Chapter 11

Translator: Effe and Nabi


Chapter 11

Brielle's third birthday has arrived.

This birthday party was held on a larger scale than before. They decided to invite all the important people in the capital and distribute bread for the poor commoners.

Marie looked at the finished party hall with Brielle with a deeply moved expression.

"Young Master, can you see it?"

Nobles had yet to arrive, but there were a fancy chandelier and a chocolate fountain for children in the center, and musicians were also seen preparing musical instruments.

Unlike Brielle's birthday so far, this birthday had a special meaning. It was to officially reveal that Brielle was the successor to the Count by holding a fancy party.

The nobles did not know that the young count would not get married and officially put his nephew in the first line of the succession, so the social world was disturbed for a while.

There were no nobles who would easily marry their daughters to the count because the children born of their daughters would not be the successors.
[ T/N: Get away, Brielle's uncle is for Marie only XD ]

Even though it is the chancellor who has risen to the best position, it has become difficult to obtain a reliable wife, so there are many words that he will regret it in the future.

However, when the Count heard such words, he laughed at those who thought it was pathetic.


Brielle's uncle and Chancellor of this kingdom, Kentrail Charant, was emotionless and cold on the outside, contrary to Marie and Brielle's perspective.

He often avoided everyone's gaze with his cool glance, where his unique emotions were never revealed.

In addition, shortly after he became the chancellor, Kentrail captured those who had stolen from the Government Treasury and further made him regarded as cold-hearted.

Kentrail told those who visited the palace, declaring that he had done nothing wrong.

"One last thing, I came here to save the Royal family's finances in this way. I think the treasury was almost used to fill the allowances."

That's all Kentrail said when he pulled out a double accounting ledger.

"I think he looks like he earned a living."

As if possessed by the appearance of Kentrail, a noble lady covered her face with a fan and said to the person next to her.

"What he does and the things he says doesn't seem to match."

One of the nobles, who was listening, shook his head and spoke.

"If you work together with him, you'll know."

Not long ago, he applied for a job to work under the Count, but everyone thought he was a fool because he had no work brain, and Kentrail had picked the wrong person.

Except for him.

The people next to him shook their heads at his words and turned their gaze back to the stairs where the Count would descend. There was still some time left until the scheduled time for the party, so everyone was waiting for the protagonist.

"By the way, has anyone actually seen Brielle?"

They were all curious. Since the Count's appearance was handsome and his brother, Kranteil, was also quite good-looking. So, Brielle's appearance was expected to be striking as well.

"Since that happened..."

It said that Brielle's father, Kranteil, and his wife, died in an accident.

"It was a pity."

They suddenly turned away when they realized that the sudden heavy atmosphere wasn't suitable for Brielle's birthday.


When the musicians finally began to orchestrate, Kentrail came in with Brielle.

Since the banquet was held in a banquet hall prepared within the mansion, the child was supposed to appear on this floor.

As Brielle finally climbed up the stairs and reached the ground, he noticed that Marie was checking her clothes.

Kentrail offered her to join the party with her siblings, but she rejected. When he made Brielle's clothes, he thought it was because of her clothes, so he wanted to order one for her, but still, she shook her head.

It seemed like he knew why, so he couldn't recommend more.

'Until this time, she was the person who took care of the child more carefully than anyone else, but I never really said a word of gratitude.'

He thought that at the end of the party today, he should convey his gratitude to her.


At that time, Brielle had found Kentrail, he greeted with a pretty smile.

"I think you're ready, but you're not nervous?"

"Yes, I'm not nervous."

A few months ago, Brielle, who was anxious about the number of people who would be around him, fortunately, feeling a lot better.

"Shall we go now?"

As he held the hand of the child who nodded his head, Brielle tilted his head as if seeing something strange, pointed at his nanny, and asked.

"How about Marie?"

Kentrail turned his gaze at Brielle's words and looked at Marie. Rarely did a child appear at a noble's birthday party holding his nanny's hand, but he suggested it to her.

"Let's go together."

"Me, too?"

Marie was embarrassed. She refused to attend the party, so she didn't know he was going to ask her to go with him now.

She fell into this world one day, but suddenly, she knew common sense. Which nobleman would take the hand of the nanny and appear on such an important day.

"I'm fine. You two go out together."

Brielle looked into Marie's eyes. The child was wondering if she would be in trouble if he stubbornly asked her to go with him now.

Brielle soon understood her feelings.

Marie gently stroked Brielle's head. "I'll go with you next time."

As she stared with her eyes, which seemed to know all of Brielle's heart, she forced the child to turn.

"Then, master, please do well and come back."

Marie watched Brielle take Kentrail's hand and went down.


