Tomorrow is the big day but still Taehyung and Jungkook are wide awake. They have these beliefs that the couple that is going to get married shouldn't see each other the day before or else the marriage or the wedding will bring bad luck for them but Jungkook doesn't care, he wants to be with Taehyung though the latter didn't agree with him

Taehyung strictly follows the traditions.. she spent a day inside her room the house Jeon's let them use while staying in Busan. Jungkook has been calling and messaging her at least to have some time with him, he sent a message that he's on his way to get her but she didn't come out of her room

Jungkook even thought of video calling her but Taehyung didn't answer it. She laughs when her phone beside her rings

"Kookie, why are you calling me?"
She asks sitting on the floor leaning her back against the door. She pick up the phone looking at the screen. Jungkook requesting a video call

"I want to see you love" Jungkook answer behind it leaning his back against the door too

"No. We supposed to not see each other" she giggles and reject the call

"But love, is it counted? I mean we will see each other through the screen, I can't hold you still"

"Yes it is.. the rules is not to see each other, I won't let you see me until tomorrow" she teases laughing at him

Jungkook pouts and put down his phone facing the door

"Alright... Damned this,.. what would might happen that is not according to plan? I will marry you whatever happens"

He leans his forehead to the door throwing a tantrum

Jungkook was forced to talk to her behind closed doors, Taehyung made him understand that there is nothing wrong if they follow it just to make sure till Jungkook is satisfied and spent the day outside her room just to talk to here without seeing her till it's time to go home

Mrs. Jeon laughs seeing her son in law  finally get up from the floor to take his leave.. Taehyung needs to have dinner with her parents but she can't get out of the room worrying that Jungkook might see him

"I've told you, you get through the day without seeing her" Mrs. Kim says cupping his face

"You're going to see her tomorrow, I'll wake her up early to get prepared, she will be your wife"  she runs a hand on his back smiling at him

Jungkook nods and hugs her mother in law

"yeah, I survived it, I guess"
He squeezed her lightly

Jungkook takes his leave saying 'see you tomorrow'

Taehyung steps outside the room looking around making sure Jungkook is truly left after she hears his car outside going away

His dad walks in the dining room seeing her daughter looking outside the window

"What are you doing?"
He says that makes her flinch

"Nothing dad... Actually I'm starving. Let's eat! Where's Mom?"

"she'll come"

"let's eat! I'm starving.. " Mrs. Kim says walking in and starts to get some plate

They take their dinner laughing, talking about how cute Jungkook is sitting facing the floor while talking to  her

"I'm so excited for tomorrow I think I couldn't sleep"
Taehyung says quietly before kissing goodnight her parents


Taehyung hits her bed and sleeps, she sleeps light because she's feeling nervous and excited for tomorrow, she wakes up every 2 hours as if her body is set waiting for a particular time to get up.. she knows she needs rest to look beautiful in her gown till she opens her eyes seeing the sunshines starting rise through her window

She hastily get up and take a shower when she feels her hunger, she puts on a robe and get in the kitchen to have something to eat

Her Mom walks in seeing her daughter making some hot chocolate. She kissed her good morning

"You wake up earlier than I thought"

Taehyung nods giggling to her

"Actually I didn't have a good night's sleep, It's like I'm waiting to finally get up"

"it's natural... Your body knows there is something wonderful waiting for you so you can't wait anymore till it's time to make it happen"

"I still can't believe I'm going to marry him" she got her mug holding it with both hands feeling the warmth of it

"Yeah.. my baby is going to be all grown up now, I don't know what I must feel when I see you finally on your white dress"

Taehyung put down her mug and goes to her, hugging her tight.. they both got teary when her dad walks in. They both turn their head looking at him when Mr. Kim raises his hands like he gives up, stopping himself to walk further

Just to see his wife and daughter has unshed tears is enough warning for him. The mother and daughter laughs seeing his face like he's totally done with it

"I wouldn't dare to join... I'm done with all your crying last night sweetheart!" He points at his wife

The laughs gets louder till they both wiping their tears..


They just finished eating breakfast when someone knocks on the door.. Mr. Kim opens it welcoming the makeup artist to help them get prepared

"good morning.." they greet bowing their heads to an older man

"Welcome.. is it time?"

