Obsessive desire

Tw// slur used, spice

You shamble through the party. You didn't drink much and you stuck near Edith. You see, you don't exactly remember the movie. Okay fuck, you'll be honest you remember dittily squat about the movie. All you know is about the main shit, like you are currently at Billy and Stus big entrance.

Once they have killed everyone outside they will make their way inside and kill everyone inside of the party. At least you think that's how it went.

You had tore your dress, you had made a slit up your leg so you could make easier strides when you were getting chased by a knife wielding maniac. It was too late to change out of your costume unless you wanted to strip. This was not a tactical dress at all the only up factor is that it tears easily.

Your eyes glare into the crowds. You haven't heard any screams yet. When the comical screams happen all you know is to follow Edith. She's the main charcter so you have a better chance at surviving if you stick with her. All the extras die. You'll be damned if that's what gets you killed.

You had a sudden realization. Randy where the fuck is Randy. Would he even be at this party...wait. He dies in this party duh but maybe if you get him on your side he can give you more information. The reason he gets killed off so quick is simply because hes too smart. He'd figure them out and they needed him gone. You needed him here.

You see Randy drunk pointing out some flaws about the current rom com movie you quickly walked over grabbed him and walked back to the group. He sputtered something out but you didn't pay attention to that. Edith waved you back over when she spotted Randy and so did the others. They looked at you weirdly but didn't say anything. They continued with their conversation once again unknowingly, or knowingly, leaving you out.

Randy being the nerd loser he is started to sputter "He-hey (Y/n) whats up"

He probably thought you were going to like embarrass him or something cruel like that. You don't blame him. He was Randy, the dude who hung out with Billy and Stu who clearly wasn't supposed to be popular but a true horror nerd. To you though, he was a chance at survival as the mean girl. A chance that you desperately needed.

"You know about horror movies right?" You say and Connor appears on your other side clearly intrested in your discussion.

Randy's eyebrows furrowed "Yeah of course I do, I'm not called a horror movie buff for nothing" he says crossing his arms.

"Cool what usually happens to the mean girl character" you asked.

"Well it depends on how mean they are to the protagonist, the meaner they are the worse their death is but either way they all die" he explains then he rants on all the movies that did that same trope over and over again.

You listened intently and you felt Connor put his arm around you and you glanced at him. He didn't say a word but he was clearly listening to Randy rant as well. Your eyes wander to behind Randy. Your eyes met two black elongated eyes.

Scream. The scream mask. They made it inside. You grabbed Randy's wrist and Connor's wrist. They looked at you weirdly but the other Ghostface killed someone making someone yell loudly. Edith and the rest of the group take off. You dragged Connor and Randy but you let go of Connor since you were only dragging him down.

"Come on Randy we are loosing the group you know what that means" you yelled at him and he started to sprint as you both held hands trying to keep up with the group.

Your dress gets caught on something making you yell. They all look back and surprisingly Mildred continues to take off. Wasn't she supposed to help your character?? What the fuck is this shit. You grabbed your dress caught on something and tugged at it.

You felt arms rip you from the shrubbery that you were caught on. Randy yelled and you looked. Ghostface was going to kill him. You push youself away from Connor and you rammed yourself into Ghostface's chest before he got the chance to stab Randy.

"GO, GO CATCH UP TO THE REST OF THE GROUP" you called and Connor shook his head.

You yelled as Ghostface swung his knife at you and he tackled you to the floor as you put your foot on his stomach and with all your might threw him off.


Comnor grabbed a yelling Randy. He didn't want to leave you. He knew what happened to characters that said they'd be back and stayed behind. Connor didn't let him go until they were gone from your sight.

"I didn't take you for one to sacrifice yourself for some loser like that, who knew princess bitch had a soft heart" the voice laughed robotically.

You forgot how much of an asshole they were. Especially when they didn't even like you. They definitely didn't like you but maybe they didn't hold a grudge yet

"Who said it's a fucking sacrifice whore, you fucking killed Tatum" you respond.

