15 ✨🪭 Bravery and Betrayal

15 ✨🪭 Bravery and Betrayal
Palace of Rana


The sun was setting over the kingdom of Rana, casting a crimson glow over the palace. Princess Indu held the update letter that had just arrived from the kingdom of Nanda. She felt a cold dread in her heart as she read the words that shattered her world.

"Your Highness,

It is with great sorrow that I inform you of the tragic death of Prince Nayan, the heir of Nanda and Princess Anya's betrothed He was................................killed in the battlefield by the demon tyrant Ivaan, ............Prince Nayan fought bravely and valiantly, but he was overpowered by the enemy forces. He died a hero's death, defending his King and his honor.

I offer you my deepest condolences and sympathies for your loss.

I am fulfilling the responsibility given by you. I will send you more details soon. Until then, please take care of yourself and your family.

Messenger of Rana

Indu felt tears streaming down her face as she finished reading the letter. She could not believe what she had just read. Prince Nayan was dead, the man who was supposed to marry her sister, was gone forever. How could this happen? How could fate be so cruel?

The King was also shocked by the news the kingdom was supposed to be preparing for Anya's wedding and now that dreams were shattered with the death.

Indu looked at Anya felt a pang of hurt.Anya was right there wearing a beautiful red dress and a golden tiara. She had looked radiant and happy, just a moment ago and right now the dark cloud had engulfed her.

She stood there still like a statue

Indu walked towards her and felt Anya's hand and wished only if she could preserve it forever.

Indu whispered shaking her "Anya"

Anya turned around as if broken from the spell. Anya raised her hand forward asking for the letter as if she couldn't believe the words she just heard.

Indu shook her head and handed her the letter. Tears filling her eyes She said, "No, Anya. I'm so sorry, Anya. I'm so sorry."

Anya took the letter and read it. She felt a shock wave through her body. She felt her heart stop beating. She felt her world collapse. She whispered tears spilling down her cheeks, "No!... No!.. No! This.. can't be true! This can't be happening! Nayan can't be......... dead!....... He can't be!"

She dropped the letter and walked out of the chamber.

Indu started following her but king Ameya stopped her "there's nothing you could say that can undo this Indu, give your sister some time, she.... She has to face this."

Anya wandered listlessly through the palace, tears falling down, blurring her eyes she was sobbing. She reached the garden, where she and Nayan had spent time together the last time he was here. She walked towards the bench, where he had proposed to her shyly. the spot where he had kissed her hand. gave her the bangles for the first time.

She reached the spot and fell to the ground. She buried her face in her hands and wept.She wept until she had no tears left.


Indu and Katha were worried and started looking for Anya as she was not in her room, Indu soon found Anya lying on the ground beside the bench. She knelt beside her and hugged her. She tried to console her, but she knew it was useless. She knew nothing she could say that can heal her sister's wound.

She cried with her, sharing her grief.

They were joined by their Katha. She had heard the news from a servant were Anya was. She saw them Indu consoling Anya who was crying.

She sat beside them and held Anya's hands.


Palace of Nanda

Prince Ivaan had won the battle of Nanda, but he had paid a heavy price. He had slain Prince Nayan, the son of King Sethu, in a fierce duel. He had chained the defeated king and dragged him to the palace of Nanda, where he was met with curses and insults from the king.

King Sethu looked at Ivaan with a mix of rage and sorrow, and spat out, "You are a murderer and a tyrant. You have killed my son, who was the pride and joy of my life. You have destroyed my kingdom, which was the legacy and honor of my ancestors. You have no right to rule."

Ivaan felt his anger raise, as he heard King Sethu's words."You are a fool and a coward. You have failed your son, your family, the people, who died in vain for your cause. You have betrayed your kingdom, which surrendered to my power. You have no right to judge, and you have no voice to speak."

The court went silent as they saw a greiveing Queen Nalini rush towards the courtroom.

Queen Nalini looked at Ivaan with a mix of grief and disgust, and cried out, "You are a beast and a fiend. You have killed my son, who was the light and love of my life he has done nothing to offend you.. You have ruined my home, You are a plague, and I curse you with all my heart........ You know nothing about tenderness, or compassion, or forgiveness. You live with greed, and violence. You will die in loneliness, and emptiness"

She then slapped Ivaan hard across the face, leaving a red mark on his cheek.

Nimit walked towards Ivaan, but he stopped him raising his hand, he knew her grief and she was going to be betrayed in the worst possible way soon by her husband.

She looked at him with contempt and pity, and said in a soft and sad voice, "You are a child and a lost one. You have killed my son, You have conquered my kingdom, you won, what else do you want? Spare the life of my husband"

Ivaan felt the heartbreak in her voice as he heard Queen Nalini's words. He tried to ignore his emotions, and to harden his heart.

