Chapter 37

Ruan Le gritted his teeth and scolded in a low voice: "What kind of arrogance does the hanging man pretend to be, obviously because he saw that Brother Ming liked him, he started to pretend, he was shameless and skinless."

    Shi Huai Ming had made it clear just now that he would show evidence, but Ruan Le was just as deaf, and determined that Shi Huai deliberately caused Yu Hanming's sadness, which made him feel guilty, and then began to appreciate it from the top. Yu Han Caritas loves the life and death of his love.

    Shi Huai and Gu Jingxian actually have a special cp building on the forum, which is called story cp. Later, because more and more people hit it, it was too popular, so the forum specially created the function of blocking words for them.

    Because it is too popular, and not everyone hits it, naturally some people will find it too annoying when they see the homepage, and the function of blocking words is also needed.

    Now, Shi Huai and Yu Hanming's elevator entanglement, naturally, someone soon posted it on the forum.

.The daily activity of the X-large forum does not need to be A-sized at all, and people post all the big things on the Internet, which is why he believes that Yu Hanming will also bear the pressure of public opinion from the forum that he endured at the beginning.

    Just returning to the dormitory, Gu Jingxian, who had already taken off his upper body clothes and prepared to go in with a change of clothes, went to Qian and habitually swiped the forum.

    He rarely browsed the forum before, because there were basically posts about making friends, asking for help, and pouring water.

    Later, Lu Baiyi showed him a forum link with a smirk. That link was the dedicated building for the story CP. After Gu Jingxian read it, he silently collected it, and even peeped at the screen to learn the imagination of some bigwigs. , he also learned from it that Shi Huai's advice on pretending to be a couple on the way.

    After that, browsing the forum became his first choice for fishing every day.

.Gu Jingxian skillfully entered the forum and found a title with Shi Huai, and behind the title there were two red and one yellow logos, new and hot.

    The building is full of one-pass analysis of the two protagonists who learned about the elevator failure on the third floor.

    If you don't eat it, you don't eat it: [Does anyone not know that Shi is feisty? He has been sultry since he entered the basketball club. When Aquaman is chasing the trend, now it's alright, one of the fish overturned. 】

    I love you after a sneeze: [Upstairs, evidence, please. 】

    The flower shop has closed: [I have been in contact for a while, with excellent grades, good personality, and a very lovely person, please don't spread rumors and slander. 】

    If you don’t eat, don’t eat: [Yoyo, the story CP army is here, so eager to wash? 】

.Click on this homepage where you don't eat if you don't eat, follow the dynamic of the fans and the likes are all zero. It is obviously a small account, but it has followed a lot of posts. Mai estimates that he is a trumpet.

    Gu Jingxian frowned, read halfway, clicked on the comment, and typed a few words.

    Xiao Guzi: [id: I don't eat if I don't eat, I'm his boyfriend, why don't I know about this? 】

    His forum id used to be "Gu", but later all the dating apps were changed to "Xiao Guzi".

    Xiao Guzi: [And, privately send me your name, major, and grade. The school will never tolerate rumors and slanders. 】

    As soon as this thread came out, CP fans came to hear it, and the whole building turned a page directly.

.And the person named "If you don't eat, don't eat" has always been like that and won't reply to this post.

    Gu Jingxian first took a screenshot of the webpage link and sent it to his WeChat, and he would find out this person later.

    This person's homepage is all about the filth of the black, so it must not have been such a stoking act once or twice. The school is also at a loss for some stinky people on the forum, so let him rectify the atmosphere.

    This early bird, the warning monkey, doesn't it exist?

    Gu Jingxian put away his mobile phone and hurried to Shihuai's side.

    It seems that Yu Hanming still can't let him stay in their class any more, and the dormitory should be changed, and it should be changed to a dormitory building that is farther away from Shihuai.

    When Gu Jingxian arrived, the farce wasn't over yet. Instead, the venue was moved. As soon as Gu Jingxian entered the gate of School 3, he saw many people crowding around his aunt's room.

.The protagonist of the story has changed.

    Yu Hanming disappeared, but Ruan Le was next to Shi Huai.

    Someone recognized Gu Jingxian and silently made way for him.

    Everyone has a certain degree of understanding of the popularity of the story of Gu Jingxian and Shihuai. Now that something happened to Shihuai, and Gu Jingxian came over, of course people had to let people in.

    So Gu Jingxian entered the room that had been blocked at first without any obstacle.

    Shi Huai folded his arms and raised his chin: "From here on out, this is the scene you saw."

    The surveillance video was clearly displayed on the color screen. Inside, Yu Hanming fell to the ground, his entire face was bloodless, shaking while trying to reach out and grab Shi Huai, who was standing opposite him.

    Ruan Le pursed his lips and said nothing.

.Shi Huai said to her aunt that it was hard work, and began to sneer: "Why don't you talk now? Didn't you just output as crazy as Gatlin? What about your mouth, you're hoarse by this surveillance video?"

    Shi Huai ridiculed him mercilessly, and out of the corner of his eye he inadvertently glanced at Gu Jingxian next to him.

    He said in surprise: "Gu Jingxian? Why are you here?"

    Gu Jingxian came over and stood beside Shi Huai.

    "I heard about this, come and have a look." Gu Jingxian's words were not too small, but the people around were quiet, as if waiting for him to say something.

    Shi Huai shook his head: "It's nothing, just two clowns, I can solve it."

