Free Falling

No one understands what's happening for a solid minute. That's until the whole crew was panicking and saying they need to do an emergency landing.

The caption/pilot of the plain announces, "I'm sorry to say, but no one will be surviving this crash."

The plain slowly falls. Dramatic music is played all through out Los Angeles. Everyone is watching the plane fall down without a wing. The other wing was far behind. It had flown off for unknown reasons. Turns out the wing fell right on Shane Dawsons house. Shane Dawson was trying to get consent from his cat at this moment. Poor cat.

Anyway, the plane was furiously flying down. The crew mate everyone put on their safety vests. You quickly take a selfie and post it on Instagram. You caption it: Feeling adventurous 🥰🌻. You put your phone away and look out the window. You admire you last seconds.

The plane snapped in half. The passengers got separated into two groups. Everyone was screaming and yelling. No one believed in life anymore. You closed your eyes for a split second and got flashbacks.

Your mother and father were sitting at the dinner table. You were about 3 years old. That was the night they told you the news that broke your life forever. They were putting you up for adoption. You would never see them again. You remember how your mother deep green eyes filled with tears while your fathers poop brown eyes stayed emotionless. Then they said they were also getting a divorce. They said they wouldn't be able to take care of you separately, so adoption center was their only choice. You tried everything to forget that night. Luckily, you were adopted by a decent family later. They provided a good home and a warm welcome. But it never felt as if they were your real parents. It never felt the same.

Your eyes open. Your falling. Crashing. Dying. You closed your eyes and wished. Prayed. Hoped.

Screaming filled your ears. It was unbearable to listen to. The wind made it worse. Suddenly, your seat belt unlocked and you flew out of your seat. You were now in free fall.

You couldn't make it out alive, unless...

373 words.
