
Chapter 001

    After waking up, Shen Jiayan had an extra cheap father and two cheap brothers, and tonight will add another cheap mother to this luxury set.

    Shen Jiayan gulped down the champagne in the glass with some melancholy, looking at the colorful banquet scene in front of him, feeling complicated.

    He has been in this world for more than three months. During this time, his nature of salty fish has been revealed, and he has been squatting at home for three full months.

    However, today, this beautiful salted fish life is coming to an end, because tonight, the plot in the novel is about to begin.

    This novel is a literature of rich and powerful little mothers.

    The protagonist in the story is called Bai Mo, who was taken home by a wealthy old man at the beginning of the novel. And this wealthy old man is Shen Jiayan's father.

    Bai Mo's family was poor, and his mother's illness became more and more serious. They couldn't afford the medical expenses, and it was at this time that Shen's father came to the door. He helped Bai Mo's mother arrange the best medical resources, and the price was to let Bai Mo go home with him. Of course, some coercive methods were used in this.

    In short, Bai Mo was half-forced and half-abducted back to Shen's house.

    Unfortunately, father Shen was found to be terminally ill just after he brought Bai Mo home, and he died before he could do this to Bai Mo.

    After that, it was a familiar routine, the father died, the son took over, and the younger mother became a wife. It's nothing, if you want to play him, you can play it.

    The point is, Shen Jiayan said that he was not that son, but a vicious supporting male who committed all sorts of evils in the novel and ended up miserable.

    In the novel, at the beginning, he targeted Bai Mo everywhere, ridiculed him, oppressed him in every possible way, and even attempted to frame him. It can be said that he did everything.

    However, with the development of the plot, he was gradually attracted by the protagonist's innocence and kindness, and fell in love with him. But at this time, Bai Mo and his elder brother have started to have mutual affection. Shen Jiayan, who couldn't love him, finally took a crooked path, drugged Bai Mo and wanted to rape/sex him.

    Of course, he failed.

    At a critical juncture, his elder brother broke into the house, broke his legs on the spot and kicked him out of the house.

    After that, the protagonists get together, and Shen Jiayan, who is forced to live on the street, can only make a living by picking up trash.

    Thinking of his miserable end, Shen Jiayan mourned for himself for a few seconds in his heart.

    Tonight is the first act of the novel. Father Shen knew that his life was not long, so in order to prevent Bai Mo from being belittled by people in the circle after his death, he specially held a dinner party and invited the most powerful bosses in the industry.

    That is tonight, Shen Jiayan will face Bai Mo for the first time, and start the cannon fodder male supporting role.

    Thinking of this, Shen Jiayan languished again, listlessly took another glass of wine from the passing waiter.

    He drank the champagne in his glass.

    —to his soon-to-be-lost legs.

    "Drink less."

    A deep male voice sounded from behind.

    Shen Jiayan turned his head and saw a tall figure standing behind him. The man was dressed in a black high-tailored suit, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, exuding an aura of arrogance and dignity all over his body.

    This is Shen Yaocheng, Shen Jiayan's half-brother.

    That's right, Shen Yaocheng is the cub born by Shen's father's first and only wife and others. Shen Yaocheng's mother was Shen's father's first love. After Shen Yaocheng's biological father died, Shen Yaocheng's mother was in great grief. Shen's father took advantage of the situation at that time and they reunited. Shen Yaocheng was only three years old at that time.

    Father Shen can be said to be a lover, or he can be said to be a scumbag.

    He never married another wife after Shen Yaocheng's mother died of illness, but during this period he gave birth to Shen Jiayan's second brother and Shen Jiayan himself with other women, but he never gave birth to those women. Therefore, although Second Brother Shen and Shen Jiayan grew up in Shen's family, they are not in the Shen family's household registration book.

    The three brothers of the Shen family said they were relatives, and they said they were born.

    But at least the three of them didn't fight to the death for their property like other wealthy families, because Father Shen has expressed his willingness to leave the group to Shen Yaocheng since he was a child, and Shen Yaocheng is also good enough to prove himself to all those who doubt him ability.

    In the original text, Shen Jiayan has always been a little afraid of his elder brother.

    Because they are people from different worlds.

    Obviously they all grew up in the same family, Shen Jiayan is a playboy who is ignorant and ignorant, while Shen Yaocheng is a big boss who can dominate the industry at a young age.

    Shen Yaocheng controls the Shen family's property, and at the same time controls Shen Jiayan's source of income. Because of this, Shen Jiayan, who is dissolute and cynical outside, behaves like a man with his tail between his legs in front of Shen Yaocheng.

    And Shen Jiayan, who passed through, saw that Shen Yaocheng's legs were weak.

    There is no other reason, but the scene of the broken leg is too unforgettable.

    At this time, seeing the frightened look on his dandy brother's face when he saw him, Shen Yaocheng frowned, and took a step forward, "You—" Shen Jiayan subconsciously wanted to back up, but unexpectedly his legs lost strength, and he went

    straight Ass fell to the ground.

    Shen Yaocheng: "..."

    This scene attracted a lot of attention from the surroundings, and the guests were secretly looking towards them, whispering, secretly guessing whether this was a bloody scene of rich brothers fighting openly and secretly.

    Shen Jiayan's mouth twitched, and he rubbed his buttocks.

    Seeing that Shen Yaocheng's face was gradually darkening, he hurriedly supported himself to stand up, and called out tremblingly: "Brother."

    Shen Yaocheng saw that the face of the person in front of him was pale, his lips were trembling, and his eyes were dodging around, not daring to face his own. There is something wrong with the gaze and intuition.

    Shen Jiayan was afraid of him before, but was he so afraid?

    "What's wrong with you again?"

    Shen Jiayan was taken aback by the question, and then hurriedly clarified: "I didn't cause trouble!"

    Unlike the original owner, who drank, raced, and clubbed every day, he lived peacefully at home during this time, and couldn't cause any trouble.

    Shen Yaocheng narrowed his eyes and looked at him carefully. It's still the same colorful hair, the little white face with thin skin and tender flesh, and the timid posture.

    However, something is different.

    Shen Jiayan gradually became nervous, didn't he, sir, he didn't do anything, why did his elder brother look like he was going to kill him.

    After finally standing up straight, his legs began to tremble again.

    After what seemed like a century, Shen Yaocheng finally looked away and spit out a few words: "It's best."

    Shen Jiayan's hanging heart finally fell down.

    Fortunately, okay, his leg was saved for the time being.

    "Brother, Xiaoyan, what are you talking about?"

    A man in a dark gray suit walked towards them, with a slight smile on his face and a warm voice, exuding a gentle and elegant atmosphere.

    This is Shen Jiayan's second brother, Shen Bowen.

    Different from his eldest brother's domineering temperament, Shen Bowen is like a piece of gentle and elegant jade, gentle and elegant. Because of this personality, he was not interested in doing business since he was a child, but chose to be a painter, and now he has a very famous name in the art world.

    Both the eldest brother and the second brother are young, promising and talented, but Shen Jiayan doesn't seem to belong to the same family as them.

    But compared to Shen Yaocheng, Shen Jiayan is still quite close to Shen Bowen, at least not so afraid of him.

    Seeing Shen Bowen coming over, Shen Jiayan heaved a sigh of relief, it's great, she doesn't have to be alone with Shen Yaocheng anymore.

    From the corner of his eye, Shen Yaocheng caught a glimpse of Shen Jiayan's relieved expression after seeing Shen Bowen, and then remembered the ghostly expression when he saw him just now, his eyes dimmed.

    Shen Jiayan didn't notice it, and called out as if seeing a life-saving straw: "Second brother."

    "Yeah." Shen Bowen smiled and rubbed Shen Jiayan's head, "Just arrived? Dad said you haven't gone to say hello to him yet."

    This passage specifically said that Shen Jiayan was the only one who didn't go to say hello to his father, because He didn't want to see Bai Mo who was taking care of his father.

    Thinking of this, a system prompt sounded in Shen Jiayan's mind.

    [System: Host, please start your performance. 】

    Shen Jiayan received the plot sent by the system in his mind, and began to follow the script.

    Shen Jiayan's complexion sank visibly to the naked eye, he didn't speak, he took a sip of the wine in his hand, and then said: "Brother, have you seen him?" With only one word '

    he', both Shen Yaocheng and Shen Bowen knew who he was referring to .

    Shen Bowen was silent for two seconds, then nodded.

    "Oh." Shen Jiayan sneered, but he was holding the goblet much harder, "That vixen, I don't know what method he used to fascinate Dad, and he even put up such a big fight for him."

    "Xiaoyan." Shen Bowen frowned, warning him to speak carefully here.

    However, Shen Jiayan continued to say viciously: "I'll see how pretty he is in a while!"

    After finishing his lines, Shen Jiayan was very satisfied with his performance.

    The vicious words of his vicious male partner are so vivid. Very good, as expected of him.

    After finishing the plot, Shen Jiayan turned his mind and asked Shen Yaocheng: "Brother, did you see him too?"

    Shen Yaocheng hummed.

    Shen Jiayan looked at him eagerly, with a lot of questions in his stomach, but he hesitated to speak on his face.

    so what? How did you feel when you met your future wife? Do you have a feeling of deer bumping in your chest? Did you have the urge to break my leg when you heard me slander him like this just now? ?

    But in the end, he just asked politely: "How is it? Is he that good-looking?"

    Hearing this, Shen Yaocheng stared at him with a strange expression.

    Two seconds later, he finally asked, "You care about him so much?"

    "Huh?" Shen Jiayan was asked in a daze.

    According to the setting, he will confront Bai Mo tit for tat and torture him in every possible way, so he must care about it, right?

    "Of course!" Shen Jiayan said angrily.

    Shen Yaocheng's eyes darkened and he didn't speak.

    At this moment, the voice of the conversation in the hall suddenly dropped, and everyone turned around one after another, focusing on the spiral staircase in front of the hall.

    "Here we come." Shen Bowen whispered.

    At the top of the stairs, a figure sitting in a wheelchair slowly appeared on the balcony overlooking the hall. The man sitting in the wheelchair was already in the middle of his age, and his face had lost a lot of weight due to illness, but his majesty remained undiminished.

    And behind him, a young and thin figure was pushing his wheelchair. The young man was wearing a well-tailored high-end suit. His skin was fair and delicate, and his facial features were touchingly beautiful, but his beautiful face was expressionless at this time.

    "Thank you for being able to attend this banquet tonight." The man said.

    His voice was a little hoarse, even a little ethereal, and it was not difficult to hear that his body was irreparable.

    Even so, the guests in the hall burst into applause.

