Chapter 10: Freshly Friends

I texted my brother that I delivered the board, before he sent me another address and a name. 'Dope Sketch?' I questioned, before guessing it was the skate shop my brother was talking about the night before. I walked back home before getting Bombshell's broken board. Before I left the house with money and Bombshell's board, my eyes trailed over to my brother's. Placing down my backpack, I grabbed another skateboard holster, before taking my brother's skateboard with me.

I used my brother's board to get around, as I looked at the sticky note in my hand. Coming across the store, I suddenly grew nervous, and I had no clue as to why. Opening the door, I was met with lots of color. The interior had several shelves filled with colorful shirts, skateboards, bags, shoes, and other various products. In the middle of the shop was a table displaying folded shirts. A few chairs were near the desk in the corner of the shop. There were also several large stickers on the concrete floor. I gazed around in wonder, as an older guy appeared from the storage room. "Welcome to Dope Sketch. How can we help you today?"

"Um... I need a new skateboard, and I need a couple of them fixed." I stated, as the guy smirked. "Sure, just go through that door. The kid in there will help." The male said, before restocking some shelves. The door I was meant to go through stated that it was a workshop. Opening said door, my eyes landed on a familiar head of red hair. I froze in my spot, before the boy turned around to look at me.

"Hey, (Y/N). What are you doing here?" He asked, as I stood there frozen. I didn't know why it surprised me so much to see him there. After all, I never heard him mention his job, however, I did not find it impossible. "Hello? Earth to the American!" Reki teased, waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Sorry Reki. I was spacing out." I apologized, as he shook his head. Looking over his shoulder, I saw a brand new board in the works. It was only a slab of wood. A slab of wood with so much hidden potential. "What are you working on?"

"Oh? This?" He asked bashfully, as I gave a calm looking smile, "I was just working on it... as I waited for Langa to come back. I just got done sanding it." I nodded simply, running my fingers over the sanded wood. The board was kind of an irregular shape. Strangely enough, it was shaped like a bombshell with a large head, and a thinned out tail. "So... what are you doing at Dope Sketch, (Y/N)?"

"Oh! That's right!!" I exasperated, before pulling off my filled holster. I spilled the contents of my broken board in an empty spot before he walked over to look over my shoulder. "My board broke last night... And something is telling me that my board isn't going to kick asphalt anymore. I was hoping I could get a new one." Reki inspected the board thoroughly, picking up the two ends and placing them together as if they were two puzzle pieces.

"Yup, that's a dead board alright." He concluded, before giving me his signature smile and a thumbs up, "Don't worry, I'll make you a new board!" His exasperated nature calmed me greatly, as I returned his smile with my own. "... Though I can't help but ask how your board broke so badly. I mean... look at this." Reminiscing about my victory the night before, I shook my head of my thoughts, trying to think of something that wouldn't get my cover blown.

"Um... I was doing some Disasters last night, and I accidently did one too hard." I coughed, giving him an embarrassed and warry smile.

"Yup, a Disaster will do that to you."

"Is there a way... you can fix Bomb- my old board. I want to keep it as a memento, you know?" Reki thought about it for a moment, still looking at the two pieces. It was a clean break at the very least.

"I get it." He understood, "Though, this is kind of a stretch, even for myself. I guess I'll see what I can do." Giving him a quick, awkward side hug as a thank you, Reki just stood there embarrassed. He didn't know how to react, so he froze up. He eventually snapped out of it, before smiling in my direction. He sat at a bar stool, before taking out a notebook and a pencil, "Now! For the interview process!! Sit down!!" I did as obliged, before he continued, "Now, are you wanting to keep your long board, or do you want to switch to a standard street board?"

"I would like a street board, since those are better for skating anyway." I responded, before he wrote it down on his notepad.

"Do you want the standard shape?" He questioned, with a smile, before my eyes trailed to the board he was creating. The shape reminded me of a 1940s bombshell, the actual explosive. If I was going to have a fabulous board, I wanted to go all the way.

"Actually... I would like the board you are working on." I spoke in reminiscence, as Reki had to process what I was saying. He glanced back at the unfinished board, before looking back in my direction.

