogic Energy Breathing Rating: Rare]

Zeno didn't think he would find a Rare technique in the 1st level itself when it should have been on 3rd floor. Either it must be some sort of mistake or maybe left on purpose. Whatever it is, he would accept it with open hands.

He doesn't wait for much longer and uses his 'Scan' skill on the selected 5 manuals. Just when his energy points reduced from 30 points to 5 points, 5 new notifications emerged in front of his eyes.

[<Book: Purifying Energy Advancement Technique> has been added to The Hidden Codex.]

[<Book: Flexible Energy Advancement Technique> has been added to The Hidden Codex.]

[<Book: Stable Energy Advancement Technique> has been added to The Hidden Codex.]

[<Book: Formless Energy Advancement Technique > has been added to The Hidden Codex.]

[<Book: Basics of Yogic Energy Breathing> has been added to The Hidden Codex.]
