
HI readers....I'M sorry for being late but was really occupied so couldn't update soon....And this part is please excuse me if you find any errors.....


Khushi's Pov:

"Nani we'll change and come in a while. Common Shona." Aru asked me to tag along.

"Nahi you go I'm very hungry. I'll have something then change." Saying so I shooed him away and joined Nani and others to have tea.

Me, Nani & NK were having gala time doing 'Chai pe charcha' discussing about serious agenda i.e. to find NK's perfect bride. We were pestering NK to reveal his expectations regarding his 'sapno ki rani' (dream girl), while he blushed all pink and averted his gaze shying like a girl.

"Oh common NK! Stop shying like a girl... aab humse kya sharmana?(why shying away from us) tell us about your dream girl." I urged him taking another bite of cookie after gulping yet another sip of my green tea. And he turned deep red again at my statement making us roll our eyes. Oh god he befell Akash in matter of shyness. We were still giggling at his reaction when all of a sudden, I felt some weird and uneasy kind of feeling surpassing through me which soon led to suffocation, I felt as though air was being squeezed out of my lungs forcefully. I could hear Nani and Mami's alarmed shrieks in background asking me if I'm fine but nothing caught my attention, soon I felt Aru yelling my name and rubbing my palms & back to ease me but nothing worked, what's happening to me? Why I'm not able to reply to their concerned yells?? I was trying hard to gasp breath but it was proving out to be a herculean task and soon darkness engulfed me.

Arnav's Pov:

Land got snatched beneath my feet when NK told me Khushi was struggling to breathe, dropping everything from my hand I ran down like a manic to know what happened to Shona? As I reached I found Nani & Mami where trying to feed her water to ease her down who was gasping hard to breathe. I started to rub her palms & back to ease her, "Shona!!! What's happening to you? Say something dammit, are you fine?" I cried out but got no reply from her end, in no time I realized she had fainted. Scooping her inert body in my arms I ran out yelling at NK to start the car.


Soon they reached Fortis Hospital and Arnav rushed in with Khushi still in his arms while NK went to Park the car. She was rushed to emergency room and Arnav was asked to stay behind who was busy arguing with Doctor to let him in near his Shona. That's how NK found him, coming near he tried convincing Arnav while Doctor made his way inside ER.

It had been almost 30 min since Khushi was taken to ER and Arnav was pacing around the Corridor waiting for Doctor extremely tensed and NK was standing in a corner watching him helplessly. Their wait ended soon as Doctor emerged out from ER and both rushed towards him immediately.

"Doctor is my wife fine? What happened to her? Nothing serious right? Can I meet her now?" he showered questions in one go.

"Relax Mr Raizada, take a breath. Coming to your Wife she is fine now but  asleep due to sedatives effect, you can meet her in a while and do take good care of her cause she had a severe attack so needs atleast 3-4 days of complete rest that's it. I'll send word to you as soon as her report arrives will brief you about her routine." Dr Shah replied.

"But doc what's the reason for her condition?" Arnav asked.

"Can't say accurately Mr Raizada. But I'm assuming that she had consumed something allergic which led to this. Will conform only after going through her reports." With that Dr took his leave form there.

"But Nannav Khushiji never had anything apart from green tea and cookies, infact we all had those cookies but nothing happened to us so they cant be toxic. Then how did this happened?" NK voiced out.

"I don't Know NK lets wait for Dr's perspective." He said with a deep sigh.


Simultaneously at RM:

Atmosphere was dam tensed as everyone were worried due to sudden happenings but with few exceptions though, who were faking concern just to get in good books of Nani.

Her vibrating phone distracted Kaya from her faking drama who got alerted seeing caller id, she slowly slipped away from living room and made her way towards her room glancing around making sure that no one had seen her moving out or was following her, closing the door she answered the call in hushed voice.

"hello! I was about to call you in a while. Mission accomplished, I have done exactly same as you directed me." She chirped happily.

Caller: "what about her condition? Where is she now?"

"Her condition was very worst. Arnav has taken her to hospital." She replied to caller's query.

Caller: "did any one suspect you?"

"Not at all. Even if they do it would be Anjali or Payal under their suspicion radar not me." She replied.

Caller: "hmm Okay be careful and keep me updated about the happenings"

"Okay will speak later. Bye" with that she hung up.


At Hospital:

Arnav and NK very sitting in Dr Shah's Cabin opposite to him while he was engrossed in scrutinizing the reports.

"My assumption was right Mr Raizada we have found drastic increase of certain proteins in her blood samples which are toxic for her body. I can prescribe Antihistamines for her and give out a diet routine only when I get idea of what she had consumed. So can you recollect Mr Raizada?" Dr asked.

"But Doc she had only consumed green tea along with some cookies but we all had those cookies then how can only she get affected." NK shared his doubts.

"you are right Mr. but each person is prone to different allergies, as you were not allergic to that substance you were not affected. By the way what kind of cookies were they?" he asked.

"hmm they were regular Choco chip cookies..." he trailed "oh ya they were chickpea Choco chip cookies" he replied after recollecting.

"Chickpeas!!! God why the hell did she have them!!!" Arnav exclaimed horrified.

"Mr Raizada...any history?" doctor asked.

"yes doc she is allergic to Chickpeas since childhood, couple of years ago she had consumed them accidently but it just led to constant and severe sneezing and running nose for few hours but was never this dreadful" he replied.

"hmm that explains." Dr concluded, "the severity may depend up on the quality & quantity of her consumption Mr raizada. That's ok she will be fine with proper medication and care. Just make sure this never repeats, rest all is well." Dr concluded. With that they made their exit from doctors cabin.


Arnav made his way towards Khushi ward after sending reluctant NK back home who was adamant in staying with him overnight but agreed after lot of arguments went home not before promising to be back tomorrow with Nani & others who were desperate to meet their Khushi bitiya.