"Are you sure? It's only an experimental design, (Y/N). It might not work." Reki warned, not having much faith in the design, however, I was willing to believe that the design behind him would be perfect for my style of skateboarding.

"Well, you'll never know if it does or not if you never try. Even if it doesn't work out, I would still like this new shape." I spoke, indirectly complimenting the red-head. A small, pink blush appeared on his cheeks, before he continued on as normal.

"... Alright. Do you want anything specific for the trucks and, or wheels?" Reki queried, smiling in my direction brightly. I glanced over at Bombshell's board for a moment, as Reki soon followed my eyes.

"Anything you think will work is fine. Stability and speed is a big thing for me." I explained vaguely, but Reki wrote it down anyway.

"Do you want anything specific for the overall look?" Reki asked with a large smile on his features. I was shocked, considering he was offering to embellish my skateboard with all the sorts.

"You would decorate it for me?" I questioned sweetly, smiling gently in his direction.

"Well, yeah..." Reki started, scratching his cheek cutely. A small blush appeared on my cheeks as I continued to give him a little grin, "After all, we're friends and it wouldn't be much trouble if I did." His offer still stood, as I breathed a sigh of relief. Bombshell's board took so long to decorate, that I almost failed two tests to make it look perfect, so having Reki do it lifted a large burden off my shoulders, however, I felt kind of guilty for making him do all the work. I was paying him but...

"Okay then, let me think." I thought, putting a finger on my chin in thought. What did I want in a board? A competitive one? Well... my costume of sorts represented an entire era, including classic American symbols that are still relevant to this day. "An overall American look. The back should be the American flag, and all types of 1940s aesthetic! Feel free to put pin-up stickers on it." I enthusiastically grinned, as Reki broke his pencil lead before blushing like crazy. That was not all, however, the door of the workshop slammed shut without any warning. Reki seemed to understand who did the deed, but I sure as hell didn't.

"W-What?!" Reki stuttered, before sharpening his pencil promptly.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" I asked confused, as Reki gave me a quick smirk, however, it was an uncomfortable one, that was trying to keep stuttering at bay.

"Nope!! Continue!!" He urged loudly, before I obliged.

"Okay... well, Rosie the Riveter and Uncle Sam need to be on there. I would prefer stickers, but anything is cool. If there isn't many American decals, then... I'll let you decide. After all, a skateboard, though is a skateboard, is a work of art that the artist put his heart into. I want my board to be not just mine, but ours, okay? That should be it. You can finish it at any time. I don't need it for a while." I finished, as the remnants of a blush were still on our cheeks, "Oh! I know it's a lot, but can you tweak this board too? It's well used, but I would like to keep it useable, you know?" I stated, taking my brother's old board off my back.

"Yeah! I do!!" Reki cheered out, as I reciprocated his actions, "Alright, that should be around... twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred yen. You can pay up front, or you-" Pushing the money towards his chest, as small happy blush covered my cheeks. I didn't know why, but anytime I was with Reki, I was happy. Giddy almost.

"Hey Reki, when is your usual shift?" I asked, before he gave me a confused look. He pointed to his timetable warmly, as I looked it over. Along with his schedule, another name filled the same times as his did. 'Hasegawa...' I thought, 'Isn't that Langa's last name?' Before I could think any further about it, I decided to continue my previous train of thought. "I was just wondering when I should come to the shop so we can do my board together. It's no big deal." I stated, as Reki gave me a quick, 'you can stop by anytime.' Before I could leave the workshop's door, I immediately ran into a chest. Looking up, I stared at Langa for a good few seconds, before backing away. "Sorry Langa." I apologized, before he gave me a quick 'sorry' himself.

"Reki." He stated, gaining the red-head's attention. "I have to get home. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?" Reki nodded, before bringing his attention back to my board. Langa and I stood at the intersection awkwardly for a moment, wondering what to say to one another. For the both of us being in North America, we didn't really appear to have much in common. We waited for Reki, and once he existed the store, him and Langa took the lead. Reki, the red-headed skateboard nerd, carried his newest project along with a small toolbox and his beaten up board. I walked behind the two delicately, occasionally getting asked a question or two. Coming to another intersection, Reki went one way, while Langa and I went another. We strode next to each other, not saying anything.