    Gu Jingxian did not disappoint everyone, and continued to say lightly: "Then I have to come and see, otherwise I don't even know that my little boyfriend has been wronged."

.The crowd watching the eating melons whispered "Wow", and then, a boy said loudly: "Xiange, the man next to him was shameless when he said that, and the man who was carried away hanging on his back was still alive. Installed!"

    Ruan Le did say this, but he didn't say it very loudly. He just muttered to himself, and complained viciously for a while. He didn't expect to be heard, and now it's said in public.

    Gu Jingxian raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect this Ruan Le to be as poisonous as when they first met that day.

    "I'm not going to apologize, are you going to pretend to be dead or are you going to wait for your lawyer to help you speak?" Gu Jingxian said a cold joke, and everyone else burst out laughing.

    Ruan Leqing frowned, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

    Gu Jingxian reached out and scratched his ears, and said doubtfully, "Ah? What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly."

.Ruan Le said loudly: "I'm sorry!"

    Gu Jingxian frowned coldly: "Who are you calling for? If you don't have a name or a surname, apologize to the wild ghost?"

    Ruan Le was choked and said to Shi Huai, "Shi Huai, I'm sorry."

    Gu Jingxian raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Is there only three words sorry?"

    Ruan Le: "...what the hell do you think of me?"

    Gu Jingxian said clearly: "Oh, your attitude towards victims is pretty bad, isn't it?"

    Ruan Le gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't..."

    "It seems that the exchange students can be sent back immediately for troubles, right?" Gu Jingxian asked everyone, "I remember correctly?"

    The melon eaters said in unison, "Remember!"

.Ruan Le was helpless, and then he took a deep breath and said seriously, "Shihuai, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have personally attacked you and demeaned you without asking about the situation. I hope you can forgive me."

    Everyone was waiting for Shi Huai's reaction. Many people felt that according to Shi Huai's character, they had already taught Ruan Le a lesson anyway.

    Shi Huai smiled: "It's not enough for you to say it verbally."

    "You have to delete the malicious rumors that you and Yu Hanming spread about me in University A before, right?"

    "This time in public, scolding me for being very happy, and apologizing lightly, isn't enough?" Shi Huai put his hands in his pockets, this time, between his soft and gloomy brows, he was unwilling to give in indifference.

."Write a review letter, post it on the bulletin board, take a photo, and send it to your A forum." Shi Huai said, "As for the X forum, I won't bother you, after all, you're not a big X, so you didn't post. Permission, when I post a post, you can follow me on the second floor, release the photo of the review book, and type out the text version of the review book, followed by the photo."

    When Ruan Le heard this, her face turned purple with anger: "Don't go too far!"

    Just as Shi Huai was about to say something, he remembered that Gu Jingxian was beside him, and coughed: "Little Gu, he said I was too much, am I too much?"

    After he finished speaking, he blinked at Gu Jingxian with his bright almond eyes.

    Gu Jingxian shook his head firmly, and seemed to be very stern and fair: "This is a very good treatment, and it can serve as a warning to the monkeys. If someone wants to do this in the future, Ruan Le's end is the best warning."

.It means there is no negotiation.

    Ruan Le watched the two of them sing and harmonized fiercely, and sneered.

    "Gu Jingxian, as a class assistant, it's okay to fall in love with the class leader. Now it's just to see our exchange students isolated and helpless. Will that set of biased behaviors be used for us?"

    As soon as these words were said, let alone the two of them, the melon-eating audience beside them all exploded.

    "Hey! What's your name? You're an exchange student from University A? What are the three views that reverse right and wrong, right and wrong? We have witnessed the whole process. You are a person who has done something wrong and will be punished. You don't reflect on it. , you also said that the class assistant is helping the victim?"

    Ruan Le snorted coldly: "Am I wrong? Gu Jingxian has abused his private power and used his status as a class assistant to be convenient and partial to his own people many times. I don't need to say more, ask the classmates in the class to know. ."

.The melon eaters looked at each other in dismay.

    Is it the first time you eat melon, you will encounter a reversal?

    One of them said: "What does that have to do with this matter? If you insult Shihuai, you should apologize, write a review, and think about it with a light apology. The risk of hurting others is so low, and X can still be regarded as a Dingliang University in Nanting City?"

    Someone next to him said, "But it's not right to abuse private power. If Gu Jingxian really did this, he shouldn't continue to hold the position of class assistant."

    So the people who had been quietly eating melons started to make a fuss.

    There are indeed many people in the school who use their status to favor their own people. This kind of bureaucracy has been disliked by many people.

.Now the wind is gradually turning towards Ruan Le, and the people who were pregnant with their class also came to eat melon.

    Gu Jingxian didn't panic when he saw the reactions of the people around him, but asked very calmly, "Tell me, why did I abuse my private power?"

    "The teacher didn't focus on the exam a few days ago, but you can share a document with everyone. The overlap rate between the questions and the questions in it is 80%, and many people have passed it."

    "You shared it with everyone in the class, but none of the exchange students received it. You don't call it abusing private rights, favoring your own people, discriminating against exchange students, what is it called!"

    "Ah? That document was organized by the class assistant. What are the after-school exercises in the textbook?" .After listening to Ruan Le's words, the people in the class who were still a little biased towards him were instantly confused, "I didn't give it to you because you don't have to take the test. This is for us. Didn't the teacher tell you?
