The Explanation

   Boruto notices that as he's walking through a forest near Konoha that as he mastered his new eye, the Jougen, he always has his eye closed. Since he also has his curse mark he gained when he defeated Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki. For the past 2 years he has been training with Sasuke and some toads at Mount Myoboku. He was able to perfect his eye and sage mode.  Bolt has inherited a taste and personality like Sasukes, as he now wears a cape and has a sword. 

He was on his way back home and was excited to see all his friends, especially one person. He has been on this journey for 4 days now. As he was getting close to his village, he sees smoke coming from everywhere. He knows this is not normal. So without thinking twice, he recalls a clone he had at Mount Myoboku and goes sage, activates his jougan and teleports into konoha. 

When he comes to his home his sage is gone, as teleporting takes a lot of chakra, but his eye is still activated. He sees ninjas fighting everywhere, some wearing leaf village headbands and some wearing a black coat. As hes leaving where he teleported from, he leaves a kunai. 

Bolt thinks to himself ''whats going on!?'' As hes asking himself he hears a familiar voice yelling for help. As he approaches the yells for help he sees his old friend Shikadai surrounded by 7 mysterious ninjas. ''SHIKADAI'' as he throws a kunai at him. He catches it and throws it at the ninjas, understanding Borutos plan. He hits one of the ninjas then bolt teleports to the kunai then releases a lighting cloud he has learned from sasuke quickly taking out the ninjas.

He heads over to hos old friends and gives him a hand. ''Long time no see'' says bolt. But with a horrified look Shikadai says, ''Boruto, its Sarada. They took her.........

Note- This is my first time writing in a very long time so if its not good you know why. And in the next chapter ill make sure to add in more dialogue

Tell me guys what you think about this story :)
