Family reunion pt.5

(Y/n) POV

After Flash talks about the plan... and funnel cake. 'Sigh' I see where Bart got it from.

We started to run around Neutron, Kid Flash not being as fast as us complained about being slower and must of had this weird Mantra in his head because he started talking to himself and I think I was the only one who knew that. Anyways, when we were done with the cyclone part Neutron fell to the ground and started to go nuclear after everything. Except Bart placed the blue ball thingy mibobber (forgot what it's called but you probably know what it is), and all was well.

"Bart up top?", I ask suggestively.

"Yup this will be so crash Gramps gets to see our famous handshake!", I roll my eyes at Bart's enthusiasm.

At first we look like we are about to high five, but purposely miss. Our hands meet at the bottom and we go back up top so the back of our hands meet. We walk in a circle, hands in the same position, bow, and then high five for real. Gramps and Wally were soooooooooooooooo confused.

Time skip sponsored by Johnlock

"Looks like everything is true your genes match up and you have timey whimey particles all over you", Nightwing smiled. 

"Woohoo! Gramps it's so great for you to believe us, but we have got to go. Gotta run!" Bart and I said in unison.

"I will never get used to that..", Wally sighed.

3rd POV

(Y/n) and Bart walked into their respective machines and pretended to be upset about being stuck in the past... and talked in unison again...
