I back up onto a wall behind me, staring into the eyes of God knows what. I move my hand over and feel something beside me. A metal pole of some sort. I grasp it firmly and swing it at the thing in front of me. The pole hits the creature, causing a loud noise to sound all throughout the room. The creature yelps as it gets thrown back a little, and it starts to whine. I quickly back away from it and search the dark room for a flashlight or something, moving my hands across what feel like boxes and tables. Eventually I feel a tube like thing that thankfully turns out to be a  flash light! I quickly turn it on and point it at the creature to see what it is.

the light shines on the creature and my fear almost disappears as I see it's a little Snow Leopard, as scared and afraid as me. He has his paw on his cheek, holding the spot where I hit him. He looks at me with watery eyes, and makes soft whimpers. Seeing him like this sends a wave of guilt over me. I place my flashlight on the ground, having it point up to the roof so it lights up the room better. I slowly walk to him, getting on my knees a little, and try to show him that I'm sorry. 

He backs up from me and whines, still afraid of me, which makes me feel even more guilty. I look at the pole for a bit, and then I get an idea. I slowly put the pole down in front of me, and roll it over to him. The pole bumps onto his feet. He looks down at it and then back up to me, tilting his head slightly. I look at him, and give him an innocent smile while saying: "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you ok?" He seems to calm down as I speak in a calm voice, and he slowly crawls over to me. As he does I see he isn't so little, and is actually pretty big. When he gets close to me he sits down and looks at me. We both sit there, eye to eye, front to front. Eventually I slowly reach out my hand to him, attempting to stroke his sore cheek. He moves his head back, still a little unsure of me, but eventually decides to let me touch him.

He leans forward and I place my hand on his cheek. I softly stroke it and he begins to purr and lean into me. "Heheh, like that huh?" I say to him, finding his reaction cute. He nods slightly and looks at me, his big cat eyes shining in the light of the flashlight. I eventually take my hand away, and try to see if he can help me get out of here. "Do you think you can show me how to get out of here?" I ask him. He looks at me for a moment before then understanding what I mean. He gives me a kind smile and nods his head. I give him a smile back and say: "Great! Lead the way please." We get up and the Snow Leopard starts to walk down into a dark hallway. I quickly grab the flashlight and follow him.