'Wait what?' You think.

'Your character was freinds with Tatum' Frank repsonds.

'But I didn't know that?' You were confused.

'Yes but your body does' he says.

"HA that pig, what you're gonna kill me babe?" He laughs.

You scowled and started to run again. He was hot on your heels. You heard the laughter behind you. Shit. They were both here. You grabbed onto a tree trunk and started to fucking climb faster than your body could register as your dress rips even more. You decided to say fuck it. You ripped the dress off and underneath you had black spandex shorts and a corset bodice. Your hair was frazzled and you looked down. The dress had fallen on top of Ghostface's mask.

He yanked it off looking at the dress then back at you "Shakin your ass for me isn't gonna save you"

"Then stop looking at my ass perv!" You kicked a branch hard and it went tumbling down forcing Ghostface to jump down from the tree and tumble away.

You looked at the other tree and jumped a leap of faith, really. The branch breaks under your weight and it send you tumbling down. The air was forced out of your lungs as you couldn't breath. You started to cough trying to get air inside of your lungs.

You move so you can try and get up and you felt a kick sending you flying, making your body smack against the tree the wood splintering against the force, digging itself in your back. A shoe pressed itself against your stomach making you yelp.

"Any last words bitch" the new Ghostface says.

"Yeah...Gravity" you scratched out.

He looked up and the branch had broken off started to fall at top speeds. You bucked your stomach up, throwing him off you as you rolled from your back onto your hands and feet. You pushed yourself up forcing your sore body to run. You raced away.

You rush out of the woods and suddenly you were pulled into a hug. You blinked as Connor was holding you. You patted his back before separating from him and Randy was just looking at you as if you had litterly gifted him a puppy.

"You...saved me?" He said slowly as if still not believing it

"I..." You paused.

You had risked your life to save Randy. You hadn't thought about it. You just instinctively did that. You were in Mildred's shoes. She would have never done that. Still...you had that burning question.

Why hadn't...you, or Mildred playing your role, why hadn't she stopped to help you. That and she was giggling in the car when you were scared out of your mind. What the fuck is going on. Were you genuinely not as bad as your Mildred...did you have a fighting chance?

You looked back into the woods. The boys would come looking for you. You had bruised their ego. You would have to be on high alert.

"....I didn't do it for you, anyways if you really want to help me can I stay at your place tonight" you asked him.

"Of course" he said before heading to his car probably so he could drive the two of you to his house.

"Just stay at mine" Connor says grabbing your arm.

"Look...they are most likely going to come after me and I don't want you getting hurt" you say.

He seemed taken a back by this "(Y/n)..."

"Look I almost died tonight okay, I don't have time to care about anyone else right now so it's safer if you just keep your distance" you say.

The rest of the group comes "Oh my god you're okay" Mildred says softly with big eyes.

Your own eye twitched "Yeah no thanks to any of you" you growled.

"What do you want us to do? Save you?? We all could have died if we did that" Blake says.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)...but Blakes right" Edith says.

Even in this fucking universe. In the universe where YOU'RE supposed to be the one with power, with support with...everything. You're still the outsider. It seemed that would be the case in every dam universe. You couldn't just be the bitch who has it all.

"Fuck that! You left me to die you assholes I hope you feel guilty, IF I DIED...if I died I hope you all know that I would drag you all to hell" you sneered.

Blake grabbed your arm and he was going to say something. Connor steps up pushing Blake away. Blake scoffs a snarl appearing on his face as Connor stands in front of you.

"Oh, so you have your faggot boyfriend defending you now" Blake says.

That fucking did something to you. It was this building rage. Look they could say whatever they wanted about you but if they even uttered your friends name.

