
"Hm~ Hm~ Hm~" A little boy with a cute face and cheerful smile was humming a childish song, his rosy cheeks and large blue eyes was enough to make any adult melt because of his cuteness.

This little boy is none other than Hirokuma Zen.

A 4 year old boy with silver-white hair, blue eyes, white fair skin, and a handsome face, he wears full white dress and bandages on his hands.

"It should be taking effect by now... after all, the foods they've been consuming all month, is poison." Zen smiled, face full of innocence and childish aura. What a terrifying kid...

Just as Zen finish speaking, he heard a thud beyond the door.

Five minutes later, he came out of his room and giggled as he look at the bodies that have fallen on the floor. They didn't even know how they died, how tragic.

He walk on the quiet hallway and stops at a door, it's a stuff room.

He opened it and saw multiple people in white that has fallen unconscious, they were the people that took 'care' and teached him all he have to learn, they were called scientist.

He made his way on a computer and typed some words, he is making his own bank account. He hack to the cards of the people that took care of him and transfer all their money to his account, not only that, but he manage to hack the director's bank card that is filled of money.

Name: Hirokuma Zen

Balance: 989,000,000,000,508 ¥

Zen couldn't help but smirk at the amount of money he had, this people were loaded! But it's his money now

After he finish making his bank account, he made his way on the laboratory, there, he sees 6 humanoid AI Robots, they are all perfect replica of a human. Once they are activited, they will recognize the first person they see as their master, they're loyal, intelligent, and strong. Those scientist spend 10 years making this 6 robots but it'll only fall in the hands of a 4 year old brat, they will spit blood in shock if they know this. All their hard work is gone in vain.

Zen observed them and smiled.

They will get useful once I get out of this place. He thought.

"Activate." A commanding voice left the little boy's mouth.

Once he said that, the humanoid AI robot all open their eyes in union, they first scanned him and bowed.

"Greeting Hirokuma-sama." They said with a smile.

Not only they are a perfect replica of humans but they can feel emotions as well like all humans. Though, the only person they will listen to are of course, their Master.

Now that he got what he came here for, he and the robots got out of the facility.

"Burn it." He ordered looking at the building, he didn't want for people to ever find this place one day.

"Yes Master" they said as they look at the building and explode all of the technology and burning the entire building to ashes.

Zen look at the AI robots and named them and told them their roles in the society.

Name: Shiorume Keita

Job: Personal Butler

Personality: Calm and straightforward

Name: Vinsmoke Sanji

Job: Personal chef

Personality: Calm and rational

Name: Shizume Keira

Job: Personal Maid

Personality: Sweet and responsible

Name: Chisaki Kai

Job: Doctor

Personality: Serious

Name: Sakura Yume

Job: Model and Actress

Personality: friendly and cheerful

Name: Kenma Kozume

Job: CEO

Personality: Serious and good observer

"""""It's an honor to serve you, Hirokuma-sama.""""" They said.

Zen nodded in satisfaction.

"Find a house we can live in and buy it." Zen ordered.

"As you wish." Keita said.

He close his eyes for a moment and open them again.


"Good, lead the way."

"As you wish."

As they walk, Zen noticed that they are in a forest, it's still far away to the entrance of the forest, after all, the facility is located deep in the forest.

Time skip.

They arrived in front of a mansion, the place is extraordinary and gorgeous. In the entrance there is a golden gate that open automatically when they got closer in a certain distance, beyond the gate is a garden with different kinds of beautiful flowers and a single fountain in the middle.

After Zen walk around the house and touring himself, he smiled and was satisfied.

"It's perfect. This house got an infirmary, library, computer room, recording room, an office, a cinema, pool and all the necessary we need. Good job." Zen praised.

"Thank you Hirokuma-sama." Keita bowed.

"Sanji, prepare lunch. Keira prepare the table. Kai learn and improve your skills as a doctor, after that apply a job in a famous hospital. Yume apply and become a model. Kozume make your own successful company. Keita sign me to a school. We need to blend in, in this society."

"Understood, Hirokuma-sama." They said.

Yume and Kozume went outside to do what they were ordered, Sanji went to the kitchen while Keira prepare the table, Kai went to the infirmary, and Keith signed him to a school.

5 minutes later

All the foods Sanji prepared are delicious, this is the first time he ate something so tasty! In the facility, you can only eat bread and porridge, but if you're bad and misbehave then you'll only get half-hard bread and will increase the time they will experiment on you.

Zen is satisfied that a wide smile is on his face all the time while eating, Zen nodded to Sanji and turn to Keita.

"Is it done?" He asked.

"As you ordered, Hirokuma-sama." Keita replied with a bow.

"Good, Keira take care of the house. Keita come with me, we're going out."

"Understood." They said.

Zen took a bath first and wear the same white dress he wore before, he plan to go to the mall to buy the things he needs, clothes, gadget, car, school supplies, bags, etc.

Time skip!

After buying what they need and stuff, Keita put it all in the limo they bought.

Zen sits in the comfy seat and relax, it's good that he finally have clothes other than the white dress, this cloth is more comfortable to wear and move.

While Keita drive, Zen is looking out from the window car with a smile when something caught in the corner of his eye, moments later a smirk appeared on his face.

"Stop driving." Zen ordered.

The limo stops and Zen got out.

"Stay here."

Zen walk and stops in front of a house, there he saw two kids outside and bags with them. He saw them get kicked out of the house by a women who Zen guessed their mother.

"Damn her.." A tall kid with braided hair mumbled while glaring at the door.

"Aniki.. what are we going to do now?" The smaller kid asked as he look at his brother.

The tall kid look at his brother and sigh.

"I..." he look down, didn't know what to say.

"Hello!" A cheerful voice said.

The brothers look at the person that spoke and sees a kid much younger than them, smiling.

"What?" The braided haired asked.

"Nothing! I'm just gonna ask... but are you two good at fighting?"

The brothers look at each other.

"Well, you can say that we are interested, but we never fought before.." the small kid with glasses said.

Zen's smile grew wider.

"That's good! I wanna be friends with you, I saw you guys got kicked out. And I want to invite you guys to live with me! My parents are dead so I only live with my butler and my maid." Zen smiled while explaining.

The brothers raise a brow, confuse as why he was smiling despite saying that his parents are dead, he said it like it didn't even matter at all.

"I never got friends before, so I want to experience having one! What do you say?" Zen continued.

The tall kid zoned out, thinking about the offer, but since they got kicked out and got nowhere else to live anymore. He didn't have a choice but to agree.

"Sure." He said.


"We don't have anywhere else to live, we don't even get along to our relatives. So I agreed because we don't have a choice." He firmly said.


"Don't say it like that!" Zen laughed.

The taller kid sighed.

"Anyway, my name is Hirokuma Zen. What are your names?" He tilted his head and asked.

"My name is Haitani Ran." The taller kid with braided hair introduced himself.

"And I'm Haitani Rindou." The smaller kid with glasses said.

"Nice to meet you, Rin, Ran!" He said as he smile with his eyes close and hold the brothers hands.

The brothers nodded and smile.

'Maybe this wasn't going to be bad after all.' They thought.