    "Tonight, we are gathering to welcome the new arrival of the Shen family."

    After finishing speaking, he glanced behind him.

    The young man lowered his eyes, and the end of his long and narrow phoenix eyes seemed to be a little red, but he still followed the man's wishes and stepped forward, with an indifferent expression on his face, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

    "This is Bai Mo. No matter what happens in the future, he will be our Shen family. Treat me as you treat him."

    Although the relationship between the two was not revealed, the meaning in the words was obvious enough.

    Shen Jiayan stared at the slender figure of the man upstairs, his thoughts drifted away.

    Shen Yaocheng's voice suddenly sounded beside his ear.

    "Did you hear that? He will be our elder from now on."


Chapter 002 Dividing the will, the first provocation (death)

    Hearing this, Shen Jiayan turned around with surprise on his face.

    What did Shen Yaocheng mean by saying this? Shen Yaocheng has met Bai Mo now, shouldn't he have some other thoughts about the protagonist Shou? How could he accept that the other party was about to become his elder so quickly?

    Shen Yaocheng looked at Shen Jiayan's surprised gaze, as if he mistook the expression on his face for some other emotion, his face darkened, "I tell you not to have any wrong thoughts about him." Shen Jiayan suddenly realized


    So it turned out that the protagonist Gong started to protect the calf, probably because he felt uneasy when he heard the slander the protagonist received just now, so he started to warn him.

    That being the case, then he, the vicious male supporting role, must cooperate with the character design to make a good plot.

    So Shen Jiayan made a vicious look of gnashing his teeth and unwillingness.

    Shen Yaocheng: "..."

    Shen Yaocheng looked away with a complicated expression.

    On the balcony on the second floor, Father Shen's words just now were already exhausting, his body couldn't take it anymore, and his complexion was a bit ugly at this moment. After he said another conclusion to the guests in the hall, he asked Bai Mo to push him back.

    After the two left, the hall resumed its previous bustle.

    Obviously, everyone is very interested in this giant melon. The Patriarch of the Shen family is getting sicker and weaker day by day, and he probably won't be able to last long. Will it be far from the bridge of dividing the family property?

    Moreover, he brought the newcomer home at this juncture, and even introduced him to people in the circle with great fanfare, obviously treating him as a member of the family, so how much cake will this little mother share?

    While everyone was eating melons passionately, many people approached Shen Yaocheng.

    According to Father Shen's current state, the Shen family is not far away from a big blood change, and the fact that Shen Yaocheng is the heir of the Shen family is already a certainty, but he should take this opportunity to curry favor.

    More and more people gathered around Shen Yaocheng, and Shen Jiayan just slipped into the corner calmly.

    It's okay, he's just an idle dandy, so he doesn't need to participate in these things.

    In this high society social occasion, as the only Shen Jiayan with non-mainstream ice cream hair color, he is naturally very eye-catching. Most people knew at a glance that he was the youngest son raised by the Shen family, and they all avoided him.

    Shen Jiayan wanted to find a place where no one was around to fish, so he slipped to the lounge on the second floor. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he saw a group of people with colorful hair dyed like him, lying crookedly on the sofa and smoking.

    At first glance, he is not a serious person.

    He was just about to leave, but someone noticed him and stopped him, "Hey, brother Yan, why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Shen Jiayan: "..." Dare love this is the


    owner's friend.

    Being discovered, Shen Jiayan had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in, pretending to be calm and said: "Well, something happened just now." The

    brothers hurriedly made room for him in the middle of the sofa, and as soon as Shen Jiayan sat down, someone handed him a cigarette.

    Shen Jiayan, who couldn't smoke at all

    , said: "..." He had no choice but to pretend he didn't see it, and picked up the glass of wine in his hand and drank it. When the man saw it, he silently put the cigarette back.

    Hongmao sitting on the opposite sofa flicked the cigarette ash, crossed his legs and said with a smile: "Brother

    Yan is not in a good mood?" The original owner is also an ignorant dude.

    Shen Jiayan didn't know what to say, so he just responded dully.

    "How is your little mother, Brother Yan?" Yuan Hao asked again.

    Shen Jiayan was thinking about how to answer, when a plot popped up in his mind.

    He breathed a sigh of relief, immediately entered the role, and sneered disdainfully, "Being my little mother? Is he worthy? I think he's pretty good as my son. If he calls me dad, I might give him some pocket money if I'm in a good mood. "

    Hearing this, everyone roared with laughter.

    And Shen Jiayan, who was sitting near the door of the lounge, caught a glimpse of a figure through the slightly open door, and the figure stopped at the door. Judging from the tall figure and the exquisite black suit, it was obvious that it was Bai Mo.

    Shen Jiayan was sweating profusely in an instant.

    Fuck! Why is the protagonist Shou here at this time? ?

    Didn't he hear everything just now? ?

    The original Shark! !

    However, the plot was not over yet, and Shen Jiayan still wanted to continue to die. He opened and closed his mouth several times, dawdling.

    The system's cold voice sounded in his mind: [Hurry up, violate the drama, cremation, understand? 】

    Shen Jiayan: ... Wuwu.

    So, Shen Jiayan almost bit the bullet, resisting the trembling in his voice and said: "He, he just looks better, and he and the ducks outside are just a kind of stuff." After finishing speaking, the original

    owner The fox friends and dog friends also followed up with a few words.

    "Screw hahahaha."

    "Brother Yan is right! I can't get used to this kind of shameless vixen!"

    After finishing speaking, Shen Jiayan sneaked a glance outside the door.

    The figure had disappeared, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

    The sky outside gradually darkened, and the guests also left one after another.

    After seeing off the last group of people, Shen Jiayan followed his two elder brothers to visit Father Shen in the master bedroom.

    It's just that Shen's father was in a very bad state, and fell asleep all the time, and they didn't wake up when they went.

    Shen Yaocheng looked at his dying father with various trachea stuck on the bed, with a complicated expression.

    Shen Bowen sighed, exchanged glances with Shen Yaocheng, and said to Shen Jia: "Xiaoyan, it's getting late, you should go back and rest first."

    Shen Jiayan hesitated for a moment, and felt that the two of them seemed to have something to say, so he nodded and left.

    The news of Father Shen's death came early the next morning.

    He left in the middle of the night, but no one was surprised, they just felt that this moment had finally come.

    While the Shen family was depressed, the news of Shen's father's death spread quickly, and the lawyer rushed to the Shen residence that afternoon.

    Everyone gathered in the living room of Shen's house, Shen Yaocheng sat in the main seat, Shen Bowen and Shen Yao sat on the sofa on the right, and Bai Mo sat on the sofa on the other side.

    He took off his expensive suit and only wore a simple white shirt today, looking thinner and thinner. He still had that indifferent look on his face, but his already fair face seemed to be a little paler.

    The lawyer took out the will from the folder, pushed his glasses, and began to read.

    The content of the will is very lengthy, the front part is the distribution of real estate, Father Shen distributed the three of them evenly, without mentioning Bai Mo.

    Finally, at the end is the company equity.

    Father Shen allocated most of the shares to his three sons in the early years. Currently Shen Yaocheng controls 15% of the company's equity, Shen Bowen 8%, and Shen Jiayan 5%.

    Now Father Shen still has 5% of the equity, I don't know how to distribute it.

    At the same time that the lawyer started reading, Shen Jiayan also received a systematic plot warning, and he had already begun to brew emotions.

    "—I own 5% of the shares in Shen Group. After my death, Bai Mo will inherit all the shares. If something happens to the company—" "


    Shen Jiayan interrupted the lawyer suddenly, unable to understand, " You said, all 5% of the equity will be inherited by...he?"

    He looked at Bai Mo who was on the sofa opposite, and the other party seemed to be a little dazed, but there was no joy or surprise on his face mood.

    The lawyer nodded, pushed his glasses, and confirmed: "Yes."

    Seeing that Shen Jiayan didn't speak again, the lawyer continued to read the rest of the content.

    Shen Jiayan was still in shock.

    He didn't expect that his father would leave all five percent of the shares to Bai Mo, and he didn't even expect that he would give any shares to Bai Mo. But now, the equity held by Bai Mo will be equal to his.

    Just an outsider...

    At this moment, Shen Jiayan was playing passionately, his face was three parts shocked, three parts sneered, and four parts cold.

    After the lawyer finished reading the will, he explained a few things to Shen Yao, the current head of the Shen family, and then left.

    There were only four of them left in the living room.

    Shen Bowen sat next to Shen Jiayan, looking at Shen Jiayan with some concern.

    He also didn't expect that his father would leave all the remaining shares to Bai Mo. Everyone thought that at least a large part of the remaining 5% would belong to Shen Jiayan.


    Shen Jiayan murmured, "Dad, he would actually give him all the shares..."

    Shen Bowen couldn't imagine how strong Shen Jiayan's sense of betrayal would be at this time, all he could do was to appease : "Xiaoyan, don't be too sad, Dad... didn't he leave you other property?"

    And 'he' only has shares.

    Although they only kept the shares, they all knew that the shares were the big ones, and Shen's 5% shares were enough for Bai Mo to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

    I don't know if it was Shen Jiayan's illusion, but Bai Mo's complexion seemed to be a little paler. Obviously, this windfall did not make him ecstatic, but made him panic.

    He bit his lip, got up from the sofa, and left the living room.

    Shen Jiayan seemed to have just recovered, looking at Bai Mo's leaving figure with disgust on his face, he also got up and followed.

    Shen Bowen looked at Shen Jiayan's back, and seemed to want to call him, but was stopped by Shen Yaocheng, "Leave him alone." "


    Shen Yaocheng looked at the two people's retreating figures, and said casually: "Let's He's going."

    Shen Jiayan left the living room, saw Bai Mo turning into the corridor, and chased after him almost as if he was dying.

    He was about to start his first provocation in front of Bai Mo face to face.

    He reviewed another line in his mind, quickly caught up with Bai Mo, grabbed his wrist, and said viciously, "Hey, stop!

    " Forcibly turned around.

    As soon as he turned around, Shen Jiayan froze.

    Because Bai Mo was crying.

    A pair of phoenix tears were full of water, the long eyelashes were soaked, and the end of the eyes was red. After he was caught, he stared at Shen Jiayan with grief and indignation, his eyes were full of unwillingness and humiliation. He bit his lower lip, the side of his lip was bitten bright red, but the whole face became more and more charming, I felt pity for it.

    Shen Jiayan was slightly taken aback.

    "What do you want to do?" There was faint disgust in the cold voice.

    The two had formed a bond invisibly in the lounge yesterday.