You grabbed the nearest rock and you grabbed it walked up to Blake and smashed it into his head. He yelled out in pain as the rock made contact making him fall to the ground. You stepped on his hand as hard as you could. You felt the fingers break under your feet and it had him screaming. The same hand he used to drag and strangle you.

"(Y/n) thats enough!" Connor yells pulling you away.

Edith goes to his side crying and checking if he was okay and Mildred was shaking like a leaf. Oh you were definitely going to be called a bitch now. A crazy fucking bitch whos cold hearted and fuck it felt so nice.

You grabbed a branch and raised it above your head stabbing it on the ground near Blake's head making Edith yell even more. You smirked. Oh yeah. That felt good.

"Touch me ever again, talk about Connor ever again and I'll tear your throat out, oh and if you look our way just know those pretty blue eyes of yours cost thousands" you sneered.

You looked at Mildred and Edith "Pathetic" you scoffed "the same goes for you two keep my name out of your fucking mouth or I'll rip it off"

Connor looked at you he seemed a bit afraid. You just gazed at him with warm eyes. You softly pat his shoulder with an apologetic smile.

"He's still cool with you guys, right" you say warningly and they shook their heads yes.

"Amazing" you clasp your hands together.

You look to the woods and your heart leapt to your throat. The mask was there watching you from the woods. You locked eyes before it disappeared. 'Shit' you think.

Randy pulls up his car and he looks at Blake with worried eyes. You get in the car. You buckle yourself up and look over at Randy. You give him a sweet smile that had him blushing and stuttering.

"Drive" you closed your eyes.

"Right, right" he rushes out and suddenly the music coming out was the type you'd expect, horror movie soundtracks...it actually sounded pretty good.

The drive was kind of silent but you slowly found yourself talking about horror movies with him. You started to even laugh.

"No I don't think people can fit into tropes, eveyone has at least one trait that doesn't fit that specific trope" you grinned.

"Well I don't think that it's the little traits that matter, I think the overall character places you in a trope" he says as he stops the car.

"Oh yeah? What catagory would I be put in" you say with a grin.

He looks at you but he had a small grin "Ice queen"

"Really even with all this laughing and bonding we are doing" you teased.

"Yes because that's how the audience sees you, not how I'd see you" he responds.

He gets out of the car and quickly opens the car door for you. You raise a brow but he grins and bows a bit. He reminded you a bit of Stu.

"Thank you gentleman" you say.

"Is that the catagory you'd put me in" he jokes closing the door and locking his car doors.

"No I'd put you under omega virgin loser" you joked as he opens the door for you into his house.

Its pretty cozy. There was some cans lying around and chip bags. He quickly runs in and starts picking up around his house.

"Uh sorry it's a mess" he says with a blush.

"It's fine Randy" you say gently.

"You know my name?" He says looking up with wide eyes.

"Duh?" You tilt your head curiously.

"...just...just...uh...yeah I'll take the couch" he says.

"No no it's fine" you say waving your hands slightly.

"No trust me I never use my bed anyways as you can tell by the trash all around the couch" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Thanks Randy, for also letting me stay here it's uh...I don't think I'd be able to spend the night alone" you says rubbing your arm.

"Hey ice queen when did you start thanking the omega virgin loser" he grins.

You crack a grin "You're right hope you choke on a Dorito or something Randy"

"There ya go, theres my ice queen" he says and lays down on his couch.

You watch from the door way "Goodnight Randy"

You hear snoring from him making you laugh slighly. You walk to the bathroom and took the rest of your makeup off with water. You close your eyes rubbing off it. The water turns dirty with the makeup and it stains the sink. You grabbed a wipey and wipe down the sink.

You look up and stop. Your breathing starts to get labored. There he was. You didn't know which one it was. You turned and looked at him pressing yourself against the sink.

"Randy's sleeping very heavy right now don't you think" the voice says as his gloved finger strokes against the side of the knife.

Your eyes followed his finger and he snaps them "Hey pretty girl eyes on me"

You looked back up "Don't hurt him" you whispered.

