The first few recruited members arrived at the facility today. Charles and Erik brought these young talented people from different background and places in the country. Charles instructed Colleen to gather the team in the lounge of the facility that was prepared for the members. He also sent Raven to assist Colleen – which she was gladly willing to do.

Colleen and Raven had a brief conversation about her relationships. "You say that about every guy I dated." Raven grew to be agitated.

"Charles would've said the same thing." Colleen sighed.

"Exactly my problem." She poured herself another glass of cola.

"I'm just saying, he's a scientist and he works for the government. I didn't think he suits your type."

"You don't know Hank." Raven has had it, but she was in the right mind not to argue. "Besides, does Charles know you've been with Magneto?"

"Magneto?" Colleen scoffed. "What is– Really? Magneto?"

In the lounge, it was supposed to be a 'briefing' but Colleen didn't receive any specific instruction of what to tell the new recruited members. All they know is they are working for CIA to stop this bad guy and that's basically it. In the well-lit area, they sat around in a relaxed state, enjoying a few glasses of cola while they get to know each other.

The new members introduced themselves as Alex, Angel, Darwin and Sean. Just a name isn't enough to leave an impression, they thought, so they decided to create their own codenames. Raven was the first one to come up with this idea.

"We're government agents now, we should have a codename." She suggested, placing her empty glass of drink on the coffee table. "I want to be called Mystique." She claimed and then shape shifted into the form of Sean to impress him.

Sean Cassidy, the curly bronze-haired guy applauded along with everyone else, except he was speechless. It was soon his turn. He quickly decided, "I'm going to be Banshee."

Hank didn't get the idea, "Why do you want to be named after a wailing spirit?" Simply, because it suits his mutation that allows him to scream at a sonic level, shattering the glass window when he attempted to show off.

Next was Alex Summers, he has the ability to fire plasma discs from his body. He was actually an inmate from a maximum security state prison. When he was asked what he did to get in there, he said it was too personal and he would rather talk about codenames.

When he was told to show off what he can do, he did so much more than the damage already done by the Banshee. The fiery red plasma discs that he shot out uncontrollably, sliced a metal statue in half. In a normal situation, a mutant without full control of their mutation can be a danger to others – even himself – but the night is early and the youngsters are too young to care.

They decided Alex's codename should be Havok. Coming up with these creative codenames was fascinating. However, some of them didn't have to think so hard because their mutations already fit their names – like Angel, who has a pair of insect-like wings and flight abilities, also Darwin, whose mutation offers him instant adaptation to any surrounding. "Adapt to survive and all," he quoted.

"What about you?" Hank pointed at Colleen. "A double degree in Biology and Plant Studies. I bet your mutation is super-smart." He cracked a joke. He must have known this from Raven.

Raven commented, "Kind of like you." She giggled playfully, bashing an eyelash for a second.

"No, it's not really," Colleen replied with sass. "But I can do this." She got up from her seat and walked towards where the large glass window was before it shattered.

Outside the window was the facility garden, perfect for Colleen to be able to use her gifts. The garden was neatly decorated with beautiful plants and a large figure statue that stood in the center – now split in half by Havok. Her mutated senses captured some type of crawling plants underneath the statue.

She levitated her hand in mid-air. The motion was followed by vines that grow quickly, circling around the metal statue. Everyone watched and applauded in awe – Raven, especially. She was cheering, even begging for more after Colleen finished her stunt.

Havok was standing from his seat, stunned by what he witnessed. "You control plants?"

His question was answered by Raven, "Not only that, she can communicate with plants." She bragged about Colleen – the only female figure that mattered in her life. Raven pointed at her. "We should call you Chloris."

"The goddess of nature?" Colleen guessed as she placed her fists on her waist.

"That suits." Hank commented. Everyone chimed in with the same opinion.

Finally, Colleen decided it was the perfect name. She picked up her glass from the coffee table and raised it as she said, "Awesome. Let's cheers. Here's to everything we are. Mutant and proud!"

The team members gathered their glasses and clinked them together in a perfect union. Raven's smile faded as she heard of those last three words. As her smile vanished, appeared her insecurity. Visible like sun in the light of the day. It was a view that truly broke Colleen's heart when she noticed.

Raven felt better now that she's among friends, but it doesn't stop the thoughts from killing her. With practice comes perfection in hiding that insecurity, while the youth-driven youngsters kept the party going. They poured more drinks and turned the music louder that the entire facility heard the thumping bass.

Eventually, they came up with a name for Charles and Erik and decided to call them Professor X and Magneto. Agent Moira MacTaggert, who had just returned from duty, with Charles and Erik by her side, was not amused.

Instead of getting a glad reaction, they ended up getting scolded for the damage they have done while showing off their powers – especially the statue that Havok destroyed – leaving a clear impression that they are not ready for Shaw.

Colleen tried to stand up for the team, but Charles can't afford any time for mistakes right now. He had to rebuke her sternly. "Shaw has a plan and he is heading to Russia to locate their missiles right now."

In a two-inches heels, she tried to keep up with his pace, but clearly, he wasn't in the mood for negotiation, "Charles, wait. They're just kids. You know that."

"I know and I expect better." Charles asserted firmly. "My decision is clear, we will find Shaw without any of you until you are all prepared." He marched off rapidly following Moira's track. Erik was behind them, saying nothing but secretly confirms Charles's decision. He had always thought the youngsters were not a match for a monster like Shaw.