    Hearing this, Shen Jiayan came back to his senses, with a sneer on his face, "Oh, didn't you rely on this skin to get close to my dad? Isn't this what you want? Why are you running? Now you know Are you ashamed?"

    Bai Mo grew up in a poor family, but he has strong self-esteem. Being so provoked by Shen Jiayan, he stared at Shen Jiayan with wide eyes and hatred.

    Shen Jiayan could only continue, "Don't you just want money? I'll buy your shares, and I want you to get out of the Shen family."

    Bai Mo disdains the shares Shen's father left for him, but at this moment, he doesn't want to let him Shen Jiayan got his wish.

    He stared at Shen Jiayan without speaking.

    Seeing this, Shen Jiayan became even more angry, and wanted to humiliate him severely, "What? Now you're pretending to be noble again? Don't you just want my dad's money? You want money and you want to give it to others. "

    Seeing Bai Mo's intense reaction, Shen Jiayan felt a surge of joy in his heart. He knew that Bai Mo had no relationship with his father but continued to provoke him: "Really? How did you fuck him? Tell me!" At that moment, Bai Mo's eyes

    flickered There was a frightening killing intent, but it was quickly suppressed and disappeared in a flash.

    In the next second, he saw a bit of sarcasm in his cold eyes, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

    "How did I do it for him, do you want to try it too?"

    The author has something to say:

    Shen Jiayan: Share a little skill of cannon fodder for death every day (so miserable, if you follow the plot every day, you will have a broken leg, if you don't follow the plot, you will be cremated)

Chapter 003

    Shen Jiayan was stunned for a moment.

    It is true that what Bai Mo said just now is the original line in the book, but what he said just now feels a little different.

    If the Bai Mo in the book spoke with a tone of faint hurt and grief, then the Bai Mo in front of him seemed to be... mocking him?

    Shen Jiayan was a little lost in thought, so he couldn't help loosening his grip on Bai Mo's wrist. He was stunned for a long time before remembering his lines, and said a little too late: "You—shameless!" At the same time he was confused, Bai

    Mo Breaking free from his shackles, he turned around and was about to walk into the room.

    Shen Jiayan was a step late, when he chased after Bai Mo and wanted to catch Bai Mo again, the other party had already entered the room and was about to close the door.

    Before he could react, the moment his hand reached in, the other party closed the door forcefully.


    Shen Jiayan bent down in pain, clenched his hands on his chest like a fist, unable to speak from the pain, his eyes turned red instantly.

    Not to mention the original owner, even Shen Jiayan had never been caught by the door before, the pain was simply unbearable.

    Fuck! Why is he so unlucky? ? I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen after a script!

    [Shen Jiayan: System! Why didn't you warn me that there was a risk of injury in this plot? ! 】

    Even the usually calm system panicked at this moment, talking incoherently for a while.

    [System: Ah, this...]

    It took him a long time to open his mouth in embarrassment.

    [System: Cough, the original text didn't say to ask you to put your hand in the door. Look, the original text said "Shen Jiayan saw that the other party was about to enter the room, so he quickly followed, but the other party slammed the door shut, and he was so angry." Itchy, kicked the door hard, and left cursing." Your acting is wrong, why were you a little too slow just now——]

    Shen Jiayan was so angry that he almost couldn't recite it.

    [Shen Jiayan: Are you teaching me how to do things? ? 】

    [Gan! I'm all injured, it's a work-related injury! ! Who are your leaders! Ask your leaders to come out to me! 】

    Hearing this, the system stopped talking and began to play dead.

    Shen Jiayan was spitting out his fragrance to the system, but after he was done, he was still angry and hurt, with tears streaming down his face, he walked tremblingly to the corner of the corridor, knelt down and stretched out his pinched hand to take a look.

    The index finger and middle finger are red and swollen, like two radishes.

    Where did the original owner with delicate skin and tender flesh suffer from this kind of injury? His hands are thin and tender, he has never done any tiring work, and his ability to endure pain is extremely poor. He is a person who would groan for a long time if he was scalded by drinking water.

    The pain in his hands and all kinds of grievances accumulated during this period suddenly rushed to his heart, and Shen Jiayan's tears from the pain gradually turned into sobs.

    Gan, why is he so unlucky? ?

    He is obviously just an ordinary upright and law-abiding young man. One day, out of curiosity, he opened a book about the popular little mom literature on a certain green novel website!

    Who knew that he would become the sad cannon fodder inside! Now he still has to endure the pressure of the system and the fear of breaking his leg every day. He is too miserable, Wuwu.

    The moment the door was closed, Bai Mo saw the hand stretched out by the other party, and by the time he wanted to stop, it was already too late.

    He listened for a while behind the closed door, but there seemed to be no movement outside.

    He frowned, with a bad feeling in his heart.

    He closed the door with great force just now, that person couldn't... His hand was pinched and broken, right?

    The moment this thought came to mind, another thought came to mind—

    it would be fine if the bone was broken.

    This little young master is arrogant and arrogant, and he always likes to run in front of him and yell, so he should really suffer a little.

    But the thought was fleeting.

    If he really hurt him, he will probably pester him even more in the future.

    He couldn't help being a little irritable, knowing that he had caused trouble.

    It was eerily quiet outside the door, and the uneasiness in Bai Mo's heart gradually increased.

    Could he faint from the pain?

    Bai Mo struggled for a while, but still opened the door.

    However, there was no one outside.

    He turned his head to the left and right for a few glances, but there was no one around.

    Probably already left.

    Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

    Just as he was about to turn around and go back to his room, he suddenly heard a strange crying sound coming from somewhere.

    He paused, and finally walked towards the source of the voice with some doubts.

    As a result, as soon as he reached the corner of the corridor, he saw the arrogant and arrogant rich young master squatting in the corner with his two carrot-like hands, crying loudly.

    Bai Mo: "..."

    As for it? It was just caught by the door.

    It really is the young master who doesn't know the sufferings of the world.

    After thinking about it, Bai Mo suddenly felt that he was a little ridiculous when he got angry just now.

    The person in front of him was only twenty years old, even a little younger than him. He probably hadn't even graduated from college, let alone entered society. Judging from his current worthless appearance, one can tell that he has been raised and abandoned by his family, and the person who raised and abandoned him has just died.

    ——What is he competing with such a waste?

    Walking silently on the carpet in the corridor, Shen Jiayan, who was crying heartbreakingly, didn't notice his arrival at all. After a while, he heard a sigh coming from beside him before he raised his head and met his gaze.

    After seeing that the person who came was Bai Mo, the crying that had gradually subsided into sobbing became louder again.

    Shen Jiayan: Ah, the last thing I want to see now is you! Get out of the way!

    Bai Mo frowned unconsciously. For the first time, he felt that someone's crying could be so...noisy.

    He suppressed the impatience in his heart, and said in a calm and calm tone as much as possible: "Get up, show me."

    Shen Jiayan continued to cry himself as if he didn't hear it.

    Bai Mo's temples throbbed, and the impatience in his heart gradually increased.

    Suddenly, the scene in front of him reminded him of the elementary school students he had tutored in high school.

    He breathed a sigh of relief, pursed his lips, and said lightly: "I heard that if you get caught in the door, you may break your hand... I don't know if it's true." Upon hearing the bone fracture,

    Shen Jiayan was too frightened to cry anymore , raised his head and looked at Bai Mo in shock, his eyes full of fear.

    Seeing his stupid look, Bai Mo couldn't help but wonder in his heart - if such a stupid person wasn't born into such a family, how could he survive in society?

    But after thinking about it, if he wasn't born in this kind of family, maybe he wouldn't have been raised with such a temperament.

    Thinking about it this way, Bai Mo didn't say anything, but squatted down, pulled Shen Jiayan's hand in front of him, and looked down carefully.

    Just like Shen Jiayan, his hands are also extremely delicate. It looks like he has never experienced hardship since he was a child. His fingers are white and knuckles clear, his nails are round and pink, and the two fingers that appear to be pinched red are even more shocking.

    Bai Mo reached out and touched his joints.

    Different from Shen Jiayan's delicate hands, Bai Mo had done a lot of hard work, and his fingertips were worn out with a layer of calluses.

    Shen Jiayan flinched unconsciously at the touch of rough fingers on his hands.

    But Bai Mo grabbed his hand, "Don't move."

    The faint elder demeanor in his tone made Shen Jiayan subconsciously sit down obediently. After looking at it, he couldn't help but asked worriedly, "How is it? Is it broken?"

    "Probably not." Bai Mo looked at his index finger and middle finger, and asked, "Is it possible to move here?"

    Shen Jiayan endured the pain and tried to move his fingers, "Hiss—"

    the two fingers bent, "It hurts, but I can move."

    Bai Mo let go of his hand and looked away, "There is no fracture, just It's a little swollen, first apply ice to reduce the swelling."

    Shen Jiayan was relieved and took his hand back.

    It's okay, at least I kept it.

    Bai Mo stood up from the ground in silence, and looked down at him for a while. Shen Jiayan followed his movements and raised her eyes, her gaze met his. Just as she was about to thank him, she suddenly remembered the relationship between the two.

    He froze. According to his personality, what should he say now? ?

    "Cough." He looked away, raised his chin high, and put on a very unbeatable expression, "Who, who told you to touch me! It's so dirty!" The look in

    Bai Mo's eyes dimmed instantly, looking The gaze looking at Shen Jiayan was even a little colder than before.

    Shen Jiayan felt that the air pressure around him seemed to be lower than before, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

    What are you doing? Could it be that he wanted to fight?

    ...Shen Jiayan, who was so cowardly, decided that it would be better to sneak away first.

    Thinking of this, he became aggressive and wanted to get up. Unexpectedly, his legs were numb from squatting all the time. He didn't notice it just now, but the moment he stood up, his legs lost strength and he was about to fall forward.


    He subconsciously wanted to grab something to prevent himself from falling, and in a hurry grabbed the only thing that could be pulled around - Bai Mo.

    Bai Mo's pupils shrunk, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge sideways, but it was too late.

    The two of them fell backwards heavily with the force of inertia.


    Bai Mo's back and buttocks fell firmly on the ground, and there was still a heavy object lying on his body at this moment, and he groaned in pain.

    Shen Jiayan opened his eyes and found that he was pressing on Bai Mo's body, facing Bai Mo's ear, he hurriedly raised his head, and his lips accidentally brushed the other's cheek.

    Both of them were taken aback, and Shen Jiayan could clearly feel the person under him stiffen.

    "Hold, I'm sorry." Shen Jia couldn't help saying, she wanted to support herself up with her hands but accidentally pressed Bai Mo's abdomen.

