Chapter 32

Sorry for any mistakes :(

I woke up really early to start packing up since we had to leave at six in the morning if we don't want to miss our flight. It was really quiet being the only ones in the house. Maria and Mark were on there honeymoon and Faith was with Mark's mother.

I yawned and stretched out across the bed after packing up all my stuff. Eliot was still asleep on the bed next to me. I got up from my side of the bed and walked over to him holding my hand above his cheek. He looked so peaceful. Too bad I wanted a good laugh right now. I slapped my hand down on his cheek making him jump a little and his eyes widen still not noticing me.

He groaned and turned to face my smiling face.

"Good morning sleepy head!" I said innocently.

He grabbed the pillow under his head and hit me on the side of my head. I chuckled and pushed all the hair that fell in front of my face back.

He sat up rubbing his eyes before looking around the room and at my bags already packed by the door. He turns to me, "You've already packed?" He asks raising an eyebrow in question.

I nod and give a him a small smile, "I woke up a little early and packed. I was going to wake you up before as well, but I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep."

He laughs and climbs out of the bed and towards the bathroom, "I am going to take a quick shower and get packed and then we can go. Mark's mother should be here soon to take us to the airport."

I nod and he walks into the bathroom closing the door. I look around the big room in Maria's house. She and Mark have certainly done well for themselves.

I already started to clean up after I finished packing and taking a shower before walking Elliot up. I picked up the blankets and pillows on the floor from last night where I slept and folded them up on the chair where Maria sat them the night we came here.

I grab my phone and scroll down my contacts list to Sarah and press call. She picks up on the third ring much to my surprise. Saeah is not an early riser but I am across the country so I don't exactly know the time back at home.

"Hello?" Her groggy i-just-woke-up voice answered.

I smiled, "Sarah, I just called to say that me and Elliot are heading back home soon. We should be there tonight. I will see you tomorrow."

"Sam! I missed you so much and Ricky missed you guys too. He was a little upset he wasn't invited." She said teasingly. She knows that he deffiently was but his parents don't let him miss three day of school for a wedding. They are strict like that apparently but not rude and spit like Elliot and Maria's so called parents.

I laughed, "Yeah, tell him I am sorry he couldn't come."

"Will do. So, tell me how was it? Was it fun?"

I laughed at her excitement, "I will tell you everything tomorrow. We have to leave soon."

I heard yawn, "Yeah I got it but I am holding you accountable to it. I am going back to sleep now."

I laughed again and hung up. Just as I did, the doorbell rang. It was weird to answer a fire that isn't even from my home. Faith and her grandparents were standing at the door way with polite smiles. I let them in just as Elliot came into the living room with his hair still damp.

"You ready to go, darling?" Faith's grandmother asks Elliot.

He gives her a warm smile, "Give me a second. I've got to get mine and Stephanie's bags."

He walls out as my smile drops at my fake name. When am I ever going to get used to that new name because I don't really like it that much.


We say out goodbyes to little Faith who was crying already. She deffiently didn't want her uncle to leave. It did something to my heart when she called me Little fighter like Elliot but with her little sweet voice. She was so adorable.

On the plane I basically ripped off Elliot's hand. He didn't say anything but I knew it hurt. I tried to be more gentle but I don't really like flying.

Landed was the worst and best part. It was good because I could finally get off this death trap but also terrifying for me.

"You good?" Elliot asks as we got into the cab having home. I simply nodded with a greatful smile which he responded.

"Good. Sadly, I can't say the same for my hand."

I laughed but still felt guilty about it. I have him sympathetic look, "I'm sorry."

He shrugged me off, "It was your first time flying. It's fine."

The rest of the ride was quiet to his parents house where the cab dropped us off so we could climb into his car and drive to the apartment. We have blankets and a queen size air mattress already there.

I almost passed out on the way there. I woke up early and didn't get much sleep last night. My eyelids kept dropping but I pop the open again ever free seconds, trying to stay awake.

I must have failed because the next thing I knew we are parked outside the apartment. Elliot kept shaking me.

"Little fighter. Come on. Get up. I am way to tired to carry you up all those stairs to the apartment." He shakes me again, "Come on little fighter."

I groan and swat his hand away and curl up into a ball on the passenger seat. I heard him sigh and his footsteps. The passenger door opened and I felt his arms pick me up into his arm bridal style. I jumped up and out if his arms landing on my feet.

"I'm up god damn it!" I shoot at him and stretch put my arms and yawn while he chuckles at me.

"Come on. We need to get out bags fr the car." He says and walk past me to the truck of his car and grabs two of his duffle bags. I follow and grab my bags. I groan from all the weight.

"Seriously. You are such a wimp sometimes little fighter." He teases.

I roll my eyes at him and then glare, "I just woke uo and need to regain my strength."

"Okay and how long is going to take?"

I sigh, "I sure know a way to quicken it." I say pinching on his right shoulder making his drop the bags.

He looks at me with wide eyes and rubs his shoulder where I punched him, "Okay, I take it back. Remind me never to call you a wimp little fighter."

We laugh as I try again with the bags. I still have to lift them a little to regain my strength but after a while I am good and start heading to the steps leading to our apartment.

Elliot is behind me this time. Making sure I don't fall down the steps when we get there. I reach the steps and feel my arms giving out and drip the bags on the steps. I turn around hoping to persuade Elliot to come back for my bags and let me sleep but when I turn I don't see him.

"Elliot?" I asks and look around. Where could have be gone? I see nothing or no one around.

I walk down the four steps I ready went up and back to the car. I don't see him at all at the car. I look around outside in the dark night. It isn't pitch black yet but it's getting there.

"Elliot?!" I shout a few times before someone answers.

"I am sorry but Randy can't be reached at the moment Blue Night."

I turn around to come face to face with a gut know a black ski mask similar to the one Elliot wares when he fights. I raid my eyebrows I'm question but before I can sat anything back and cloth is put over my mouth by another person behind me and everything starts to get blurry then plain black.

The last thing I see is the guy in the ski mask and another person that looks like a girl in a similar mask standing over my body after I fell down.


I hope you liked this chapter!! This chapter isn't edited so sorry for any mistakes :(

Sorry but not sorry about the cliff hanger....this is where things start to get interesting ;)

I will update as soon as I can.

Song title - Hold me down by Halsey