Closing the door of her ward he made his way silently towards her without making noise and settled beside her bed by pulling a chair for himself. Holding her tiny palm in his large ones he glanced at her pale face which looked tired and drained out, his heart bled seeing his love in such condition who always chirped around brightening his world. Caressing her forehead lightly he placed a kiss there affectionately.

Wiping a lone tear form his cheek that slipped out from his eye he again gazed at his wife's face who still had the same innocent charm on her face as her childhood, dragging him back in time where they met first time...


"vroom...vroomm....Mumma!!!Mumma!! shee hele my cal ish fying (flying)... wooosh!!!"(Mumma see here my car is flying) Came little Arnav of 4 running  to living area of Sheesh Mahal, but soon turned quiet seeing a beautiful lady who was almost of his mom's age, who had settled beside his mom giving him a beautiful smile. He too smile back and waited for his mom to make introductions, and she did the same very next moment.

"Chote...come here beta, She is Radhika aunty my best friend say hello to her" said Ratna to her son who immediately ran towards the lady and chirped a happy "Hello."

Stroking his head lovingly Radhika spoke, "how are you my baccha?? you have grown so tall Aru beta and cute too" she pecked his forehead, turning to Ratna she continued. "kitna chota sa tha na yeh Ratana? He was so tiny when I had taken him in my arms first time." She exclaimed remembering infant Arnav, while Ratna too smiled remembering same & Arnav blushed cutely hearing this lovely Aunty addressing his as cute.

"Aunty even you ale vely beaulful...even mole than mumma" (aunty even u are very beautiful more...even more than mumma) he complimented in his babyish language making ladies chuckle.

"really??"Radhika sang animatedly.

"yesh (yes) Ladhika Aunty (Radhika aunty)...even I'll give you a lide (ride) in my fying (flying) cal (car)" he replied swaying his right hand in the air which was holding the toy car.

"wow my Aru has a flying car!!! Then I would definitely like a ride..." Radhika to played along.

"Aunty jab mein bada hojaunga na tab itni badi fying (fying) cal (car) banaunga"(aunty when I'll grow a bit older...I'll make this big flying car) he said widening his tiny arms showing the size of his future car, and both ladies smiled at his adorable antics.

"Sure beta...I'll definitely sit in your big flying car." Radhika replied ruffling his head affectionately, while Arnav pouted as his 'beaulful aunty' spoiled his hair style.

"chote don't you want to be friends with your Radhika auntie's cute baby??" Ratna asked.

"leally (really) aunty!!! You have a cute baby??" he exclaimed excitedly and got a nod from her, "Wow were is your Cute Baby? I wanna shee (see) it now." He started jumping like monkey making them laugh.

"In garden chote...go meet" said Ratna only to see her son running in jet speed towards garden to meet his new to be friend.


At Garden:

A cute little girl around 3 wearing cute pink frock was taking slow steps with her tiny feet towards a flower bush without making any sound that would alert her prey which was a colourful butterfly, but stopped in her tracks hearing Arnav's excited voice, "hey tum hi......" (hey you are....) but he was shushed by her who placed her tiny finger on her lips signing him to be quiet and he too stood placing his finger on his lips assuring her.

Blinking her doe-eyes at him she turned back and advanced towards the butterfly and moved her hand in a swift motion to grab it. Standing infront of Arnav she opened her little fist excitedly but soon her face fell seeing it empty realising that butterfly flew even before she could catch it.

Seeing her sad face he voice out quizzically.. "yeh tum kya kal lahi (kar rahi) thi baby? And why are u sad now?" (what were you doing baby?)

"me!!! me catch buttelfaiy (butterfly) but it faiy (fly) no play with buttelfaiy now." She explained in her babyish accent.

"Aww don't be shad (sad) baby I'll play with you, I'll shale (share) all my toys with you okay? Don't cly (cry)"he consoled her.

"lelly (really) you will play with me??" she asked to which he nodded.

"but I don't know you...then why will you play with me? Mumma said not to speak to stlnge (stranger)" she said.

"But I know you." He said making her frown in wonder, "you are Ladhika auntie's cute baby na?" he asked.

"Who is ladhika anni? I don't Know." she replied shaking her head negatively

"Ale buddhu you don't know? Come hele (here) shee (see) she is Ladhika auntie." He said dragging her near sliding door and indicated Radhika who was chatting with Ratna while sipping her tea.

"hehehe not me Bood (buddhu) bood (buddhu). She is my mumma not ladhika anni (aunty) haha" she replied.

"no you oly (only) buddhu....If she is youl (your) mumma then aunty to me na?" he smacked her forehead lightly.

"Actha?? (accha) I dint know !! How you know shoo (so) much?" she exclaimed surprised.

"Cause I'm vely (very) smaalt(smart) you know." He said proudly.

"Sho (so) mumma no scold me if me you fliend fliend?" She asked again annoying him but still he nodded patiently. While she jumped with a 'yeeeehhh'.

"Sho (so) you will be my fliend (friend) na & be with me & play with me always?" he asked putting a halt to her jumping session to which she bobbled her head like a Noddy.

"Hi I'm Alnav and I plomish (promise) to be with you folevel (forever)." He said forwarding his little hand for a shake.

"I'm Kookie & I plomish folevel.(forever)"she too joined her tiny hand with his for handshake sealing their innocent promise for eternity.

And thus destiny started writing a saga of pure & innocent love & friendship. 💖💖💖

So how was this part? do let me know....and FUTURE PARTS WILL BE UPDATED AS TIME PERMITS...  sorry for the inconvenience ....Don't forget to hit the vote button n do comment...will be waiting for them.... that's all for now...take care see ya 🤗  
