March 13 , 2025, 3:19 PM

If you're wondering what it feels like to live five minutes away from your best friends, I would tell you it feels fucking awesome. But right now, me and Ray are walking over to Bella's house because, let's be honest, she has the best "getting ready snacks." Also, her mom is a complete vibe. We arrived at her house and rang the doorbell. A few moments later, Bella opens the door and greets us with a hug. We walk in and say hello to her parents first before adventuring upstairs. "Hey Alexa, play Blueberry Faygo," Bella says. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Ray says, trying to contain her laugh. "What? This song is a total banger." Bella says, "I mean, she isn't lying," I say as Ray looks at me, giving me a fake offended look.

7:54 PM

We're all ready, and I can say we all look fine as fuck! Rays is rocking a short, glittery strapless turquoise dress with gold heels. Bella's wearing a pink mini dress that has a slit down her left leg with strappy white sparkly heels. Well, for me, I'm wearing a short purple sequin dress that has a stripped-back cutout paired with silver heels. "What if I? Put gold clips in my hair," Ray says, checking her hair out in the mirror. It's styled nicely with all of it down and with the gold clip pushing her hair in the front back. "Ooo, that's cute," Bella says as she rummages through her drawers to find the white, sparkly butterfly clips that she places in her hair. It's cute and fits; her aesthetic is perfectly . "I'm not putting shit in my hair," I say as Ray and Bella look at me. "Bitch, I know you're lying," Ray says. As Bella continues to look through her drawer to find purple hair wax, "Hell no," I say. I already know what she's thinking. The next thing I know is that I now have pops of purple in my hair. We head down the stairs and outside, where we wait for our Uber. They arrive, and we hop in. *Ping: Message from Ray—That One Awesome Trio*

Ray: It smells like hot ass in here. 🤢

Bella: Yeah, it smells like Isabella's ass. 🤮

Nia: Stop! I'm about to piss myself off from laughing.

Bella: Eww, stop, it's going to smell worst in this bitch.

Finally reaching the party and not tipping the Uber, we head inside, grabbing a drink from the table. "I bet five dollars the punch is spiked," Ray says. I chugged the punch to test Ray's theory. "Definitely, "I say, feeling a shiver run down my spine. We head deeper into the party to see people dancing. "Hey y'all, I'll be right back," I say, heading towards Kc. He's one of Landen's friends, as they both major in music. But also one of my friends, as we both get along well. "Niaa didn't know you were coming," he says, looking tipsy as fuck. "Didn't know I was coming either; uh anyway, have you seen Landen?". "Uhh, I don't really know; I just know he's here." "Oh, ok, thanks, Kc," I shout over the blasting music. I search around for Landen, and within about seventeen minutes, without seeing anywhere, I get rampaged by Ray, Bella, and my friend Max. "NIA, you need to come with us," Max shouts. They pull me over, and I grab another drink on the way. Finally, they stop pulling me, and we all stop in horror. Wanna know what the fuck I'm seeing? I'm seeing my current boyfriend Landen fucking Connor and that bitch Isabella Huckster making out in the middle of the dance floor. And what makes it even worse is that Isabella opens her eyes for a quick second, staring dead at me as she deepens the kiss. "Someone recorded this sh*t," I yell. As all my friends whip out their phones, I strut over to splash my drink in both of their conjoined faces. "WHAT THE FUCK LANDEN YOU SMALL DICKED BITCH, WERE FUCKING OVER!" I scream and walk off. "YEAH AND ISABELLA, YOUR PUSSY SMELLS LIKE ROTTEN FUCKING TUNA," Bella yells as everyone laughs at the two clowns that are soaked in alcohol fruit punch.
