Operator Files: Shade

Basic Info:

[Code Name] - Shade
[Gender] - Male
[Combat Experience] - 4 years
[Place of Birth] - Sargon
[Date of Birth] - July 5
[Race] - Pythia
[Height] - 187cm/6'1.62ft
[Infection Status] - Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.

Physical Examination:

[Physical Strength] - Excellent
[Mobility] - Excellent
[Physical Resilience] - Excellent
[Tactical Acumen] - Outstanding
[Combat Skill] -Outstanding
[Originium Arts Assimilation] - Undetermined


[Specialist] [Melee] [Crowd Control] [AoE] [Top Operator] [Nuker]


Enigmatic at best, Shade is the embodiment of what a hunter is. A specialist in high-risk missions that range from subjugations of Terra's expansive array of beasts to the extermination of dangerous individuals that harm infected groups. A prominent and infamous operator that only accepts missions that most combat operators won't dare to take because of high lethality risks. Under a contract with Rhodes Island for their intel database, Shade works for a goal unknown to anyone but himself, seeking answers without riposte, trudging forward to quell the questions that lie within his mind.

Physical Description:

Shade is a Pythian male born in the nomadic city of Sargon. He has a tall and refined build throughout his body, with no visible scars on his skin, and a pair of dark amber eyes with small noticeable slits on his irises. He has sleek ash-grey hair flicked back with a fade on the sides. A black long slender tail that extends down to his ankles, with a prominent gray tip at the end. He is seen wearing a visor similar to operator Misery slung under his neck, with his rack of weapons bundled behind his back all wrapped in leather cloth.

Clinical Analysis:

Imaging tests show clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this Operator can be confirmed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Fusion Rate]: 0%

This operator shows no signs of infection at this time.

[Blood Crystal Density]: 0.12u/L

The subject's values are normal, and further investigation is not needed.

Archive Files 1:

Shade barely interacts with operators he has no business with. People often mistake his looks to be gentle and amiable at first. But when they try to strike up a conversation with him, he brushes them off bluntly when he finds out that they have no business other than to engage in pointless chatter. He professes a big sense of professionalism despite his age, often sacrificing basic camaraderie with fellow operators. In recent times, Shade has come to slowly but surely fix his hostile nature.

Archive Files 2:

What makes Shade so infamous is the ambiguity of his arts. The only description in his operator records is, "A rare type of visual arts that affects the brain of those who unluckily made eye contact with him." When asked to demonstrate his arts during training, he assertively declines to do so, saying that the effects would be severe. There was however a time when he used his arts during training. But the recollection of that one time was completely wiped from the P.R.T.S. system by Closure under Dr. Kal'tsit's demand.

Archive Files 3:

[Classified Log]

From what I've gathered from the surveillance drones during Shade's recorded operations, the only comment that I will make is... how in the world did the HR department accept an operator like him?! Everything he did goes against the humanitarian section of the Rhodes Island Conduct textbook, not to mention resorting to ████████ during the Reunion incident... I can't imagine what was on the minds of the people in HR. I know... he's being monitored by some elite operators in shifts to make sure he doesn't step out of the line, but he needs to be fired! I don't care what anyone says, he doesn't belong on Rhodes Island!

——■ ■ ■

Archive Files 4:

The only times where Shade is docile is when he's being treated for injuries in the medical wards. No one really knows why, and others claim it's only a matter of decency to not make a ruckus in a ward full of patients. But some delusional operators think it's because of the young strict feline medic that always tends to his well-being.

Promotion Record:

'Is this... a promotion? I'm getting promoted to a formal operator?'



'Don't give me that look, be proud that you are trusted among other elite operators to be promoted.'

'Stop the bullshit, I know just why I got promoted.'

'...then you must already know that your methods are starting to get out of hand.'

'My methods saved the lives of your operators-'

'Your methods are starting to become inhumane. I don't care about your means, your means are affecting the minds of other operators.'

'That's why I said that I should work alone. Yet you bastards still put me in a squad. You're technically doing this on-'

'Operator Shade, listen to me... do you still have the desire to know about the meaning of "her" death?'

'...don't bring that up...'

'Do you?'


'Then don't complain and accept your promotion. Otherwise, I won't let you access the information regarding that incident.'


'If you weren't her son, then I would have never let you in Rhodes Island in the first place. I know that you're angry, but you still haven't matured in over two decades. Everything has an order, but if you continue to rush things faster than necessary while degrading your humanity along the way, it will only lead you to ruin. Don't test my patience. Before you go decide on things yourself, heed my words. Fix your damn thinking and loosen up. Or you will only lose more than what you will gain.'

