The Real Trouble with the Time of Trouble

The church we love and serve—God’s remnant Movement—finds itself in great peril at this present time, and this preacher would be a false witness if I did not confess to being concerned about it. Should we be surprised? Not at all! We know the back story. What is happening is that this cosmic engagement that has come to be known as the great controversy is approaching its denouement, and Satan is not happy about it! At this time, all who love the Bride of Christ and enlist in His army must be prepared to take their places on the battlefield for the defense of the truth. So then, let us proceed prayerfully.

Of all the evils of the last days brought to view in the Scriptures, few receive greater denunciation and will be punished with greater severity than the terrible work carried out by the propagators of false teachings in the name of the gospel. A growing class of highly schooled individuals who have perfected the art of mixing much of the truth with a little error are to be feared much more than the purveyors of blatant heresy. Some who apparently think themselves more merciful and loving than the Creator of the universe have constantly sought to diminish the judgments against sin in God’s Word and soften the blow of the outpouring of the wrath of God upon a rebellious world. It is as though they feel that certain declarations found in the Word of God are short of compassion and kindness, and they must interpose themselves between their fellowmen and the Almighty – somewhat like the “priests” and “saints” in the kingdom of antichrist. This insufferable arrogance is enough to try the patience of even the meekest of God’s children.

Dr. Gerhard Pfandl, a sympathizer of the late Desmond Ford whose decimation of Adventist theology has been well documented, and a known critic of the message to the final generation of Earth’s history which God has entrusted to the Seventh-day Adventist church, has written an article entitled “The Trouble with the ‘Time of Trouble’” in which he addresses the hour of trial that the people of God will be called upon to endure just ahead.1 We readily observe that in his title, he places the phrase ‘time of trouble’  in quotation marks – a common literary practice of certain ones who reject unpopular truths. Professed Adventist Reinder Bruinsma, a shameless defender of modern popery and a public denier of established Bible teachings concerning that entity,2 also used this strategy in his 2018 denunciation of the Advent Message which he was somehow able to publish on the website of the Rocky Mountain Conference.3 This is hardly surprising, however, as we have seen that in recent times, the rulers and representatives of that particular church entity have, at their constituency session, officially aligned themselves with the ongoing rebellion against the consensus of the world church – the latest of a growing number of groups in North America, Europe and other places to set a precedent for wayward souls in the church who feel at liberty to do as they please, irrespective of the decisions of the world church. Thus they choose to defiantly walk in the footsteps of Korah in the Old Testament and Judas in the New.4 Their frightening fulfillment of the final scenes of both typologies is undoubtedly imminent.

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Don R West