People were amazed. The child dressed in a white tailcoat had clear eyes that seemed to reflect faces that were looking at him, and a soft face like dough, lovely cheeks, his hair reflected in the light seemed to be sprinkled with fine gold powder.

If he had wings, it seemed he would be flying elsewhere.

Brielle flinched the moment when people's gazes stood out, but as he held his uncle's warm hand, he quickly smiled and bravely looked at everyone.


Marie looked at the figures from this floor and smiled bitterly.

Brielle and the Count's appearance was radiant. She felt anxious about whether she would have a place to stand, but she was feeling satisfied now. Marie soon erased the bitter smile and looked at Brielle once more before looking up at the ceiling.

Looking at that shining chandelier, she suddenly remembered before she came here.

Having lived for twenty-five years in her previous life, she always wanted to visit a place like this in a gorgeous dress. Even though she wasn't in the dress she dreamed of then, she didn't know she would achieve it here.

Marie rejected the Count's offer because she wanted to live a life that fits the purpose of entering the world. The role she was given right now was not to dress up in such fancy clothes and attend a party but to raise Brielle safely. So, she was satisfied with this much.

'If there weren't any traffic accidents that day, I wouldn't be here now.'

A traffic accident took place on her way to the daycare center after taking all the children. The driver, who couldn't see the car suddenly cut in front of theirs, had an accident.

She was reading this very novel on her cell phone before that happened.

The dizzying sensations that she felt on her body came to mind on rainy days, like some sort of aftereffect.

Marie turned her gaze again, and this time, staring at the Count.

If she hadn't gotten into this body, she would say that by, now she would have destroyed the Kingdom.

Marie knew. Brielle's parents were not accidentally killed, and even the Count's father was killed by someone on purpose.

It was in the prologue of the novel that the dark hand tried reaching Brielle through Marie.

She continued to think, waving her hand to Brielle, who waved his hand at hers from below.

'So, I don't know the killer.'

That was what she was most, unfortunately, anticipated when she opened her eyes here.


It turns out that Brielle's temperament is similar to his uncle's. Not long after the party started, the children around him made him frustrated, so he was looking for a hole to escape.

As he rolled his eyes, he stared at Jayden, who thought the same thing as himself.

At first, the two felt quite awkward, not even remembering why they had fought before, but like children, they quickly resolved their awkwardness and reconciled.

Brielle and Jaden ran away while the other children's eyes were distracted by a chocolate fountain. Their destination was Brielle's room.

The Count, who did not know the child's heart, hosted the party by himself, and the parenting diary of Brielle's thirty-sixth month ended.


In the hall where the silence fell, Marie was sitting on the stairs.

It was because after she put Brielle to sleep, she could not fall asleep again. Marie took a bottle of wine from the kitchen and returned to the place where the party had been held.

"You look exhausted."

And another person who couldn't sleep visited this place.


"It's cold, but you come out in that outfit?"

After looking at Marie's sheer dress, he finally handed over the robe he was wearing.

"You didn't listen when I told you."

He referred to when they were eating out before, walking around in thin clothes.


As she smiled lightly, indicating she was drunk from the wine she had been drinking, readily accepted the robe.

"Do you sit alone and drink in a place with so many stairs?"

His speech was blunt, but in his words had a hint of worry towards Marie.

"I'm good with drinking."

That was true. However, that was in the previous life.

Since she became Marie, she has been taking care of Brielle and had never drank, so she mistakenly thought that she would be fine.

"Yeah. you look capable."

He sat next to Marie.



He looked back at Marie calling him, raising her voice. Kranteil wondered whether she was initially like this.

"Keep your promise."


He asked as he watched her hold out her pinky.

"Young Master Brielle."

As Marie said that, she recalled the appearance of the Count changing from how he was before when Brielle died.

He hugged his nephew's body and cut a knife mark on that pale cheek to declare his determination.

'He pledged his revenge, while grievously sorrowful. His once neatly arranged hair hadn't been cut and became unrecognizably long. In the chilling atmosphere, even the subordinates under him wouldn't dare to approach him.'

It was a sight that she can't imagine now.

Marie was saying that in case, worrying that the dark hand might reach Brielle again. On the other hand, Kranteil thought it was just because she was worried about the child as a nanny, just like the last time.

"Of course."

"Oh, seriously. We really have to protect the young master. Even at this moment, we don't know if someone is aiming for the Count."

"Yes, probably."

Having many enemies, Kentrail, replied with a bitter smile.

"Then, promise. Hold out your hand. Hurry up."

He didn't want to do anything against a drunk person, so he stamped out his hand.

"Thank you."

And he talked about his own feelings.

'Thank you for thinking of only Brielle even when you were drunk. If I were alone, it would have been difficult to raise a child like this, but thank you for being by my side.'

Without saying anything afterward.