"Yes sir.. we have a lot to do"

Taehyung walks to the living room still wearing a robe after she got another shower

"Is it too early?" She asks but the crew is ready, the living room becomes a dressing room in a snap, they move fast to set up the make up and all their equipment in the table and pull a chair to make her seat

"No ma'am.. we have a lot of things to do and before you know it. It's time!"

All got busy, Taehyung watches herself transforming. She got her hair set up in a curl while they start to put her makeup, the other woman unrolling the curls then pushing it ends to adds some volume to her hair

Taehyung enjoys watching their moves till they finish fixing her. She feels like they fixed her

"It's time for the wedding dress ma'am"

The lady says softly taking her out of her trance. She's looking her reflection through the mirror and she can't believe what she looks like

"Yeah of course.."

"We still have two hours.. we have to reach the ancestral house before 4pm"  one of them reminds

Taehyung looks at the clock, she can't believe she spent 5hours sitting on the chair just watching them doing their magic on her. Another girl comes with her on her room to help her wear the gown, the hair and makeup shouldn't be mess up

The lady carefully moves her hands till she's zipping her up and releases a gasps covering her lips

"You look like an angel ma'am... Oh no you making me cry! You're so beautiful Ms. Kim"

"thank you" Taehyung blushes hearing the praises. She turn around to see herself in the mirror. She runs a hand to touch the fabric against her palm making sure she's truly wearing it.. she can't believe this is happening

"you make me look amazing"
even herself can't believe it's her she's seeing

Her mother walked in to check her but didn't expect what she would see, she take a step closer till she hears her Mom

"oh My God!" She says that it makes her turn to look at her, her dad hears her and walks in to see what's happening

"My baby"
Mr. Kim comes forward to hug her first leaving her Mom still standing there watching the father and daughter embracing each other

"I know I have to schedule my tears! My make up will be ruined!" Her mother says turning back at the door. The lady guides her to sit down and do a retouch smiling at her


"Is she here?"
Jungkook didn't know how many times he asked that. Yoongi gives him the look

"No, not yet!"

Jungkook walks back and forth in his huge bedroom stretching his white tux after squeezing his hand. He spent the night in their ancestral house to get ready for the preparation

"How can you tell me she's not here yet? You're not going out to look for her"

"I know because Jimin is still not here... Yet"

"And Jinah"  he adds and turns back his attention to his phone

"you're really doing this to me?" Jungkook stops infront of him

"I'm not doing this to you, you're the one wants to get married" Yoongi smirks teasing his best friend

"I'm the one going to check her!"

Yoongi stand fast to block his way to the door

"no you're not! You're staying here with me till your coordinator tells you to get your ass out there"

"then check them out for me!" He groans. He wants to run a hand on his head but remembers his hair dresser. The older lady warned him, it was already set and she fixed it for the 2nd time.. it takes time to fix it again

Jinah opens the door to greet the groom, Yoongi automatically smiles seeing her, they had a couple of date and they become close but stay friends

Jungkook watch his best friend looking like a deer caught in a headlight and nudges his shoulder

"Congratulations Jungkook" Jinah says walking towards him with open arms. JK smiles and hugs her back

"You came with Tae right?"

He pull back and Yoongi stand beside her

"Yeah, she's here... She's in the other room"
Jimin walks in greeting Jungkook with high pitch

"Jeon Jungkook! Congratulations!"
They all look at him with raise eyebrows

"Why are you shouting?"

Jimin throw a playful punch on his shoulders and laughs

"Damned it Jeon Jungkook! My best friend is so.... So beautiful! She's ravishing!!"

"Now I want to see her!"
He makes way to the door again but Yoongi and Jimin holds him in place

"Let go of me! It's unfair! They all see her already but not me?! Why you're so good at holding me back! I just need to take one more step to the door!"

The door opens seeing the best man with the man of honor holding the groom in both arms

"What's happening?"
Mrs. Jeon asks with her dad standing behind her

"You think this the best time to play football?" His dad says

"Fix yourself Jungkook!?"
She comes to him to straighten his suit

"Now I'm having second thoughts if he's ready to settle down"
His dad teases but Jungkook got worried

"I should tell Taehyung that you're not ready" he moves to the door but Jungkook blocks his way leaning his back to it


"Your father is just kidding! As if you didn't know him" Mrs. Jeon laughs

The door pushed open again making Jungkook leans to his dad. The coordinator peeks out looking around

"It's time sir"

"Finally!" Jungkook walks ahead of them following the coordinator through the garden. He looks around hoping he will see her but no.. even her parents are not in sight. Jimin take turns opening a door to the other side. He needs to be with the bride