    He didn't realize how strong he was, but seeing the other party's beautiful face suddenly wrinkled and ugly, he knew that he must be in pain. He hurriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

    Bai Mo took a deep breath, his tone was stiff, and he almost gritted his teeth and said, "Go down."

    As he spoke, he was about to sit up with his hands on his hands, but the person on him didn't react. The distance between people suddenly shortened.

    A fresh and fragrant fragrance came to the nostrils, the taste was sweet and not greasy, Shen Jiayan was taken aback, and sniffed again unconsciously.

    Sensing his movements, Bai Mo's face darkened instantly, and when he saw the other party's mouth open in a daze, he resisted the urge to kick him away, and grabbed Shen Jiayan's shoulder to push him away.

    Unexpectedly, just as he put his hand on it, a gloomy male voice came from not far away.

    ——"What are you doing?"


Chapter 004 Funeral

    Shen Jiayan sat silently on the sofa with his head down, his hands folded respectfully on his lap, not daring to breathe.

    Even with his head down, he could feel the gloomy gaze from the opposite side.

    The atmosphere was momentarily awkward.

    "Ahem." Shen Yaocheng didn't speak, so he could only speak first.

    "Brother, it was really not what you thought just now. I just accidentally fell down and just grabbed him."

    He seemed to hear a sneer from the other side.

    "Accidentally fell? It's really careless. Now you can't even walk on the road, can you fall on flat ground?"

    Shen Yaocheng's face was as black as the bottom of a pot after seeing him and Bai Mo falling on the ground just now. He was so frightened that he quickly got up from Bai Mo's body, and defended himself hastily, but Shen Yaocheng didn't listen at all. Shen Jiayan was desperate, and looked at Bai Mo and wanted him to say something for him, but who knew that the other party looked at him with disgust. I felt as if I was really violated just now.

    Shen Jiayan: "..."


    It can't be cleaned anymore.

    So now he was brought to the study by Shen Yaocheng for ideological education.

    In fact, it is understandable for Shen Yaocheng to be so angry. After all, Shen Jiayan's style in the past was really not that good. The whole city A knows that the second son of the Shen family is good at playing, and there are no restrictions on men and women, as long as they look good.

    Shen Jiayan knew that with his character and trust in Shen Yaocheng's place, he would not believe the other party no matter how he argued now, so he silently shut his mouth and stopped defending himself.

    Seeing that the young man in front of him was silent, Shen Yaocheng's eyes darkened again, "Speak. Are you dumb?"

    Shen Jiayan wanted to cry without tears, and looked up at him helplessly, "What else can I say? What can I say? I don’t even believe it.”

    He was a bit self-defeating, “Anyway, I’m just a beast in heat anytime, anywhere.”

    "You—" Shen Yaocheng subconsciously frowned, and was about to say something when he saw the young man in front of him with his ice cream head drooping, his eyelids slightly drooping, and he looked depressed, as if he had suffered some great grievance.

    Could it be that he really misunderstood him this time?

    Shen Yaocheng was silent for a moment, sighed, and when he spoke again, his tone softened, "I didn't say that." "

    Oh." Shen Jiayan only responded perfunctorily, obviously not believing it.

    Shen Yaocheng still wanted to say something more, but the young man obviously couldn't listen to it at this time, so he had no choice but to give up.

    "Can I go?"

    Shen Yaocheng was about to speak, but suddenly thought of something, his expression sank again.

    "Stay away from him in the future."

    His cold tone made Shen Jiayan slightly startled, subconsciously thinking that he was jealous because of Bai Mo.

    Yo, are you so possessive? The plot seems to be going well.

    But when he thought that he would be kicked out of the house by the brother in front of him—

    Shen Jiayan: ...I couldn't laugh.

    Shen Yaocheng looked at Shen Jiayan because of his unpredictable expression, as if he had experienced several complicated emotions in an instant.

    Shen Yaocheng: "?"

    Shen Jiayan looked away sadly, and sighed, "Oh, I see, brother. If there is nothing else, I will go back to my room." Shen Yaocheng saw

    Shen Jiayan get up from the sofa dejectedly, and left listlessly the study.

    Shen Yaocheng watched his back go away, feeling complicated in his heart.

    Father Shen's funeral was arranged for the next day.

    At noon, Shen Jiayan and Shen Bowen set off to the church together.

    When they arrived, Shen Yaocheng was already in the church hall.

    He stood among the dark crowd, accepting the condolences from the guests with a calm expression.

    He was wearing a black suit today. He was tall and straight. Although his usual majesty and aura had been restrained a lot, he was still not to be ignored. He was completely the demeanor of the head of the family.

    "Xiaoyan, go over there and rest for a while." Shen Bowen pointed to an empty corner and said to Shen Jia.

    The funeral is still a little while away, and before that they have guests. He knew that Shen Jiayan had always disliked such scenes, and they would never force him, they just asked him to find a place where no one was around.

    Shen Jiayan nodded, "Then I'll go, brother."

    "Well, let's go."

    As soon as the words fell, someone came up to talk to Shen Bowen, and the expression on Shen Bowen's face changed quickly, revealing a With a polite smile, he chatted politely with that person.

    Shen Jiayan hurriedly slipped into the corner before he was discovered, but he didn't expect to find Bai Mo standing not far away as soon as he passed by.

    The other party was standing against the wall, with his head slightly lowered, his eyes fixed on the ground without making eye contact with anyone, as if trying to hide his existence.

    It's just that his appearance is too eye-catching, just standing there can attract the attention of many people around him.

    Shen Jiayan has already noticed the gazes that many people around him cast towards him from time to time. There is a bit of inquiry and appreciation in those gazes, but naturally there is also a bit of contempt.

    After all, Bai Mo's current identity is indeed a bit delicate. In name, he was not Shen's father's partner, and it had not been that long since he was brought to Shen's house. His age was still there, and his status was not high or low, which was very embarrassing.

    It was the same now, seeing him standing alone in the corner, looking quite pitiful, many people thought about going up to talk to him, but they gave up in the end.

    It is still unclear how the current head of the Shen family, Shen Yaocheng, treats him, so it is better not to approach him rashly, and observe for a while.

    Shen Jiayan looked at Bai Mo for a while, then looked away.

    Now he doesn't need to follow the plot, and there is no need to contact him.

    However, at the moment when he withdrew his gaze, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a line of sight on him, he looked along the line of sight, and met Shen Yaocheng in the crowd.

    The other party's gaze was still icy, obviously caught him peeking, ah bah, observing Bai Mo just now.

    Shen Jiayan: "..."

    He consciously moved to the side, widening the distance between himself and Bai Mo.

    Afterwards, he showed Shen Yaocheng a flattering smile. Not knowing if it was because he was satisfied, Shen Yaocheng then looked back.

    At this time, the surroundings suddenly became quieter, and the guests who were still talking stopped for some reason, and turned their heads to look at the gate.

    Shen Jiayan also followed everyone's gaze and turned his head to look, and saw a tall man wearing silver-rimmed glasses and a black coat walking in from outside.

    He looked to be in his thirties, with a very outstanding appearance. There was an indescribable unrestrained flair in his brows and eyes, but there was an unapproachable aura all over his body.

    With such an outstanding temperament, he is probably the second male lead in the book, Jiang Yuanzhou.

    As Jiang Yuanzhou, who can compete with Long Aotian's hero Shen Yaocheng, he naturally has something in him. He was already well-known in the industry when he was in his twenties, and he climbed to the top of the pyramid in just a few years. Now he is a bigwig-level existence, and he is also Shen's father's partner for many years.

    Jiang Yuanzhou started cooperating with Shen's father when he was in his twenties. Apart from their business contacts, the two can also be called friends.

    He used to come to visit Shen's house often, when Shen Jiayan was only about ten years old, and he had to call Jiang Yuanzhou uncle.

    Up to now, Jiang Yuanzhou often communicates with the Shen family. Shen Jiayan liked the uncle Jiang Yuanzhou very much, because although he was powerful, he was not rigid, and he was even friendly to the juniors, often bringing them gifts.

    Shen Jiayan also often finds some rare things from Jiang Yuanzhou. Basically, he can help get any new and limited items.

    During the period of traveling through the book, although Shen Jiayan hadn't met Jiang Yuanzhou, she had already received many gifts from Jiang Yuanzhou. A few days ago, he also received a limited edition game console, which is only available abroad.

    As a serious game lover, this gift won Shen Jiayan's heart, so he had a good impression of Jiang Yuanzhou.

    Of course, he also knew that this was just an appearance. A big boss at Jiang Yuanzhou's level naturally wouldn't pay attention to such an ignorant rich second generation. Under the humble and polite surface, he probably looked down on people like him.

    After the original owner was kicked out by Shen Yaocheng, he also tried to contact Jiang Yuanzhou, but he couldn't get in touch no matter what. He tried to give up for a long time, and finally accepted the fact that his favorite uncle had also abandoned him.

    Shen Jiayan naturally doesn't like Jiang Yuanzhou as much as the original owner, but he won't hold a grudge against him because of the subsequent plot. At least for now, they are still very friendly on the surface, after all, he can still get a little wool from each other.

    After Jiang Yuanzhou came in, a few bold people around him immediately stepped forward and tried to talk to him. There was a faint smile on the corner of Jiang Yuanzhou's mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes, and he ignored those people.

    The movement here caught Shen Yaocheng's attention, Jiang Yuanzhou also nodded slightly at Shen Yaocheng, and walked towards him.

    Unlike Shen Jiayan, Shen Yaocheng could still catch Jiang Yuanzhou's eyes. After all, Shen Yaocheng is the best among the younger generation, and he has also proved his strength in the market. Now that he has officially become the head of the Shen family, Jiang Yuanzhou's attitude towards him is even more serious.

    After the two chatted briefly for a while, Jiang Yuanzhou turned around and left again. After a while, another group of people surrounded him.

    Shen Jiayan watched him from afar.

    In this episode, he actually has a plot to say hello to Jiang Yuanzhou. Because he wants to maintain his character, he has to be active, so he has been waiting for the right time.

    After watching for a while, he found that Jiang Yuanzhou's eyes seemed to keep looking towards him. Although the movements were not obvious, because Shen Jiayan had been observing him, he could find that when the middle-aged man opposite him was talking to him, he seemed to be listening, but in fact his attention was not on the middle-aged man at all.

    Shen Jiayan followed his gaze and turned his head to look, and saw Bai Mo standing by the wall with his head down.

    Shen Jiayan had an epiphany.