Suddenly, my stomach growled upon taking a whiff of burgers, fries, and grease. My eyes trailed up to an A&W before I was practically drooling. "Do you want to head in?" Langa asked, before I bolted into the fast food restaurant. In laymen's terms, I ordered a bunch of shit, before sitting down at the table with my order. Deep down, I worried what Langa would think... before he came with quite the stash as well. In fact, it was bigger than mine. We ate in silence.

"So..." I started, "How are you enjoying Okinawa, Langa?" I asked, giving him a kind smile.

"It's good..." He answered simply, biting into one of his burgers.

"Um... I noticed your style of skateboarding." His crystal blue eyes redirected to me, as he continued to munch on his burger, "... I know it might be a stupid question, but were you a snowboarder back in Canada?" He nodded, as I gazed back down at my food.

"Have you done snowboarding before?" He questioned, as I looked up to meet his gaze once again. I shook my head.

"I've only went downhill skiing a couple of times, and I went cross-country skiing alot. Though I don't think it would hurt to give snowboarding a try, you know. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to be staying in Okinawa for a while. I got to get school done after all." I continued, leaving us in a more comfortable silence. "So how long have you been snowboarding, Langa?"

"Since I was two." I spit out my Coca Cola, before coughing into my fist.

"S-Since you were t-two, you said?!" I exasperated, as he nodded worriedly. "That's pretty young. You must be an expert." He shrugged his shoulders tiredly, before going back to his meal again. 'That makes sense... After all, he went from scooting with his hands to being an expert skateboarder in such a short time. A half race to exact. No wonder he is a prodigy.' As I at there in thought, Langa decided to carry the half-dead conversation a little further.

"How long have you been skateboarding?" He asked, as I gave him a confused look, "I don't know... the way you skate looks similar to a skilled professional. Especially since you can do all sorts of moves with ease. Have you done skateboarding professionally before?"

"Oh, well..." I thought, trying to think of what to say and how to portray it properly. "I haven't done it professionally. I've done a couple races in the States, but they were kind of... secret."

"Like 'S?'" He asked in a hushed manner.

"Yeah, exactly. Besides that, I've went skating with my brother a couple times and I have done it with... a couple friends. Why would you ask?" I questioned, getting through my second burger.

"Because your Victory Curls." He stated plainly, eating through his burgers like what he said was no big deal. There was no use denying his claims, since I was just sitting there, frozen, and dumbstruck. 'Not another one! How many mistakes have I made?!' "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" He questioned, as I continued to sit there speechless.

"H-How did you figure it out?" I questioned softly, practically whispering in his ear. Langa thought about it for a moment, before answering.

"Victory Curls broke her board last night, and so happens, Victory Curls's board came in with you and is now in Reki's workshop. Besides that, Victory Curls and yourself literally look the exact same." He deadpanned; however, I knew how he was feeling. Langa Hasegawa wasn't mad, or anything of the sort. He was neutral. If anything, a little happy that he was right. I sat there a flustered mess before he continued further, "I'm glad to know Victory Curls though..." Looking up, I gazed into his crystal like eyes. I was being entranced, and I didn't know why. "I think your moves and overall style are pretty cool. Once I learn the Ollie, can you teach me how to flip the board multiple times over?"

"You mean the Gazelle Flips?" He nodded, "Only if you teach me how you do the Backside Rodeo, okay? Do we have a deal?" We shook hands before going about our meals. Once done, I ordered some more for my brother, before texting him about getting A&W. Langa waited for me outside. "You didn't have to wait."

"My mom says that leaving a girl alone at night is a bad thing, so I'll walk you home." A small pink blush brushed over both of our cheeks as he did just that. It turned out that both Langa and Reki's houses were on the other side of town. Returning me home, I stood by there dumbly, before looking back at Langa.

"Thanks for taking me home." Pulling out a burger from the A&W bag, I gave it to him, "I hope you get home safe. Bye Langa. I'll see you in a couple hours." Entering the house, I put the bag of fast food next to my food deprived brother. He devoured the whole bag quickly, before I went upstairs to do my usual routine. 'Thank God it is Friday tomorrow.' 