The ancestral house is isolated having a big garden at the back of it with a view of the ocean. The house is on the hills almost at the cliffs

The coordinator lines up the people that have a participation to start the wedding march then goes inside to get the bride after she signals the band to start singing playing the wedding song the couple personally choose

Jungkook stand at the aisle beside Yoongi stretching his neck to have a glimpse of his bride but it's no use. The one decorates the garden makes a huge arch with a curtain shielding the on that stand behind it

Taehyung composed herself though the only thing she can hear is the beats of her heart.. she gets a good grip on her bouquet. Jimin had his walk through the aisle after her parents

The coordinator pulls a string to make way for the bride... All is waiting what she looks like.. she's focused on her step through the carpet beneath her shoes looking straight to the altar when Jungkook is waiting for her

She hears praises but no one can beats Joelle. She shouts telling how beautiful she is till Mike pulls her to his side and covers her mouth with his hand smiling to anyone near them

"sorry.." he says. Taehyung giggles at them

She looks ahead again seeing how big Jungkook smiles with glossy eyes, her Mom and dad join her in the middle till they reach Jungkook

Her dad makes her hand hook at his arms while her Mom still fixes her long veil

"Son, I'm entrusting you my daughter" Mr. Kim got teary giving her daughter's hand to Jungkook. The groom takes her hand carefully holding it with so much love

"Thank you Dad"

Taehyung has glossy eyes watching the two important men in her life. Her Mom kisses her in both cheeks smiling but already crying then looks at the groom

"You take care of her son.. you both take care of each other" she whispers. Mr. Kim takes a hold of his wife even before she breaks down. He chuckles and starts to get in their place on the front seat

The bride and groom take a stand infront of the priest.. they look so happy feeling they both floating at the clouds. They both didn't take their eyes off to each other.. none of them wanted to miss anything. The way they smile, giggle or laugh to make it engrave in their memory

They did what they've been told, speaks after the priest then says a promise to each other to stay in love, care and stay strong together till it's time for the ring

The ring bearer which is his cousin's son walks to them with heart shaped pillow. They both took the ring and put it carefully on each others ring finger

Jungkook leans wanting to kiss her right away when he hears the priest fake cough

Jungkook look at him waiting

The priest smiles
"You're not that eager to finish this aren't you?"

"Please father?"

The priest nods smiling at them

"You may kiss your wife"

Jungkook is fast to hold her in the waist pulling her to him and capture her lips

Taehyung gasp but it got swallowed by his lips, her hands on his chest pushing him a little.. she needs to breathe

"They didn't give me enough time to praise you, to tell you how beautiful you are in white"
Jungkook whispers to her lips

Their guests comes forward to congratulates them wishing them happily till their parents make way to greet their child

Jungkook is being pulled by his dad hugging his son

"I'm so happy for you son"

"I'm happy too Dad"

Taehyung hugs her parents. Her mom's still crying

"Mommy" she wipes her tears

"You making me cry up too"

"I'm just so happy for you baby!" She caresses her face and hugs her again

"You're not allowed to cry, don't ruin your makeup"
Her Mom says pulling back and stops crying


They start the party, taking pictures here and there with their brides maid and friends, relatives and godparents. All is just happy laughing till it's time to go home

Jimin takes his leave after he makes sure the bride is all good. Jinah and Yoongi both leave holding hands same with Joelle and Mike

Jungkook opens the door of the car for her till they both realize they are in the hotel suites having a 3 days 2 nights stay in one of 5 star hotels in Busan gifted from their godfathers. Jungkook didn't leave her waist till he have to open the door

"Should I carry you upon entering?"
He asks pulling her to him. Taehyung leans to his chest

"I think that is what they do when it's their house they were entering?" Taehyung laughs


Jungkook captures her lips again walking inside then kicks the door close

Clothes thrown everywhere planning to spend their first night devouring each other. Taehyung is the first one lose consciousness, Jungkook has more stamina than she thinks

It's been a while till Jungkook hears her soft snores thinking she's sleeping deeply. He pulls her to him makes her comfortable snuggling, hands on his waist. He kisses her forehead, caressing her hair

The feeling is so overwhelming till he felt a tear roll down his cheeks

"I love you so much wifey" he whisper softly. Taehyung holds on him tightens. She opens her eyes but not fully and response to him

"I love you so much hubby"