    It turned out that Jiang Yuanzhou had taken a fancy to the protagonist Shou as early as this time. As expected of someone who is good friends with Shen's father, both of them have such similar tastes, and they both fell in love at first sight.

    After a while, Jiang Yuanzhou interrupted the middle-aged man who was chattering endlessly with him, his mouth seemed to say "excuse me", and then left.

    The middle-aged man was a little dazed at first, and then a little frustrated, but he was not angry. He didn't have that qualification.

    Shen Jiayan watched Jiang Yuanzhou walking in the direction of Bai Mo in surprise, stopped in front of Bai Mo, raised a shallow arc at the corner of his mouth, stared at him with slightly lowered eyes, and then opened his mouth to say something.

    Bai Mo raised his head in astonishment, and stared at the person in front of him in astonishment.

    To Bai Mo, the man in front of him was a complete stranger. It is understandable that he was a little dazed when he suddenly came up to talk to him.

    While Shen Jiayan was silently eating melons, a plot suddenly popped up in his mind.

    Shen Jiayan took a breath, but quickly got into the mood, walked towards Jiang Yuanzhou and Bai Mo, and yelled.

    "Uncle Jiang."

Chapter 005

    There was a hint of surprise and enthusiasm in Shen Jiayan's voice, obviously very happy to see Jiang Yuanzhou, but the other party may not be.

    Jiang Yuanzhou and Bai Mo turned their heads to look at him almost at the same time.

    A hint of uneasiness flashed across Jiang Yuanzhou's handsome eyebrows, although it was only for a short moment, Shen Jiayan caught it.

    It seems that his Uncle Jiang really doesn't like him very much.

    When Bai Mo saw it was him, there was an undisguised disgust on his face.

    Thinking of what happened yesterday, Shen Jiayan also felt a little complicated when facing Bai Mo, but now that he has a mission, he can only act boldly in front of him.

    "Uncle Jiang, you're here." Shen Jiayan said to Jiang Yuanzhou again.

    Jiang Yuanzhou's brows and eyes behind the lens softened a little, and he called out, "Yes, Xiaoyan."

    Shen Jiayan turned to look at Bai Mo who was beside him, and said with some disgust, "Uncle Jiang, were you talking to him just now?"

    He looked at his face His eyes seemed to be looking at garbage, and he quickly looked away, as if he felt disgusted even if he looked at it for a second.

    "You may have misunderstood him, he is not an important person."

    "It's just a bitch who crawls on other people's beds."

    Bai Mo's face turned pale at that moment, and a trace of hatred flashed in Shen Jiayan's eyes.

    Shen Jiayan's heart skipped a beat, and he panicked a lot, but he still couldn't show it on his face, and continued to boss him and said: "What are you still doing standing here? You still want to talk to Uncle Jiang, are you worthy? Get out of here?"

    Bai Mo lowered his head, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, his lips turned white from being bitten, his hands hanging by his sides were tightly clenched, and he turned and left without a word.

    Jiang Yuanzhou's brows also moved slightly, and he turned his head to look at Bai Mo's leaving figure. There was no emotion on his face, and he didn't say anything.

    "Okay Xiaoyan, don't be angry."

    Unlike other elders, Jiang Yuanzhou never preached to Shen Jiayan, he was very conniving to him, and often said to him: "Xiaoyan can do whatever he wants." This is one of the reasons why the original owner likes him very much, but now Shen

    Jiayan It seems that Jiang Yuanzhou didn't really dote on him, he just didn't care. From Jiang Yuanzhou's point of view, he probably doesn't even bother to discipline someone like the original owner.

    At this time too, Jiang Yuanzhou may be disgusted with Shen Jiayan's actions just now, but he didn't show any emotion on the surface, and even changed the subject in a very ordinary way: "What can Xiaoyan want from me?

    " His attention turned back to Jiang Yuanzhou, as if he forgot the existence of Bai Mo in an instant, all the anger just disappeared, and he said coyly: "No, it's nothing, I just haven't seen Uncle Jiang for a long time.

    " There was a shy smile on his face again, "I like the game console that Uncle Jiang gave me a while ago, thank you Uncle Jiang!" Of course, it is impossible for

    Jiang Yuanzhou to handle the gift to the original owner himself, it was probably arranged by his assistant Yes, Jiang Yuanzhou probably didn't know, but at this moment he still smiled calmly, "As long as Xiaoyan likes it."

    Shen Jiayan's cheeks blushed.

    "If you want anything else, just tell uncle."

    I have to say that Jiang Yuanzhou is really good at it, which is probably why many people in the circle are the dream lover.

    There has always been a lot of gossip about Jiang Yuanzhou. People like him naturally have no shortage of people around him. He is also famous for being nice to his lovers, but he changes frequently, because for a person of his status, there is no shortage of people. There is no need to control your desires.

    And as the person who watched him and looked up to him since he was a child, the original owner actually had other thoughts deep in his heart besides admiring Jiang Yuanzhou, but only the original owner knew about it.

    Bai Mo, who was watching all this coldly from a distance, looked at Shen Jiayan with a somewhat shy expression, and suddenly seemed to understand something, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sarcasm.

    Shen Jiayan didn't know that he was being watched by others at this time, and he was still immersed in his acting skills.

    [Shen Jiayan: System, how is my acting skills! Is it getting more and more awesome! ]

    [System: ...]

    Jiang Yuanzhou lowered his eyes slightly, staring at the young man in front of him. His skin is very fair, and his facial features are not bad if you look closely, but his hair is dyed in various colors, and there are many fancy earrings on his ears, which made him want to look away at a glance.

    The other party seemed to have noticed his gaze, and raised his eyes to meet his gaze, but quickly moved away, with a bit of shyness on his face, and a little red at the tips of his ears.

    After a while, the young man quietly turned his gaze back, as if expecting his reaction.

    Jiang Yuanzhou looked away as if he didn't see it.

    [System: I think he is disgusted by your acting skills. ]

    [Shen Jiayan: ... Ma De, although he doesn't seem to admit it, it seems to be true. Dogs are better than things. 】

    There was a movement around, everyone started to move from the hall to the church at some point. Looking at the time, the funeral was almost about to start.

    Shen Jiayan still wanted to say something to Jiang Yuanzhou, but Jiang Yuanzhou had already turned around and said, "It's about to start, let's go in."

    Shen Jiayan had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

    Jiang Yuanzhou had already walked away, and before he left, he turned his head slightly and glanced in Bai Mo's direction with meaningful eyes.

    The plot ended here, Shen Jiayan heaved a sigh of relief, this time the plot went smoothly.

    "Okay, okay, I'm leaving at last."

    Shen Jiayan's disgusting expression collapsed in an instant, as if he was relieved, he relaxed visibly with the naked eye, and returned to his usual carefree appearance, walking into the church with other guests.

    This scene was seen by Bai Mo who was not far away, and there was a bit of suspicion and confusion in his eyes.

    From the shape of Shen Jiayan's mouth just now, it can be seen that he is saying: "Finally gone."

    He is very glad that the man left just now? But just now he obviously liked him disgustingly, and even humiliated him because the other party approached him. Could it be that he was just pretending in front of that man just now?

    A thought flashed through my mind.

    —Could it be...was he helping him out just now?

    But this idea was killed by him as soon as it was born.

    That arrogant and annoying Shen Jiayan, help him out? What a big joke.

    He is the person Shen Jiayan hates the most, how could he help him out, it's too late to ridicule him.

    He lowered his eyes slightly, and his heartbeat gradually calmed down.

    No matter what calculations Shen Jiayan made in his actions just now, it has nothing to do with him.

    He doesn't need to take care of so much, the affairs between those people is not what he should take care of.

    He just needs to sort everything out and get out of here.

    Shen Jiayan and his two elder brothers sat in the front row.

    Father Shen's coffin was placed in front of the hall, and the pastor was reading a eulogy beside him and praying for the deceased.

    The hall was dark and dark, except for the voice of the pastor, there was silence, and the atmosphere was dignified.

    Shen Jiayan noticed Bai Mo sitting behind him from the corner of his eye. He was sitting on the edge of the aisle with his head bowed. His handsome face was calm. After noticing his gaze, he looked at him and met his gaze. After that, the eyebrows were slightly raised, and he looked away with a bit of resistance in his expression.

    Shen Jiayan touched his nose, well, he really hates him.

    But this also means that his current plot is going pretty well, right?

    I heard from the system that there are many book-traveling seniors who would fail the mission, but he was able to do so well for the first time through the book, as expected of him.

    Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little proud of himself, and the corners of his mouth curled into a slight arc that he didn't even notice.

    Suddenly, he felt someone lightly touch his side. He raised his head in a daze, and saw Shen Yaocheng who was sitting next to him looking sideways at him with deep eyebrows, his eyes were full of warning.

    Shen Jiayan was at a loss, what happened to him?

    Seeing him like this, Shen Yaocheng's expression became a little colder, and he suddenly moved to his ear, and his cold and deep voice sounded.

    "Does it look good?"

    Shen Jiayan was slightly taken aback, realizing that he was speechless when he said what he saw Bai Mo just now, and defended in a low voice: "I'm not, I didn't—" But Shen Yaocheng had already sat up straight again, no

    longer Going to see him, his expression returned to its usual coldness.

    Shen Jiayan was speechless, so she had no choice but to look away and look at the priest in front of the hall again.

    Surprised whispers came from the people in the row behind.

    "Since when did their brothers get along so well?"

    "Yes, Yaocheng used to hate his brother, right?" "

    Maybe it's the death of his father that brought them closer. Alas, it's really not easy."

    Shen Jiayan: ... ...

    When the ceremony was finally over, the coffin was covered with a coffin cover, ready to be sent to the cemetery.

    After everything was over, the chatter sounded again in the hall.

    The atmosphere was still a little heavy. After all, it was a funeral, and everyone was in a bad mood. Many people greeted Shen Yaocheng and the others before leaving.

    There were still some people gathered in the hall, and Shen Jiayan wanted to go out to get some air. As soon as he walked out of the church, he saw Jiang Yuanzhou standing outside smoking.

    He was wearing a black coat, and his tall and straight figure stood there like a landscape. He seemed to be thinking about something, and instead of the usual shallow and undisciplined smile, there was a bit of coldness that was hard to touch.

    But when his eyes caught something not far away, his eyebrows moved, as if he had seen something interesting, and the eyes that were cold just now suddenly became more interesting.

    He crushed out the cigarette butt, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and walked in that direction.

    Shen Jiayan watched from a distance and found that he was walking towards Bai Mo who was standing alone under the tree.

    Jiang Yuanzhou called him, and Bai Mo looked up at him in surprise, with a bit of guard in his eyes, but not as disgusted as when he looked at Shen Jiayan.

