the time spent with sunwoo was countless, she spent more time than she wanted to but she didn't mind, they spent their time together and it was soon monday, sunwoo picked up irene before going to school, news of them being together spreaded really quickly. no one really mind except for some girls and of course hwall, hwall felt like his heart had just broken into pieces, rena was shocked and she was filled with jealousy, rena loved sunwoo a lot but sunwoo just used her, rena had rage and anger, she wanted irene away from sunwoo.

rena and her squad came up with and plan and wanted to carry out the plan as soon as possible, irene decided to use the toilet before class started, she entered the toilet, rena and her squad was in there too.

"oh hoho look who we have here! miss irene, you stole my boy!" she started off softly,

"since when was he your boy, he loves me!" irene scoffed, it was a bad idea entering the toilet,

"he was always mine you bitch!" rena spat.

"oh? im sorry he was just using you honey!" irene stated, rena crossed her arms and glared at irene,

"i want you to be separated!" rena said while irene walked out of the toilet, obviously annoyed with rena, she stormed into the classroom gaining sunwoo's attention, sunwoo stood up and took her to her seat.

"what happened?" sunwoo asked worriedly, irene was on fire, rena cant do anything to sperate them so she tried to calm down,

"rena happened but im better now." irene said, massaging her temples, class started and sunwoo couldn't stop worrying about irene, whatever rena did to irene, sunwoo was mad at rena. soon after class started, rena and her squad came in and glared at irene, she looked so calm, rena was thinking of a way to make her leave sunwoo. on the other hand, sunwoo was trying to find a way to make sure hes always with irene and making sure that rena aint anywhere near them, sunwoo felt someone throwing something on his back, he turned around to find a piece of paper folded into a heart. he picked it up, curiously opening it

'hey boo! miss you so much! why wont you come find me every morning now? isit because of irene? dont worry babe! i'll get rid of her so you will be mine!
-xoxo, your only one, rena;)'

sunwoo cringed at the note but was also getting more worried of irene, rena had the power to do anything she wanted, shes rich so who cares. sunwoo started sweating and shaking, irene noticed it and started worrying, she saw rena throw a piece of paper to sunwoo but what made him so stress that hes sweating and shaking? irene was so worried and confused, she wanted sunwoo to be close to her, she wanted to feel protected but she also wanted to protect sunwoo.