"Awe she's worried for Randy boy" another voice chides.

"Do whatever you fucking want to me, but don't touch him" you look at them.

They looked at each other but don't say a word. It was tempting. Why were you so tempting. Billy hated it but it intrigued Stu. Stu slowly moved behind you but you had no idea which was which.

"Awe come on lets have some fun" the mechanical voice says.

"...Let's go" the other voice says and leaves.

The Ghostface behind you sighed alittle "You little temptress" he teased the mask pressing against your cheek before he left leaving your knees jelly.

You fall to the floor. You grabbed your heart. You were so confused. What was happening. What part of you was enjoying that. There was a big part that enjoyed that but was it you?

"What's fucking happening Frank" you whimper out.

"You are stuck here and so is Donnie and Joe if you want to get back to your real friends I suggest you get out soon" Frank says holding you in his arms.

"Why is this happening, what happened" you whisper.

"You...you telling them about their existence and their universe caused a rift to open, you once again made another dimension because of your decision. This made the rifts appear in the first place. It seems you fell through a rift" he states.

"So you're telling me...if I never told them this would have never happened?"

"...Yes" he says slowly.

"This is my fault"



Tate langdon. The school shooter. The one who was destined to kill you. You had been thinking for a bit how to convince him. How to...fuck you don't know just get him off your back. His dead eyes have been staring at the back of your head for all the fucking period.

You glared back at him but he kept eye contact. You sighed and when the bell rang for lunch you follow him to his lunch spot. You gripped your fists balling them at your sides. It hurt. For him to look at you like that again. As if...you don't know.

"Stop looking at me" you demand.

"Why" he says lazily looking up.

You were taken a back "Do you want me to fucking bust your eyes in"

'WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS BODY??' You yelled at Frank.

'It isn't yours permantly at least not yet it will have some control over what you say' Frank says.

He didn't say a word but there was this look in his eyes. One that you didn't like. It wasn't hate. No, you know what his look meant. You've seen it before. Lust. It was fucking lust. He got up and suddenly pressed you against the wall. You bruised back hurt as you pushed yourself closer to the wall.

"Do it... you've never done it yourself you know, you've only watched as they hurt me. I wonder do you like it? Watching people in pain, is that why you had that expression when you hurt Blake" he says.

Your eyes widen. He was there? Shit wait...that wasn't Billy and that wasn't Stu. That was fucking Danny. Danny was the face you saw in the woods after you beat up Blake.

'Frank I thought you'd say I would die in this universe' you ask shakily.

'I never said out of hate' Frank warns.

"Get the fuck off me Tate" you say shakily.

"What will you do if I don't" he presses his body against yours making your breath hitch.

You kneed him in the stomach making him flinch and you pushed him away "Don't touch me" You growled.

"Thats the first time you've used my name" he says looking at you with love sick eyes.

"Fuck off" you say and stumble off breathing shakily.

"Then why do you look at me like that now...stop" he whispers crumbling to the floor "stop looking at me as if I exist and you care if I don't have a a chance"

You gripped your arms. What the fuck was going on. It hurt seeing him like that. Its like how he was at the...stop its not your Tate, this isnt your Tate. You turned and walked away your heart heavy in your chest.

You walj and bump into Hannibal. The relief you felt was immense. He was going to be normal right? He was always the normal one in these situations.

"Lovely to see you again Ms. (L/n)" he says nodding his head.

Good Hannibal seemed normal "Yeah whatever Hannibal" your body grumbled as you pushed past him.

He grabbed your arm "Remember you have to meet with me after class"

You looked at him immediately "What"

"As a TA I'm the one in charge of tutoring" he says easily but your cheeks flushed.

This was too much, you needed to get out of here. You race away, you need to get out like right fucking now. Theres too many people here in this school. You needed to find Donnie and Jontahan.