    Jiang Yuanzhou didn't know what he said, but Bai Mo's face changed again, he shook his head, and started to look around, obviously he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

    Just as he was looking around, his eyes met Shen Jiayan's.

    Shen Jiayan and he did not respond to eye contact.

    Shen Jiayan: There is nothing I can do to help, brother ╮(╯_╰)╭.

    At that moment, a plot suddenly flashed in Shen Jiayan's mind.

    Shen Jiayan: ...

    He entered the state instantly, as if changing his face. Now his face, which was calm just now, was a little more angry, and he strode towards the two people under the tree.

    "Uncle Jiang!"

    Jiang Yuanzhou turned around, and when he saw Shen Jiayan, his eyes darkened for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said with a bit of pampering helplessness: " Xiaoyan, what's the matter?"

    Shen Jiayan was not fooled by his beauty this time, and turned to look at Bai Mo angrily.

    "Uncle Jiang, why are you with him again? You won't even be seduced by this vixen, right?!"

    The author has something to say:

    Da Shen: Does it look good?

    Xiao Shen: Doesn't it look good or doesn't it look good (shakes his head violently)

    Bai Mo:?

Chapter 006

    Bai Mo's face turned pale instantly after hearing his words, his eyes darkened a little, and he was about to speak, but the next moment he seemed to remember something, stopped his mouth, and looked at Shen Jiayan with a strange expression.

    Shen Jiayan didn't have time to think about what his eyes meant, so he could only continue to play passionately, "What are you still doing here, get out!"

    Bai Mo remained silent. He looked at Shen Jiayan for a while, his eyes were very complicated, as if he wanted to see through the person in front of him. But in the end, he still didn't say anything, closed his eyes, turned and left.

    Shen Jiayan watched his back go away, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

    It's ok, ok, the plot is successfully completed. However, his play has not yet finished, and there is still a big trouble next to it.

    He heard a very light laughter from the side, and he looked up to see Jiang Yuanzhou looking down at him with a slight smile on his lips.

    "Is Xiaoyan jealous?"

    Jiang Yuanzhou, an old fox, is really good at manipulating people's thoughts. He didn't have the time to get angry when he said this to Shen Jiayan, he just became shy, and his cheeks turned red.

    "Uncle Jiang, don't make fun of me." He glanced at Jiang Yuanzhou shyly.

    "Sorry." Jiang Yuanzhou lowered his eyes and chuckled, "It's just that Xiaoyan is too cute."

    [Shen Jiayan: ... the dog said I was cute on the surface, but now he must be scolding me in his heart, ha ha. ]

    The system agrees.

    Although he was very speechless towards Jiang Yuanzhou in his heart, Shen Jiayan still showed a shy look on his face and scratched his head, "Uncle Jiang, I am not a child anymore, don't keep calling me cute." Jiang Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh, really

    ? Xiaoyan is already a big kid, isn't he?"

    The tone was completely coaxing a child.

    Shen Jiayan patted his chest, "Of course."

    Shen Jiayan thought of something, and became serious again. He looked up at Jiang Yuanzhou angrily and said, "Don't change the subject! I'm still angry! Uncle Jiang, it's not like you don't know who that person is. He has so many thoughts, even me Big brother told me to keep a distance from him!"

    "This vixen, you can't seduce me, and you want to seduce Uncle Jiang!" He was so angry that he gave Jiang Yuanzhou another look, "Uncle Jiang, you took the initiative to talk to him more than once. !"

    Shen Jiayan seemed to get angrier as he thought about it, his cheeks puffed up, "I'm so pissed off!"

    Jiang Yuanzhou found it quite amusing to see him like this, so he laughed, "It seems that this time I really pissed off Xiaoyan is angry, it's my fault."

    Shen Jiayan made an inch of it, and said viciously: "It's good to know!"

    Jiang Yuanzhou was not angry either, and asked with a smile on his lips, "Then can I make up for it so that Xiaoyan won't be angry anymore What?"

    This proposal is very tempting, and Shen Jiayan will naturally not miss the opportunity to pluck the wool, but he has not yet thought about what he wants to blackmail from Jiang Yuanzhou, so he slightly tilted his head, raised his chin, pretending not to care and said: "Let's talk about it."

    He obviously wanted it very much, but he didn't agree immediately.

    However, the inner thoughts are still written on the face as before.

    Jiang Yuanzhou saw through and didn't say anything, just responded with a smile, "Okay."

    At this time, a deep male voice suddenly came from not far away, "Xiaoyan."

    Shen Jiayan and Jiang Yuanzhou turned their heads together, and saw Shen Yaocheng's tall figure approaching they come.

    "Brother." Shen Jiayan called out in surprise.

    "En." Shen Yaocheng walked to Shen Jiayan's side, put his hand on his shoulder, and asked quite naturally: "What are you talking about?"

    Shen Jiayan looked suspiciously at Shen Yaocheng's arm, then looked at it again Shen Yaocheng, but the other party's expression is very natural, people can't see why.

    Just now, Shen Yaocheng was angry because he peeked at his wife when the pastor was giving the eulogy. When he came out of the church, Shen Yaocheng ignored him. Why is he suddenly acting like a brother and friend now?

    Before Shen Jiayan could speak, Jiang Yuanzhou smiled and said, "It's nothing, Xiaoyan and I are joking." "

    Huh?" Shen Yaocheng looked down at Shen Jiayan.

    Shen Jiayan didn't admit it or deny it, just laughed a few times, and quickly changed the subject: "It's a bit cold outside, can we go back, brother?" At this time, most of the people have already left

    , but there are still other guests. Let's go, Shen Yaocheng and Shen Bowen will stay to entertain them, but there is no such thing as Shen Jiayan here.

    Shen Yaocheng looked at the suit jacket Shen Jiayan was wearing, and frowned, "Why didn't you wear a jacket?"

    Shen Jiayan shrugged, "I didn't expect it to be so cold when I went out."

    Shen Yaocheng still frowned, but it was rare that he didn't preach , just said: "Get in the car first, and let the driver take you back first."

    As soon as he heard that he could leave, Shen Jiayan became energetic and nodded hurriedly, "Yeah, then I'll go first brother.

    " He struggled out of Shen Yaocheng's arms, turned around and was about to leave.

    Unexpectedly, in the next second, Shen Yaocheng grabbed the collar again, "Wait a minute."

    Shen Jiayan turned around with some resentment, "What's the matter."

    "Say hello to your Uncle Jiang before leaving."

    "Oh oh. "Shen Jiayan seemed to remember that Jiang Yuanzhou was still there, and the interaction between the two brothers just now seemed to forget that there were outsiders there.

    Shen Jiayan turned his head to look at Jiang Yuanzhou, but he didn't see the coy and shy expression just now, and said respectfully: "Uncle Jiang, then I'll go first."

    Jiang Yuanzhou's expression was light, "Go."

    Shen Jiayan turned to look at Shen Yaocheng again Seeing that the other party didn't stop him this time, he turned around and slipped away impatiently.

    The two watched his jumping figure walking towards the parking lot, Shen Yaocheng seemed to have a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

    Jiang Yuanzhou looked at it for a while before looking back, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "You and Xiaoyan are much closer."

    Shen Yaocheng then looked back at Shen Jiayan, the emotion in his eyes was gone, and he recovered. It was cold as usual.

    "It's always been like this."

    Shen Jiayan's coldness just now was actually just an excuse, and he just wanted to go home quickly.

    He came to Shen's Maybach and couldn't wait to reach out to open the door.

    When he gets home, he can take off his clothes and continue to lie in the room, play games, read comics and lie on the bed.

    — Ah, what joy.

    Thinking of this, he excitedly opened the car door, but was stunned when he saw the figure inside.

    "Why are you here?" He blurted out.

    In the car, Bai Mo was sitting on the other side of the back seat. He was leaning against the back of the seat with his eyes closed. After Shen Jiayan spoke, he opened his eyes.

    He turned his head and looked up at Shen Jiayan, but didn't reply.

    A gust of cold wind blows outside and blows into the car.

    He pursed his lips, and then said: "Aren't you coming in?"

    Shen Jiayan recovered, and couldn't help but feel a little confused, but it was really cold at the moment, so he got into the car first.

    The driver in the front row seemed a little surprised when he saw Shen Jiayan get into the car, "Master, are you going back to the old house?"

    Shen Jiayan didn't answer immediately, but frowned and looked at Bai Mo for a while, then asked the driver: "Why is he here?"

    "Mr. Bai said he wasn't feeling well. I was going to send Mr. Bai back first, but..." The driver's expression was a bit perplexed, and he didn't expect Shen Jiayan to get in the car suddenly.

    There is another Shen's car in the parking lot now, but the driver of the other car is still waiting, and will take Shen Yaocheng and Shen Bowen back in a while.

    Although the Shen family has other cars and drivers, it still takes time to ask them to drive over, and Bai Mo said earlier that he was not feeling well, so naturally it is better to send them back as soon as possible.

    Everyone in the Shen family knew how difficult Shen Jiayan was to deal with, and everyone knew his dislike for Bai Mo, so the driver was really in a difficult situation right now.

    Shen Jiayan frowned upon hearing this. He wasn't the original owner, so he didn't have that much of an opinion on Bai Mo, but now he heard the driver say that Bai Mo was not feeling well, and he was embarrassed to make him trouble him, so he pretended to be impatient and gave a "tsk".

    "It's so troublesome. Why is a big man so coquettish every day? He's the only one who has a lot of things to do."

    Even though he said that, he didn't ask him to get out of the car.

    The driver also breathed a sigh of relief, and confirmed with Shen Jiayan: "Then young master, go back to the old house?" "

    Nonsense, hurry up."


    The driver then started the car and slowly drove out of the parking lot.

    Shen Jiayan stopped talking after the car started. He leaned on the back of the chair and turned his head to look out the window, without even looking at Bai Mo next to him, as if he didn't exist.

    Although Shen Jiayan turned his head sideways, he could still vaguely feel that the eyes from the other side of the car seemed to be looking at him, and he couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

    [Shen Jiayan: System, what a fat thing, why do I feel that Bai Mo is staring at me? What is he looking at me for? Haven't I just acted viciously and obnoxiously enough? ]

    [System: ... that's enough. It should be fine, it's just your illusion. 】

    Shen Jiayan was relieved now, and his heartbeat gradually calmed down.

    The car was quiet, only the sound of the air-conditioning blowing could be heard.

    This silence lasted for more than ten minutes, and Bai Mo suddenly made a sound.

