Chapter 1 : The Story Of My Life

"Running after you is like chasing the cloud"
-One Direction-

Never in a million years I thought that my life will turn out to be so great than before.

During my teenagers years, I was just this dorky girl who wear braces and got a lot of freckles in my face. I always be that kind of girl who had been the last one that had been pick in a school activities. The girls that had been bullied because of her stupid outfit. The girl that never had many friend as the other.

But right now! This is my moment! Here I am! I am standing in front of 40 thousands crowds. With another sold out ticket records that I had achieve.

It was my Get Weird World Tour Concert. Tonight is going to be my last tour for this album which is also my second album after the first one which I called Believe.

"Truthfully, this night is one of my amazing night I had ever had! You guys are so amazing! You guys are one of the reason why I'm doing this! Your support mean everything to me!" I spoke at the microphone while walking along the stage.

"Tonight! As all of you guys know already, will be my last tour for this album! I had a huge blast this year because of this album. This all wasn't going to happen if it wasn't because of you guys! I really like to sing for each and everyone of you to tell you that you guys all was worth in every single thing that you guys had been dream of! And so right now, I'm going to dedicated this last song to every single one of you! Ladies and gentleman I present you! RECKLESSLY!" I yell thru the microphone and the crowds went wild.

My band start the music and stand on my grown before sing the last song for the night.


I was walking down the hallway at my highschool with my bag pack strap at my shoulder and my book which I hold close to me.

"Nice 'dress' weirdo!" One of the cheerleader spoke to me. I look at her and realise it was Sabrina. The Captain of the school cheerleaders. I wasn't even bother to talk to her so I just walk past thru her.

"You know it wasn't nice to not saying thank you for someone that give you a compliment!" She stop me. I saw both of her best friend standing at her wing.

I remain silent before trying to pass her which I failed as she push me causing me to fall down and my things was scattered around the floor. All of the people that saw the incident was laughing at me. I felt so embarrassed that I wanna cry. But I hold back my tears and pick up my thing.

"What is happening here!" I heard a boy voice echo. I look up and saw the one and only Mr Jonathan Good. He was the popular kid here. Beside he was the captain of the high school football. He was a very handsome young man. He can sweep all of the girls feet just by his stare. His beautiful blue/greyish eyes could be very mesmerizing. When I said all, that was included me.

Yeah! I! The school nerd is having a crush over this one popular guy at school. The joke was on me! Right?

I look at him confused as he come and pick some of my things.

He stood up after picking one of my book. My eyes was widened as I realised that it was my diary. He open it and read it. I try to snatch it away from him but I failed as he push me away.

After reading few pages he look at me smirking.

"Today I saw Jon walking pass thru me. Gosh he is so gorgeous. He smell so nice even if he was sweaty!" He read out loud. My tears start to streaming down my face. I try to get my diary back but he just won't let me. He read page by page until he stop and look at me.

"I always thought you we're one of the smartest girl here at school since you grade was high than everyone else. But my thought was wrong! You are stupid if you think you have a right to have a crush over a guy like me. Look at you. You look hideous. Look at me, I look way more better than you! We are two different person that live in a very different world. And was clearly that my world is far more better than yours!" He said that before throwing away my diary over the trash can. All the student was laughing over me while I was crying after being humiliated by my own crush.

"Jess! Wake up!" Someone spoke.

"Jessica! You having a nightmare again!" My best friend Elle inform me.

I sit back and realize I've been crying during my sleep.

"The same dream over again?" She asked and I nod.

This past few weeks I had been dreaming about the same day all over again. The day where my high school crush humiliated me in front of others student. Since that day happen, I left my high school and told my mom to hire private teacher. Yeah, since that day I was home schooling.

"Jess! Earth to! Gosh!" Elle rolled her eyes before left me alone.

As we finished our breakfast at the hotel room my manager Alice come to meet us to talk about few things.

"Start today you got your day off for one week! You can do what ever you want. But remember! Next week you need to be at Tampa Florida for your next project!" She inform me and I nod to her.

"Enjoy your days off and don't do reckless thing. Elle! Make sure the both of you be at Tampa on time! And we will talk about that more after you guys get back!" She inform us again before give us a hug.

Elle had been my best friend since I was eighteen. We kind of have the same background if you know what I mean. But since I manage to be in this industry, I had drag her along with me. She wash also my makeup artist since she had went to beauty school. Her point of view is really important to me in every single decision I made and so was her. Most of the time people thought we we're sibling since we we're in separate able.

As Alice leave our room we look at each other before jumping around our hotel bed.

"Finally we are going home!" She squeal!

"I can't remember last time I had been there!" I added. I had been tour all around the world which is very awesome experience. But at the same time, I barely spent time at my own hometown Cincinnati Ohio.

This will be interesting week for me. Finally I can meet my whole family again and having fun like we always used to before this.

1st chapter is done! Hope you guys like this. I decide to do this story because of my love to music and wrestling. I try to write this as best as I can. Please leave you guys taught about this and dont forget to vote. Bye the way! I will give the credit of every song I put in this story at the end of this chapter just in case you guys wondering 😉😉😘

(Recklessly by Hot Chelle Rae)
