Third Chapter

The next day, you woke up late because you spent the rest of your day yesterday at the library. You were researching spells and curses about appearance. It was already night when you found the right book about the shoes that Red was wearing. And it was almost midnight when you found the book about the curse of the seven dwarves. It was at the Fairy's Spell Book Section that's why it took a lot of time to find it. You were even reading the book about the shoes while finding it. And that's what you call, multitasking. Because of that, you hit your head on the shelves and book a couple of times.

Today is a lot different than yesterday. You now have a plan on what you should do today, unlike yesterday. You literally randomly flew anywhere and just happens to find two dwarves searching for someone at Dismal Lake. Your plan for today is to go to Risky Rock and hope something interesting happens. Yeah, what a very exciting plan. But who knows? The future is uncertain. You might have a more thrilling day today than yesterday. With that in mind, you hurriedly finished everything you need to do then went on with your one and only plan.

When you arrived at your destination, you landed and sat on the tree across Risky Rock. With your human form, you listened to the conversations that are just within your earshot while reading the book about the dwarves' curse. You heard someone humming so you looked at Risky Rock. It was Merlin. He was harvesting carrots then stood up and closed his eyes like he's having the moment of his life but it was then cut when got hit with a carrot thrown by someone from behind him. You muffled your laugh to avoid attention.

"Aw, what was that for?!" You barely heard Marlin asked in an annoyed tone.

The guy that threw the carrot, Arthur, also shrunk into a dwarf when Merlin turned to see who it was.

"You, sir, are sabotaging my relationship with Red Shoes." He said pointing at the pained dwarf.

"What relationship are you talking about?"

"Red Shoes and I share a secret." He proudly declared. "I'll tell you what it is, but it's a secret."

"While you'll be keeping secrets, I'm going to break my curse." Merlin mocked, annoying Arthur.

"You are nothing without your spells, magic boy," Arthur said in a low tone.

"And you are nothing without Excalibur!" Merlin countered then gasped exaggeratedly. "You're not waiting for someone to pull it out for you, are you?"

Arthur held Merlin's collar with a troubled face. "How did you know?!"

"Is it true?" He acted surprised.

You were about to laugh at the scene when they were suddenly trapped inside a net. You saw two big men from yesterday held them and tied their hands from behind then carried them to the house. A slim guy wearing a red royal suit riding on a white horse followed them. He was holding a megaphone on his right arm. When the knights were in position in front of the house, the prince, you guessed, started talking through the megaphone.

"Testing 1 2, testing 1---no! Quit pushing me, dolt." You shifted into a small ordinary bird to avoid being seen and flew to the tree near the house silently to see and hear more clearly then shifted back into your human form.

"Attention! Hideous dwarfs! Is it dwarfs with an 'f'? Or dwarves with a 'v'? I wanna use whatever's more offensive." Now that you see who this guy is, you signed silently. It's the loser, Prince Average.

"Oh, it's that loser, Prince Average." A familiar voice, you guessed it was Jack, seemed to hear your thoughts said from inside the house.

"Heard that! It's Avəraj." Prince Loser said then made a gesture.

You rolled your eyes.

"Oh please." Another familiar voice, probably Hans, said.

"Inside your amateur's attempt of a façade, of a sham, of a travesty, of a veneer, of a castle, is a gorgeous WANTED criminal! I hereby command that all you exit the premises and surrender post-haste! Fail to comply and you never see these two again." He gestured at Merlin and Arthur who were pushed by the big guys.

"You have until three! ONE!" The knights started to took their charging position. "TWO! I lied, CHARGE!" They ran towards the house but immediately stopped their tracks when Red Shoes opened the door and walked outside dramatically causing them to fall to the ground due to her overloading beauty.

"Am I the person you want?" She bravely asked.

Prince Loser walked closer to her, stepping on the knights while doing so, then stared at her like she's a gorgeous goddess, well she truly does look like one.

"Yes, yes you are. I don't know if you're a person or a vision of beauty. Some kind of angelic thing with wings. Angelic wing thing." You rolled your eyes finding the scene quite ridiculous.

"I will come with you, but only after you release my friends."

"Do it, do it!" He ordered and his goons immediately untied the dwarves. "Now, here's the good news. It's my birthday! And you are going to be the belle of the ball!"

"The invitation sounds great, really, but---."

"Oh, it wasn't an invitation, more of an order. Prepare the lady's carriage!"

"She said, she doesn't want to go, Average." Merlin and Arthur walked in front of Red Shoes.

"A-və-raj! Don't troll me, troll." Average said in a very low tone while pointing at Merlin.

"Ah, so rude." Red stepped forward to Average.

"I couldn't agree more. Subjects these days. Now, shall we?"