    "Just now—" Shen Jiayan, who was staring out of the window, suddenly     turned

    his head when he heard the sound, looked at Bai Mo impatiently, and said in a bad tone, "What are you doing?"

Almost uncontrollably rising. But he still forcibly suppressed the disgust and let out a sigh of relief. There was one thing he had to ask him.

    "When you came to look for me just now, were you... trying to save me?"

    The first time he could tell himself that it was just his own affection, but the second time he saw it very clearly that the other party was obviously thinking about him. The moment she looked at him helplessly, she changed her expression and walked towards him.

    And it was again just now.

    He could obviously drive himself out of the car, regardless of his, but he didn't do that, why?

    Could it be that he didn't drive him out because he heard that he was not feeling well?

    That absurd idea couldn't help reappearing in Bai Mo's mind.

    The thought kept lingering in his mind, so he asked.

    Who knew that after hearing his words, Shen Jiayan exploded as if his tail had been stepped on.

    His whole face was flushed with anger, and he was so angry that he was incoherent, "What?? Help you out?! Joke, how could I save you? Are you being too sentimental!" "I tell you, I hate you the most.

    " You are a self-righteous person! I don’t even want to look at you! I can’t wait for you to go as far as you can!”

    Bai Mo’s face turned pale in an instant, and his pair of phoenix eyes changed from panic to disgust, and he couldn’t tell if he was right. I am still the person in front of me.

    He looked away, his expression was cold, and his voice was as cold as ice.


Chapter 007

    Shen Jiayan was stunned for a moment, and after realizing his intentions, he came back to his senses and said in disbelief: "What are you doing? Are you crazy?!" The

    church is far away from Shen's house, at least two hours' drive away. They are now far away from Shen's house. There is still more than an hour away, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the place where we are now is in the wilderness, let alone taking a taxi, there may not even be a signal.

    What's more, the temperature outside is relatively low now, throwing Bai Mo outside is completely letting him fend for himself.

    But Bai Mo didn't even give him a look, just looked at the driver in the driver's seat, and repeated in a cold voice, "Stop." The driver, Uncle Liu, was visibly

    nervous at this moment, and his hands on the steering wheel were so tense. Tightened a little, looking up at Shen Jiayan in the rearview mirror at a loss.

    Shen Jiayan gritted his teeth, his mind went blank, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

    It's over, what should we do now?

    [Shen Jiayan: System, SOS! ]

    [System: ... You can't fix this for me. 】

    Shen Jiayan wants to cry but has no tears. Now he wants to go back to a minute ago and strangle himself to death. Now it's all right, I'm forcing people to get out of the car.

    But he was really anxious just now. He didn't expect that Bai Mo would think that he was helping him out just now, there was no such part in the plot!

    So in order not to collapse the human design, he could only speak ill to Bai Mo, so that he would continue to hate himself. But now it seems that he was a little vicious just now.

    [Shen Jiayan: What should I do! Is there a way to keep him from getting out of the car without breaking the character design? ! ]

    [System: None. You let him go as far as you have just now, and if you don't let him get off the car now, the human setup will undoubtedly collapse. ]

    In other words, we can only let him get out of the car.

    Shen Jiayan was in despair. People already hated him, and now they probably hated him to death.

    But for the mission, there is no other way.

    So Shen Jiayan gritted his teeth , and said to Uncle     Liu, "Stop the car, let him get off if he wants to get off!"

    Uncle Liu looked at Shen Jiayan in the rearview mirror in amazement, looked at the barren scenery outside the car, and said incoherently, "Young master, but—" "Can't you understand people's

    words? I'll let you stop and let him Get off!" he almost yelled.

    The driver was taken aback by his tone, and now he didn't dare to say anything, and pulled over the car.

    Almost the moment he stopped, Bai Mo turned around and opened the door, and got out of the car without looking back.

    "Pa—" the car door was slammed shut.

    The driver watched Bai Mo's thin back going further and further away from the rearview mirror in shock, worried in his heart, but when he met Shen Jiayan's eyes full of anger, he immediately looked away, not daring to vent his breath.

    Shen Jiayan panicked a lot at this time, but still pretended to be very angry on the surface, and said to the driver: "Keep driving     !


It was even tighter just now.

    At this moment, Shen Jiayan's brain was uncontrollably trying to make up for all kinds of unexpected events that Bai Mo might encounter.

    He is so beautiful and thin, so he won't be abducted by bad guys, right? No, no, no one around here, it should be impossible.

    Or was he lost and starved to death in the wilderness? Not so not so.

    Immediately afterwards, he thought of a more terrifying possibility, he would not be eaten by wild bears in the woods!

    [System: ...]

    The more Shen Jiayan thought about it, the more he panicked. He was already guilty, but now he panicked even more.

    In case, in case something happens to Bai Mo, it must be because of him!

    His brain was running fast, and finally came up with a countermeasure.

    He couldn't go back to find Bai Mo in person, that would definitely ruin the design, but he could find someone else.

    So he took out his mobile phone, opened a WeChat top dialog box, and entered a message.

    【, Cool, handsome and domineering: Second brother! ! Rivers and lakes emergency! ! ]

    That's right, he was looking for Shen Bowen. He definitely couldn't find Shen Yaocheng for this matter, because if he knew that he made his wife angry and drove her out of the car and left her in the wilderness, he would definitely die!

    But Shen Bowen is different. Shen Bowen has always been very gentle and indulgent to the original owner, and has never lost his temper with him. Even if the original owner made a mistake, he just reasoned with him patiently and never scolded him.

    It was also because of this that Shen Jiayan was usually the first to ask Shen Bowen to wipe his butt when he had something to do, but with his elder brother Shen Yaocheng, he kept everything secret and dared not let it go.

    Soon, the other side returned a message.

    [Shen Bowen: Xiaoyan, what's going on? 】

    Shen Jiayan hesitated for a while, feeling that he would be confused on WeChat for a while, so he asked the driver to stop the car first, and he got out of the car to call Shen Bowen.

    The other party answered quickly, with obvious concern in his tone, "Xiaoyan, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

    Shen Jiayan wanted to cry without tears, "Second brother, I, I'm fine, but I seem to have gotten into trouble..."

    He He told the other party everything about driving Bai Mo out of the car just now, ambiguously slurring what he said to Bai Mo in the middle.

    Shen Bowen was silent for a while after hearing this.

    Facing the silence on the other side, Shen Jiayan felt uneasy and called out nervously: "Second Brother? Did you hear that?" "I

    heard it." The other party's voice was a little low, obviously this time he was really angry.

    "What should I do, second brother?" Shen Jiayan asked very timidly.

    Shen Bowen sighed, and finally said: "Leave this matter to me, you go home first. I will try to contact him first, and if I can't reach him, I will send someone to look for it." Shen Jiayan listened to

    him Having said that, he finally felt a little relieved in his heart, "Yeah, okay."

    But he suddenly remembered something, and he froze again, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Well, there is one more thing... that is... ..."

    Shen Bowen waited patiently for him to finish speaking.

    Shen Jiayan said very quietly: "Can you not tell big brother..."

    Shen Bowen had already guessed that he would say that, but this time he was not as easy-talking as before, and it was rare that he became strict with Shen Jiayan.

    "Xiaoyan, you really went too far this time. What if something really happened to him? After all, he is also a member of the Shen family. How will everyone think of you if you spread the word like this?" Shen Jiayan was

    told He was speechless, he was the one who didn't reason about this matter, and now Shen Bowen said it so hard that he couldn't lift his head.

    "I, I know I was wrong..."

    Shen Bowen sighed, "Let me contact you first, and if I can't, you know, this matter cannot escape from your elder brother.

    " White and white. In the past two days, he managed to overcome the problem of trembling whenever he saw Shen Yaocheng's legs, and now he remembered the fear of being dominated.

    The broken leg plot will not come earlier because of this incident, will it?

    Shen Jiayan was about to collapse just thinking about it.

    "Hey, second brother, you are the best for me, please help me."

    Shen Bowen said helplessly to Shen Jiayan: "Unfortunately, your second brother may not be able to help you this time. Let's talk, I will hang up first , you go home first."

    "Ooooh okay."

    After Shen Jiayan hung up the phone, he returned to the car sadly.

    Uncle Liu had been sitting in the car just now, and he could see from the window that Shen Jiayan had gone out to make a phone call just now. Although he didn't know who he was calling with, his mood suddenly became so depressed, and he could vaguely guess that it might be with The eldest or second young master is on the phone.

    "Master, are you going back to the old house?" He asked cautiously again, what if he changed his mind and wanted to go back to Mr. Bai?

    However, Shen Jiayan just replied absent-mindedly: "En.


    It was already past seven o'clock in the evening when Shen Jiayan got home. It was almost dark outside, but there was still no news of Bai Mo.

    Before he got home, Shen Bowen sent him a message saying that he hadn't been contacted, and now he has sent someone out to look for him.

    Although he didn't mention the matter of Shen Yaocheng, Shen Jiayan could guess that Shen Yaocheng probably already knew about it, and he felt ashamed about it.

    Now he can only pray that Bai Mo can come back safely, otherwise he is afraid that his legs will really be lost this time.

    As soon as he entered, Aunt Chen came forward to greet him, "Master, you just came back just in time, dinner is almost ready, do you want to eat first?"

    Shen Jiayan was restless now, not in the mood to eat at all, so she refused, " I don't have much appetite, so I won't eat for now."

    Aunt Chen was a little surprised, because Shen Jiayan looked visibly lethargic to the naked eye now, what's wrong?

    Shen Jiayan didn't explain either, but went upstairs listlessly and returned to the room.

    The driver, Uncle Liu, parked the car and then entered the door. Aunt Chen caught someone and asked, "Old Liu, what's wrong with the young master? Why does he look so haggard?" Uncle Liu sighed and told

    Aunt Chen about the matter.

    After hearing this, Aunt Chen also had an ugly expression on her face.

    She has worked in the Shen family for more than ten years, and it can be said that she grew up watching Shen Jiayan. She knew that although this child looked arrogant and domineering on the surface, in fact he was very soft in his heart, and he was not a bad child.

    On the other hand, she also felt pity for Mr. Bai who had just arrived. She knew that his mother had just passed away, and his living conditions were not easy since he was a child. From the time he had been in the Shen's house, it could be seen that he wasn't too thoughtful, and he was very polite and polite to their servants, so she also liked him a little bit more.

    Now Bai Mo's whereabouts are unknown outside, she is also anxious.

    But after all, she watched the young master grow up, and no matter what she said in her heart, she was still biased towards him. In her opinion, it was definitely not the young master's fault.