You race all across the town trying to find them. You notice a boy who looks exactly like Joe. It must be Jonathan right?

"Jonathan!" You yelled and he looked over at you.

You grabbed him hugging him before breaking down. He grabbed you and just hugged you. His hand pressed on the back of your head cradling you gently.

"I've got you (Y/n) I've got you" he says gently and out of breath.

You just held him in your arms closing your eyes. Someone who knew you. Someone who knew what you were going through. He grabbed your face and cupped your face searching your eyes. You looked at him. He didn't have his beard. Hell his hair was shorter as well.

"I see the whole Joe thing now you look exactly like him ya know" you laughed.

"Well...my name is Joe Goldberg...I'm sorry I am a bit heasitant to give people my real name" he says.

You stepped back "It's okay I understand" you sigh and looked around at the town.

"We need to get out of here Joe, do you know where Donnie is?"

"Yeah actually hold on stay at the Block Buster I'll go get Donnie" he whispers.

You sighed and walked into the Block Buster. You looked around. You slowly walked into the horror section. You see the movies and pulled out a movie.

"Whats miss scream queen doing here" you hear a familar voice say.

You felt sweat run down your back as you gulped. You turned to see Stu lazing over a rank his careful grin on his face as he had his cheek propped up.

"Whats this?" Someone plucks a movie out of your hand making you jump away your back crashing into the rack that Stu was near.

It made you hiss as you pressed your hand against your back. It was just getting totally abused today, you'll be sore for ages.

Billy teasingly swung the horror movie before turning it around to read the back before he glanced up at you "Never took you for a horror girl, you seem like a Paris Hilton type"

You scrunch your nose up "Well I can't say the same for you, you look like a dick and act like one too"

"Awe you wound us" Stu says pretending to stab himself sticking his toungue out dramactially.

Your eyes couldn't help but soften. Your boys. They were still your boys. No stop they don't know you. They don't care for you.

Billy noticed the way you looked at Stu though. He raised a brow. There was a hint of jealously because no one had ever gazed at him as softly as you just did. There was this sort of look in your gaze that looked like complete and utter understanding and love despite all that.

"Hey seems like the ice queen has a soft spot" Billy says crossing his arms.

You immediately look back at Billy and realized he started to advance towards you making you press your back into the rack. Stu comes from behind with his goofy smile

"Oh yeah how come?" He questions.

Billy gets closer and you just looked at him. He was very much a whore. A whore with mommy issues that you fucking loved. You couldn't help but look at them the way you looked at your Billy and Stu. You missed them very much especially now. You missed everyone.

"Billy don't" you say quickly putting your hand out to keep him from coming any closer.

He seemed to pause in his walk. Now you were looking at him with those eyes. He didn't want you to stop looking at him like that but at the same time he hated it. Like you knew him better than he knew himself.

"(Y/n)" Joe says and you looked over.

He reached your side and you rushed over to him and Donnie. You couldn't tell what Joe was thinking. You never could but there was a look that surpised you. It was even on Donnies face.

"Guys let's get out of here come on" you hissed grabbing them and leading them away.

You felt the gaze of Billy and Stu trailing behind you. You didn't look back.

"Thats how they fucking looked when they were teens, jesus how did you not punch them in the face" Donnie scoffed.

You looked over at him, he was younger too. He had a more plump face unlike his older self who looked skeletal and dead with scruff. He was also clean and baby faced so you couldn't help but grin.

"Oh god Donnie you look like a baby" you comment.

"Shut up come on we gotta figure a way out if here before we are stuck in this fucked place" he says.

"Who were those guys" Joe says lowly, his voice didn't have his deep and sultry sound to it yet but hey an 18 year old probably isn't supposed too.

"Friends...well they were friends but here they are all weird as shit" you shiver.

"Noted" Joe mutters.

"So how the hell do we get back" you say.

"Isn't it obvious?" Donnie says before looking at all of us.

"One of us has to die"