He held her arm then dragged her but she pulled it and punched him straight on his face making him stumble backward and fell on the ground on his butt. 'That hurts, but he deserves it anyway.' You commented. His goons walked to him and pulled him up.

"Get her." He ordered. And because he wasn't fully on his feet when they let him go, he fell back again.

"You hold off the guards and I'll get her out." You face-palmed as you saw the two idiots holding each hand of Red Shoes while arguing.

"No, I'm faster. You stay here and buy us some time." Their argument came to stop when they both flew backward as the goons punched them.

They dragged Red to leave and the knights began charging. Suddenly, a round shield came flying, hitting the knights that stand on its way. It flew back to where it came from and you saw Hans catching it. But due to his small size, he was taken by it. The shield got pinned beside the doorway with a stunned Hans under it.

"Here's a thought." He looked at the two with an annoyed face. "Stop fighting and FIGHT!" He snapped pointing at their enemy.

A sword and then a satchel was thrown to them by a blonde dwarf. The sword landing on Arthur's arms while the satchel on Merlin's.

"What's the plan?" Jack, who threw those things, asked with crossed arms.

"Rescue Red Shoes." Arthur pulled his sword from its scabbard.

"Like the old days, guys." Then Merlin held out two papers from the satchel and held one each of his hands.

"I knew it." You whispered lowly not wanting anyone to hear. 'They really are the Fearless Seven!' You mentally shouted. 'No wonder they sounded and looked familiar. But where are the triplets?' You tried to look through the window to see if they were inside the house but no one was there.

You eventually gave up then just turned your attention at the four dwarves preparing to attack as the knights charged towards them while yelling their battle cries. The dwarves also charged toward them and jump as high as they can. Merlin struck his lightning to one of their enemies and pinned him down, the three following next to him. Jack ran towards a knight and cover himself with the invisible cape before even the weapon hit causing it to get pinned on the ground instead. The knight pulled his weapon then looked around to find where Jack went but the weapon floated in the air, thanks to Jack, then it was pointed back at him. He tried to skip but he was attacked by Hans from behind, hitting his foot with the shield and smashed him away.

"How can they be cool and funny at the same time?" You whispered to yourself with a silent laugh. Your plan on helping them backfired as you saw that they can actually handle themselves so you stayed on the tree and just watched them fought.

You looked at Merlin who jumped when he saw that someone was attacking him from behind on his right side. He stepped on the weapon but struggle to balance himself. When the knight raised the weapon, he held into it and placed, more like slapped, a spell card on its helmet. He skipped another attack from the other knight and jumped, also placing a spell card on its helmet. His hands were about to meet for his spell to work when it was held by the same knight he fought. Arthur on the other side was fighting against a knight a lot taller than him. He tripped it with his sword causing it to fall to the ground with a thud. Unfortunately, he didn't notice another one behind him on his left side. The knight targeted his sword, sending it flying into one of the knights that were holding Merlin. The unfortunate knight let Merlin go and held his head. Merlin smiled as he saw that his hand was free.

"Whoa!" He shouted excitedly as he jumped and clapped his hands.

Because of that, two explosions from each of his sides were created. The force pushed him forward and landed face first. Luckily, the force wasn't too strong so he quickly recovered.

"Arthur!" He called out and picked up the sword in front of him.

He threw it to Arthur who was being chased by a knight. He extended his hand to catch his sword but instead of catching it, the end of the handle hit his left eye so he held it instead. When he saw that his sword hit the knight, he laughs at it but stopped when his sword landed in front of him, almost hitting him.

"Can we get this over with, they're just dwarves." You heard Prince Loser complained.

Merlin ran towards the big guys and readied his spell cards. One of them swung his weapon then tried to smash him but he skipped it by jumping. He created a rope with his lightning then threw it at the legs of the guy that attacked him. He got another pair of spell cards and created a ball of lightning letting out a battle cry as he threw it toward the other one. The guy used his large hammer to smash Merlin's lightning. It caused a large explosion making him fly backward, his back hitting the wall and collapsed to the ground.

"Oh, that must've hurt." You silently commented.

You saw Arthur struggling with the guy with the large hammer. He was about to get smashed but Hans appeared and used his shield to block the attack.

"C'mon!" Hans shouted.

Arthur let go of his broken sword then climbed to the head of the guy. He stretched his face and attempted to headbang him but he was the one that got dizzy instead. Hans smashed the guy's foot and saw the weapon fall. He laughed victoriously but when he looked up, the guys weren't really affected. Hans let out a panicked 'uh oh' then took a step back, trying to run away but failed. He got caught and the guy smashed their heads together making them fall unconscious. You winced at the scene and at just that exact moment you decided what to do.

'Okay, maybe it's time to help.'
