introduction! 104th cadet corps




''shouting/narration/titan talking''

''super moves/deity talking

3rd pov

we cut to ikari who has been accepted into the 104th cadet he met up with Sammy on the way there and is currently watching commandant shadis intimidate the new cadets "hey mop top" Keith shouted at Armin "sir!" Armin replied "what do they call you maggot" Keith said to Armin trying to intimidate him " Armin Arlert from shiganshina sir" he said back shadis "wow seriously why would your parents curse you with such a dumb name" Keith said to Armin who was very intimidated "it was my grandfather sir" he replied "cadet arlert why is a runt like you here!" Keith said to Armin  "to help humanity overcome the titans" he replied "that is delightful to hear your gonna be a great light snack for'em row about face runt" he said as he grabbed his head and turned him around to looked behind himself "what do you call yourself" he said to another cadet "sir! my name Thomas Wagner i'm from the trost district" he replied to shadis "i can't hear you" he shouted his voice faded into the background as 2 senior officers were seen walking up the side  of cadets "look at him go, the man is a master when it comes to fresh faced recruits" older officer said as the younger one said "that's takes me back" we cut to shadis intimidating a another cadet saying "is pathetic worm like you the best Karanes has to offer" he shouts at the cadet "sir! i'm afraid that's the case sir!" we cut back to the 2 officers, the younger one says "but what's the point of all the intimidation" the older one replies with "it's a right of passage through stress and dedigration we revert them back into blank slates from there we can mould them bit by bit into proper soldiers, he is the 1st step in that process" we then suddenly cut back to the commandant and another cadet in the middle of the cadet talking "we seem to really excel in that back home sir!" the cadet finished "row 4 about face" shadis said but doesn't say anything to couple of the cadets as the younger officer "there some he's passing by" the younger officer said in confusion the older one replies with "a drill instructor is nothing compared to what those recruits have seen they were there witnesses to the hell of the titan attack 2 years ago you can read it in there faces, come on let's go" he says at the end as he and younger officer as he and the other officer leave the area "what do we have over here" shadis says to another recruit "jean Kirstein sir! from the trost district" jean says to shadis "and why are you here cadet" shadis asked jean "tto join the military police sir! the best of the best" jean stuttering at first but replied still "that's nice you wanna live in the interior do ya" shadis says "yes" jean replied before being suddenly headbutted by shadis "no one told you to sit recruit" as jean was on the ground shadis said "if you can't handle this Kirstein then forget about joining the military police" shadis then walked over to another cadet while he said "what the hell is wrong with your face you smiling idiot" the recruit replied with "Marco bodt at your service sir! from Jinae south side of wall rose i aim to join the military police and give life and limb in service to king" after hearing that shadis replied "well then that makes you idealistic fool and a rube, you want the truth, the only use the king has for your life and limbs are as titan fodder" he finished as he looked to the side he saw another recruit "hey cue ball your up next" shadis said "oh me, sir! Connie springer from Ragako village sir!" Connie said as he saluted backwards "you have it backwards Connie springer that was the first thing you were taught, this salute represents the resolve in your heart to fight those bent on the systematic destruction of our people is your heart on your side" shadis said as he picked up Connie by his head when he suddenly heard munching he looked to his side he saw someone eating a potato "hey you there what do think your doing" he said looking at the girl who was munching on the potato and walked towards her, as the girl looked around to see if she was the one he was talking to  "you are official on my shit list just who in the hell are you" shadis shouted at the girl who began chewing faster and as she swallowed replied with "sasha braus from Dauper village at your service reporting for duty sir!" shadis asked "sasha braus huh and what is that in your clutching in your right hand" sasha replied with "a steamed potato it sat there in the mess hall begging to be eaten sir! " shadis then said "the theft i understand but here why eat it here of all places" sasha replied again with "it looked quite delicious and it was getting cold so i gave it shelter in my stomach sir!" shadis than replied in deathly cold tone "why, i can't comprehend why would you eat that potato" sasha than replied with confusion in her voice "are you asking me why people eat potatoes i'm surprised you don't no sir, here sir! have half" shadis then said " have half really" sasha than smiled sheepishly all of sudden Sammy bursts out laughing "ahhah my sides huhha i can't breathe" as ikari looked shocked he whispered to Sammy "psh Sammy shut up your gonna get us in trouble" sammy then replied with "oh relax it's not like he will send us home" as she turned around to see shadis  "oh fiddlesticks"
