The Huge Vortex Of Whatever

(Link joined the meeting)

Link: Uh guys?

Link: Summoneveryone

Daruk: What up guy

Fatespeaker: Got any walrus?

Link: A huge threat appeared.

Urbosa: What is it?

Link: The Huge Vortex Of Whatever! It's sending out a virus of Whatever-itis. When you get sick with it, you say whatever a lot!

Thunder: Whatever.

(Thunder disconnected cause he got Whatever-itis)

Link: And you disconnect from anything.

Mipha: No one says W*******

Purah: Whatever.

(Purah Disconnected)

Impa: The virus is spreading!

Zelda: It is?

Revali: Yeah whatever.

(Revali disconnected)

Fatespeaker: I'm kinda glad he's gone.

Impa: Whatever.

(Impa Disconnected)

Robbie: This is so tense right? Uh... no one answered that.

Fatespeaker: Whatever.

(Fatespeaker disconnected)

Link: Hold your breath everybody.

Urbosa: What-

Link: I'll catch you there.

Robbie: Whatever.

(Robbie disconnected)

Link: Who's left?

Zelda: Me

Mipha: Me.

Urbosa: Me

Daruk: Me

MimicMarco: Me

Guardigood: Me

Riju: Me

Yunobo: Whatever

(Yunobo disconnected)

Teba: Me

Sidon: Whatever

(Sidon disconnected)

Daruk: Hey Teba mind making me some ice cream in the cold area?

Teba: Whatever

(Teba Disconnected)

Zelda: Who's gonna get it next? So tense.

Daruk: I think me.

Zelda: Why?

Daruk: cause whatever.

(Daruk Disconnected)


Zelda: Why are you saying eek?

Urbosa: I dunno

Zelda: Whatever.

(Zelda disconnected)

Riju: Whatever.

(Riju disconnected)

Urbosa: I wanna see what its like

Urbosa: Whatever.

(Urbosa Disconnected)

Mipha: Who's left

MimicMarco: Me

Link: Me

Guardigood: Whatever

(Guardigood Short Circuited)

MimicMarco: Uh Oh.

MimicMarco: Whaddya thinks gonna happen?

Mipha: I dunno

MimicMarco: Whatever.

(MimicMarco disconnected

Mipha: Whatever. AHH NOOO

(Mipha disconnected)


(Link disconnected)


(The Virus went away.)
