Translate french at the bottom. You can skip to the bottom to read the English if you want.

Canada POV

Another world conference tomorrow. Once a year is still way too much to get all us nations together. As I'm walking out my door, I feel myself get shoved from behind. I hear the giggling of mon frère as I fall. There's a thump and I feel my head hit the railing of my porch.

Oddly enough, I don't feel any pain. I manage to sit myself up against the railing while holding my head. The world shifts and I get nauseous.

"Woah." I'm swaying as I sit there, head bobbing.

"Canada? Are you alright mon fils." I hear papa speaking but my head is swimming.

"Papa? Où es-tu? Je tourne."

I can feel myself being picked up. Next thing I know, I'm lying in bed and papa is cleaning the gash on my head.

"Mon fils, vous ne pouvez pas aller à la conférence. Vous êtes blessé."

"D'accord papa."

"Dors maintenant mon fils." He orders.

I feel my eyelids drift shut. "D'accord papa."

France POV

My little colony looks so peaceful when he is sleeping. That idiot America hurt him badly, definitely has a concussion. I carefully bend down so as to not wake him, reach my hand under his bed, and snatch his diary. I'll show this at the meeting tomorrow, then everyone will stop being such chiennes to my little son.

*time skip brought to you by bisexual pride day*

I wake up and check the clock. Mon dieu! Half an hour until the meeting! I quickly jump out of bed, get dressed, and run to the kitchen. Before I leave I peek in Matthew's room. He's sleeping. Good. I make sure I have the diary and set off to the world meeting.

*time skip brought to you by me being forgotten*

I watch as the countries arrive, one bye one. I glare at them, and they shift uncomfortably in their seats.  I'm usually not this serious. Before the usual pointless bickering can start, I stand up, drawing the attention of my fellow nations.

"I'm sure you have noticed that Canada is not here," choruses of "who?" And "Canada?" And even a "why isn't there any pasta?". "Unfortunately he was injured so he couldn't attend. But, unknown to all of you jerks, he was injured this whole time. I have taken his diary and I will use this meeting to read it to you, so you will hopefully stop treating him so poorly. This is the first one." I open the book. "Ahem."

Dear diary...
