chapter 12

He pulled the car back onto the road and I couldn't figure out where we were, "Ryan, where are we?"

The trees and hills were so unreal to me, considering that I only ever saw trees in parks. The trees were tall, very tall compared to all the trees I had ever seen. Everything was just so serene and perfect; it was so unrealistically beautiful.

He smiled knowing that I loved it, "Virginia."

I took everything in, making sure I didn't forget any of it, it was just so beautiful, "I love it."

I heard Lindsey's voice from the backseat, "Yeah, I used to live here."

I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion, "Why are we here?"

Ryan opened his mouth to talk but Lindsey quickly answered, "My parents have a vacation house here and they said we could stay here for a while if we wanted to."

"What exactly is our plan?" I asked.

Ryan answered, "Right now, it's just to hide until everything calms down. Then we need to find Alex and make sure he can't do anything again."

My heart dropped to my stomach, "What do you mean by that?"

I saw him clench his fist, "Raine, I think you know what I meant by that."

Lindsey started to talk, "I think Alex pretty much deserves it by now."

"I don't think anyone deserves death. Everyone deserves a second chance." I said, then realizing it was a stupid thing to say because we all know that there is no possible way Alex would change.

"Raine," he started, "I understand that no one deserves that, but he can't just do this to you for the rest of your life. We all know he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Look, he even cheated on you because he wanted to and then he still got you back."

I saw Lindsey nod in agreement from the mirror. I couldn't let them kill Alex, it just didn't feel like the right thing to do at all. I know it seems crazy that I feel this way, but I just don't know if I can let go of him yet. He could get help, his life was worth living. I can't just let them kill him, I couldn't give up on helping him.

"Raine, I know that you think you can help him," it was like he was reading my mind, "but I honestly think he is one of those people that can't be helped. I would honestly try if I could, but I think one of us would end up hurt."

I silently agreed, but didn't tell him so. I knew that one of us would end up hurt if we all tried to fix him, but that wasn't what I had planned. I wanted, just myself, to fix him alone. I knew he wouldn't kill me and if my plan actually worked, no one would die.

I tried to get my mind off of things so I just looked out the window, into the perfect view of the trees and rolling hills. It was just all so beautiful, I really would give anything at this point to just start over here. A completely new start sounded amazing at this moment. But I knew I couldn't start over just yet, everything had to be fixed first. I could tell that now was definitely not the right time to run away from it all. Lindsey was starting to give directions so I was guessing we were almost there; we turned into a driveway that looked like it lasted for miles. The house was amazing; it was three stories and it was pretty much all glass.

"This place is amazing," I muttered.

Lindsey heard me, "I know."

We walked in and it took my breath away, it was just so simple, but yet so perfect. It took all my worries away somehow, the view and the simple house. I wasn't worrying about anything until I heard Ryan come up behind me.

"We are only going to be here for a little while, Raine." He said trying to slip his arms around my waist, I quickly pushed his arms back.

"Look, I don't think I can trust you yet. After all that's happened you are going to have to regain my trust." I said turning around to face him.

He sighed, "I will spend forever trying to regain your trust. But can I get some advice?"

"You can figure that out on your own." I said.

"Please, Raine I don't want to lose you."

I looked at him, "I didn't say you were losing me. I'm just saying that I don't trust you a lot right now."

"Fine, I get it. How long is it going to take for you to get over this?" He asked, getting annoyed.

"It doesn't matter." I said, he was testing my patience.

He groaned, "Fine."

"So where's my room here?" I asked.

"Your room is upstairs, first room on the right." He said pointing upstairs at the door to my room.

I walked up the stairs and turned the doorknob, I gasped when the door opened. It was huge and beautiful. It had blue walls, a white bed and a black comforter sitting on top of the bed. I quickly jumped onto the bed and laid there for a few seconds, it was so comfortable. I don't think I had gotten sleep at all in the past few weeks, so it made me want to go to sleep. But instead I got up and suddenly realized I had a problem. I forgot to pack clothes. As I was trying to figure out how to fix the problem, Lindsey walked in.

"So I'm just guessing here, you probably didn't pack clothes did you?" She asked.

"No, I didn't," I said almost laughing at how stupid it sounds that I didn't bring extra clothes.

"That's fine. In that closet," she said pointing to the large door in the middle of the wall, "there are a whole bunch of clothes. Most of them will probably fit you because they are mine."

I almost cringed at the thought of wearing Lindsey's clothes, "Thank you."

She nodded and walked out of the room and I walked over to the closet door and opened it. My mouth dropped open in shock at the size of the room, it was probably the size of my room at my apartment. All the walls were lined with hangers and clothes. Dresses, tops, skirts, jeans, purses and everything else that you would ever need was in the closet. I picked a simple white dress and put it on.

I walked back downstairs and paused in the middle of the stairways, I heard Ryan talking to Lindsey.

"Where is Raine?" I heard Ryan ask Lindsey.

"She's changing clothes."

Ryan lowered his voice, "She doesn't have any idea about, well you know what, right?"

"No. She doesn't even think anything else is going on."

I walked into the room, "What's going on?"

Lindsey shifted in her seat and Ryan started talking, "Nothing."

"I heard you two talking, what is going on? Why are there more secrets?"

Lindsey started talking, "See Raine, there is something we, or should I say, Ryan, decided not to tell you. I think he should have told you in the beginning, but that's just my opinion."

Ryan gave her a death glare, "It's not a bad thing, well, it is a bad thing. But Raine, please don't get mad. I just found this out a few days ago."

I sighed, "Just tell me, Ryan."

"Alexa went missing a day after we left. Alexa's dad works with mine and told him that she had never come home from going to your apartment. But her dad just thought that she was just leaving for a while, to get away from him. But I'm guessing that Alex took her."

I wanted to strangle Ryan right then, "Why didn't you tell me right when it happened!"

"I didn't want to upset you even more!"

"We have to go find her an-"

He interrupted me, "No. We can't go get her. That's exactly what he wants, is for us to go and get her. Plus, we don't even know where he took her."

"If he wants us to go get her, we must know where she is Ryan."

He sighed, "No. I'm sorry, we can't go get her. I'm not losing you to him again."

My mind was racing as I was trying to think of where she could be, I had to go find her. I owed her for everything. Suddenly it struck me, I knew where she was.

"Ryan," I almost yelled, causing him to jump, "Where was that warehouse that Alex took you?"

He looked at me confused and then he started to realize why I asked, "I'm not telling you that. I told you that you couldn't go find her."

"Ryan, seriously, you can't tell me what to do. Tell me where the warehouse is or I'm going to find it on my own."

"Fine, I will take you there. But let's just stay here for another night then I will drive you there in the morning."

Lindsey looked over at him, "Okay but I'm staying here," she started, "I think I've had enough with all this."

I nodded, I understood why she was staying. I walked back upstairs and got into bed after we were done talking. She didn't need to get into all this, this is my problem to fix now. I was going to fix it, everything was going to stop. I was going to find Alex and get Alexa back. She doesn't deserve this, it's my fault that this ever happened.
