It was a gloomy Sunday. After going back from church, Jieun and her parents stopped by a fast food restaurant just at the end of the street. Since it was raining, they stayed a bit more in the restaurant, waiting for it to fully stop before going to the park not far from there. It was a custom for the Lee family to go to the park after church every Sunday.

When it did stop, Jieun jumped from her seat gleefully, her parents laughing at how childish she was.

"Hurry mommy, I want to get to the swing!"

"Go on, sweetie. But don't go too far." Her mother reminded and she nodded enthusiastically, her ponytail bobbed with every movement her head made.

She ran out and to the park. She went straight for the swings. She wanted the one with pink seat. She wanted to swing high and fast but her legs were barely touching the ground when she sit on it. She stopped and looked behind her, maybe she should wait for her father? After all, he was the one who always pushed her. She shook her head, no. She should get to the swings first!

Her smile was quickly replaced by a frown when she saw that one of the swings were already occupied, and it was her pink swing! From behind, it looked like a boy, maybe of her age or older, his nicely cropped dark hair barely touched his collar and he was wearing a black button up. His feet touched the ground as he softly swung the swing back and forth.

Jieun was angry, it was her swing! She was an impulsive girl, so she darted forward, ready to give him her childlike rambles, but when she saw his face, she stopped.

His slightly small eyes were puffy, and his nose was red.

"She died, my mother." He said, shocking Jieun. But she did not run away like her mother taught her to whenever a stranger talks to her. Instead her feet were planted on the ground as and her eyes were trained on the boy like she was stuck there.

"My angel has left me..."

She felt an urge to comfort him, but she was scared.

"Jieun!" That voice snapped her from her trance and she turned on her heels, seeing her parents looking at her bewilderedly.

"Daddy!" Finally, someone to help pushing her swing.

"Who is that boy?" Her father asked and her eyes widened. She had forgotten about him for a second. She looked back just to see no one, her swing dangled back and forth was the only prove that he was there a few moments back.

She came to the park every Sunday, hoping that she will see him again. But he was not there, even though seasons have passed. Finally she accepted that she will never see him again, and that she felt something for him, something that was not clear yet.


"Dad, Mom, I'm going to the park." Jieun stood up and brought her plate to the sink.

"What, in this weather?" Mrs. Lee looked up, a soft frown was shown on her face.

Jieun nodded. She smiled and went up to her room to get her keys and umbrella. She then jogged back into the kitchen, pecked her parent on their cheek and went out. It was only a fifteen minute walk to the park and she was feeling giddy. Somehow, today reminded her of what happened sixteen years ago.

The smile was still on her face as she took her time strolling, one hand was tightly grasping her umbrella. The only sound she heard was the soft sound of the beads of rain on her umbrella and she loved it. The smell of the wet grass, and someone on her swing... wait.

She was stunned and she even blinked a few times to make sure she was not dreaming. His back stature looked just the same, just he seemed taller and bigger. The muscles taut on his back and she blushed at the sight of it. Did he still remember her?

She hesitantly stepped forward, her boots clicked against the wet pavement. Slowly, their distance were closed and before she knew it she was standing just a few feet behind him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She stepped aside and took the swing next to him.

She kept her eyes casted downward, suddenly her boots looked interesting. She could feel the heat rush on her cheeks and her heart drumming in her ears. Why would she feel like it for someone that she only met once sixteen years ago?

After a few moments that seemed like an eternity, she heard that deep voice again for the first time.

"I thought you've forgotten about me, sunshine."

-to be continued

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