Ivaan felt a pang of remorse for killing Nayan, who had fought bravely and loyally for his father. He wondered if he had done the right thing, or if he should have tried harder to convince Nayan.

He looked around the palace hall, where he had gathered the prisoners of war. He saw Prince Arjun of Rana and King Aditya Singh of Avantipura, the allies of Nanda, who had surrendered to him. This is the rule of war, there are the one's who win and the ones who lose.

He nods his head looking at Varun,who moves out and enter the hall with a woman by his side the tribal princess Kali, and she was visibly pregnant.

Varun spoke in a loud voice, " This woman, Kali, is carrying the child of King Sethu. He had seduced her and promised to marry her, but he lied and abandoned her. He is the father of her unborn baby, and he is a traitor."

The hall erupted in gasps and murmurs, as everyone looked at King Sethu with shock and disgust.

Queen Nalini looks confused between the young girl and the king.

King Sethu tried to deny the accusations, but his voice was weak and trembling. "Ivaan is a liar he has fabricated the story to tarnish my reputation and undermine my authority. She is a spy and a liar, and I have never met her before."

Kali comes forward wiping her tears she brings forward a pendent necklace with the royal emblem engraved at the back.

King Sethu was speechless as he saw the pendent that Kali held in her hand. It was the same one that he had given her as a token of his love, when he had visited her village. He had never expected to see her again, let alone in the royal court in front of Queen Nalini.

Queen Nalini looked at him with contempt and anger. She had trusted him and supported him in every decision he made. But now she realized that he had betrayed her, and that he had a secret lover and a child on the way.

She turned to Ivaan, She asked
"I accept the defeat and King Sethu needs to be punished for his crimes. He broke his oath, and he dishonored me , our kingdom and our dead son. He deserves to die, and I would also recieve any punishment to be exiled, or to be imprisoned for life, as the Queen to such a King."

Ivaan looked at King Sethu with disdain. He saw him as a coward and a cheat. He said that he would do as Queen Nalini wished, and that he would execute justice on her behalf.

She will not be punished in any possibility as she has always been a worthy queen.

He drew his sword, and walked towards King Sethu. He asked him if he had any last words, or any regrets.

King Sethu looked at Kali, who was whimpering and clutching her belly. He felt a pang of guilt and sorrow, but he also felt anger and resentment. He said that he was the true king, and that he would never surrender.

He decided to end the drama, and to assert his authority. He spoke in a firm and clear voice, "Enough. This is not a time for tears and curses. This is a time for justice and order. I am the victor of this war, and I will decide the fate of the vanquished. King Sethu, you have proven yourself to be a coward and a liar. You have betrayed your wife, your son, your allies, and your people. You have forfeited your right to rule, and your right to live. You will be excuted.

"Queen Nalini, you have shown yourself to be a noble and brave woman. You have suffered enough, and you deserve some peace. You will be allowed to live, and to return to your homeland or stay in the Kingdom as the Queen Mother.

You will be given a pension, and a protection. You will be treated with respect, and with kindness.

Princess Kali, you have shown yourself to be a fierce and loyal woman. You have been wronged by Sethu, and you deserve some justice. You will be allowed to live, and to keep your child. You will be given a choice, and a chance. You can either join the Queen or you can leave back to your state, and become my ally. You will be treated with honor, and the Child of yours will recieve the respect deserved.
I am Prince Ivaan, the conqueror of Nanda, and Who soon will be the ruler of this Nation."

The court hailed and cheered at the justice, everyone seemed to hate the king who had betrayed his wife and manipulated a young girl.

Ivaan shook his head, and raised his sword. He swung his sword, and cut off King Sethu's head.

Queen Nalini looked away as her husband's head.Nalini let out a scream of anguish and betrayal.
She then walked to Kali and embraced her, sobbing. "My poor child, I'm so sorry. He has done you wrong, and he has broken my heart. He is not worthy of being a king, or a father, or a husband. He is a monster, and I curse him with all my soul. I will take responsibility on his behalf staying here for you."

Ivaan felt a mix of emotions, as he witnessed the scene. He felt sorry for Kali, who had been deceived and used by Sethu. He felt respect for Nalini, who had shown compassion and courage in the face of betrayal. He felt disgust for Sethu, who had dishonored and disgraced himself and his kingdom.

Kali smiles at this,everything seemed too easy now that Ivaan had took down not only the King but the prince too, it's only matter of time she wins , she hadn't changed her goals just her actions, she wiped away fake tears as she saw Queen Nalini embrace her, everything seemed too easy now.

They all think they just saved a poor innocent Pregnant woman, while it will be them who will need the saving now.


Suprise! Suprise!

There's more to Kali than it seems.

It was just the tip of the Ice burg.

Did anyone see that coming?

Princess Kali! Is a main character here.

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Remysolmoon ✨

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