    She was anxious and had no choice but to vent her anger on Uncle Liu who was at the side, "You too! Knowing that the young master and Mr. Bai will not deal with it, how can you let the two of them ride in the same car!" Uncle

    Liu Wanting to cry without tears, "I—oh, forget it, you're right, it's my fault, my fault."

    Aunt Chen gave him a blank look, turned and returned to the kitchen cursing.

    Shen Jiayan returned to the room, took off his suit and changed into home clothes.

    He tried to turn on the game console to distract himself from anxiety, but he couldn't concentrate on the screen at all, his mind was full of white ink.

    He tried to read the manga again, but he couldn't read a page for ten minutes, so he had to give up.

    He went back downstairs again, wandering back and forth at the gate to pay attention to the movement outside, for fear of missing the sound of Bai Mo's return.

    He walked around the door for half an hour, and Aunt Chen was so dizzy watching, she couldn't help but said: "Young Master, you have worked hard today, please sit down first." She looked at

    Shen Jiayan so fidgeting The look is also a little distressed. She knew that the young master was anxious, and after driving him out of the car, he was still worried about wandering around.

    But he has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, so he will definitely not pull his face down to apologize to others, and the relationship between the two will only become more rigid at that time, alas, what should I do.

    Shen Jiayan answered absently, "Well, I know Aunt Chen."

    Even though he said that, he still stood at the door and waited for a while unwillingly. After more than ten minutes, he finally gave up and returned to the living room, but without turning on the light, he sat down on the sofa in the dark.

    The door of the villa can be seen from the window of the living room, and anyone can see it when they come back. So Shen Jiayan stared out and opened the window, in order to better hear the people coming.

    But hours passed and there was no sign of anyone returning.

    Unknowingly, it was ten o'clock, and Shen Jiayan began to feel that his eyelids were a little heavy, and his head was also groggy.

    He was really tired today, and almost never had a good rest. Now he couldn't help it, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

    At half past eleven, a black Maybach drove slowly to the gate of Shen's house and stopped.

    A tall figure got out of the car, and after getting off, he didn't rush to close the door, but looked inside the car, waiting for the people inside to get out.

    Bai Mo got out of the car, his eyes drooped slightly, his face was a little pale, but his expression was still calm.

    Shen Yaocheng said to him: "You go in first."

    Bai Mo didn't say anything, and passed him into the door.

    Another car stopped behind the Maybach, Shen Bowen got off and walked in front of Shen Yaocheng. He didn't go in in a hurry, but glanced at the open door, with a little worry on his face.

    "Brother, about Xiaoyan..."

    Shen Yaocheng's brows were a bit dark at this time, his eyes were dark, and the air pressure in his body was terribly low. Shen Bowen suddenly stopped talking.

    After a while, Shen Yaocheng opened his mouth slowly, his tone was cold.

    "It's time to teach me a lesson."


Chapter 008

    When Shen Jiayan woke up, there was an extra cashmere blanket on his body. The living room was dark, and the sky outside the window was also dark, and the window he opened before was closed at some point.

    He glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, the hour hand was almost pointing to twelve o'clock.

    He actually slept for so long.

    He pressed his temples in a daze, only then did he recall what happened to Bai Mo, and soon became nervous again.

    is he back

    Shen Jiayan hurriedly got up from the sofa, before she had time to put on her slippers, she was going out of the living room, and she couldn't help shivering when her feet stepped on the cold tiles.

    He saw that the light in the back kitchen was still on, so he walked over to take a look, and saw that Aunt Chen was busy in the kitchen.

    Seeing him coming in, Aunt Chen was surprised, "Master, you're awake."

    She seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said, "You haven't eaten tonight, are you hungry? Come, Aunt Chen will get you something to eat, it will be ready soon. "

    Shen Jiayan shook his head, "No need, Aunt Chen, I'm not hungry."

    He paused, and then asked: "Um... have my brothers come back?"

    Aunt Chen knew that what he really wanted to ask was probably Bai Mo, but she didn't Pierce him, and replied: "I'm back, and Mr. Bai is back too, but he went upstairs to his room as soon as he came back, and he should have rested now." Hearing this,

    Shen Jiayan finally felt a big stone hit the ground in his heart.

    Seeing that Shen Jiayan breathed a sigh of relief visibly, Aunt Chen couldn't help softening the look in her eyes.

    This child is not bad-hearted, but has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. Although he doesn't say it, she knows that he is also very worried about him.

    "I see. Then I'll go upstairs first. Aunt Chen, you should go to bed earlier."

    "Hey, good night, young master."

    Shen Jiayan rubbed his eyes, turned and left the kitchen. He was really a little sleepy. Although he slept for a while just now, he didn't know if it was because he was too tired today, and he was still very tired now.

    But just as he was going upstairs to turn left to return to his room, he noticed that the door of one of the rooms on the right hand side of the corridor was slightly open, and warm yellow light seeped into the corridor from inside.

    That was Shen Yaocheng's study.

    Shen Jiayan's heart skipped a beat.

    It seems that Shen Yaocheng has not slept yet.

    Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he even seriously thought about the possibility of escaping from the Shen family and disappearing now, but thinking about how powerful Shen Yaocheng was in the original text, he gave up at the speed of light.

    Rather than waiting for the other party to ask the teacher about the crime, he felt that it might be better to take the initiative to confess. Maybe the sentence could be reduced, and it would be an early death and early rebirth.

    So Shen Jiayan changed direction with the mood of seeing death as home, and walked towards the study with heavy steps.

    He came to the door of the study and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, but he couldn't take the last step and stood at the door hesitantly.

    He struggled for a long time, and finally let go.

    Or forget it.

    Shen Jiayan quickly convinced himself.

    Shen Yaocheng is still working so late, he is busy, so let's not bother him today, eh.

    At this time, he heard the sound of flipping through documents inside suddenly stopped, leaving only silence, and the people inside seemed to be listening to the movement outside.

    Shen Jiayan's heart skipped a beat again.

    He seems to have been discovered.

    Now he had no escape, so he raised his hand and knocked on the slightly opened door, and asked in a very low voice, "...Brother? Are you busy?" There was

    a moment of silence inside.

    In the past two seconds, Shen Yaocheng's deep voice sounded: "Come in."

    Hearing his tone, Shen Jiayan felt his heart chill a bit.

    This is absolutely angry. He mourned for himself in his heart for two seconds, then pushed open the door.

    Inside, Shen Yaocheng was sitting behind the large desk, the dim desk lamp cast a layer of warm light on his face, but there was no warmth on his face, instead it was terribly depressed.

    As soon as Shen Jiayan went in and saw this scene, he regretted it, and wished he could run away now.

    But the embarrassing thing is that his legs are a little weak now, let alone running, he can't even walk now, he can only stand still.

    He stood about ten meters away from Shen Yaocheng, and the two silently looked at each other for two seconds, the atmosphere was weird and awkward.

    Shen Jiayan laughed dryly, "Hehe, brother, you haven't slept yet?"

    Shen Yaocheng didn't speak, and looked at him silently for a while.

    "Come here."

    Shen Jiayan's heart sank.

    What did he call him to do? ? Sure enough, he was going to hit someone, right? !

    Shen Jiayan's smile couldn't hold back, and his voice was trembling, "No need bro, I'll be fine standing here, haha." "

    Shen Jiayan." With just three words, Shen Jiayan was terrified.

    Now he didn't dare to show his anger, he shrank his neck and walked slowly towards Shen Yaocheng's desk.

    He moved quickly, as if after a century, he finally came to the table, his head almost lowered to his chest, he didn't even dare to look at Shen Yaocheng.

    "Brother, brother."

    The atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

    Shen Yaocheng's cold voice sounded in front of him, "Raise your head."

    Shen Jiayan was ten thousand reluctant, but he still did.

    People are knives and I am fish.

    When meeting Shen Yaocheng's dark eyes, he still couldn't help shrinking.

    [Shen Jiayan: Woohoo, it's scary, system, everything, I was wrong, please help me, please, hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ]

    [System: Bear with it, it will pass soon. 】

    【Shen Jiayan:...】

    "Come here." Shen Yaocheng suddenly said again.

    Shen Jiayan was stunned for a moment, and when he realized that Shen Yaocheng meant to go behind the table, he froze and swallowed.

    But at the moment he hesitated, Shen Yaocheng's face darkened a bit, Shen Jiayan was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe, and immediately followed suit.

    When he finally came to the back of the desk, Shen Yaocheng turned the chair to face him, and his deep eyes fell on him.

    Although Shen Jiayan was standing at this moment, taller than Shen Yaocheng, but Shen Yaocheng still had a much stronger aura than him, even in such a posture, he felt extremely small.

    The anxious atmosphere made Shen Jiayan feel extremely tormented, and within ten seconds he couldn't help it, and blew himself up, "I was wrong, brother! I really know I was wrong! Just forgive me." He raised his head and peeked

    at Shen Yaocheng observed his reaction with a glance, but the other party's expression did not fluctuate at all, which made Shen Yaocheng even more frightened.

    "Brother, brother, just say something, I was really wrong, you, you can punish me, you can punish me for anything! Really!" Finally, under Shen Jiayan's urgent gaze,

    Shen Yaocheng opened his mouth slowly.

    "What's wrong?"

    Shen Jiayan was stunned for a moment, but still answered honestly.

    "I, I was wrong... I shouldn't lose my temper with Bai Mo, say that, I shouldn't leave him on the road alone, so that he can't come back..."

    At the end of the sentence, Shen Jiayan's voice became pale because of guilt. His voice became quieter and he didn't even dare to look at Shen Yaocheng's face.

    ...is there anything else? What else should he say?

    "I, I won't dare in the future, I will definitely treat Bai Mo well in the future! Really! Brother, brother...don't be angry." After speaking,

    he raised his head and glanced at Shen Yaocheng again.

    But Shen Yaocheng's expression became very strange, and he stared at him for a long time.

    "You think I'm angry because of this?"

    Shen Jiayan: "Ah?"

    What? if not? He wasn't angry because he bullied his wife, so why?

    Shen Yaocheng suddenly felt a headache, and stretched out his hand to press his temple.

    Shen Jiayan was a little confused, "Brother, brother, what's wrong with you? Uncomfortable? Let me rub it for you!

    " As soon as there is a place that can be expressed, it is necessary to show courtesy immediately.

    He quickly walked around behind Shen Yaocheng's chair, without giving the other party a chance to refuse, he put his hands on his shoulders and began to massage.

    Shen Yaocheng's body froze.

    The young man's hands were soft, and he could feel the warmth from the other's palm through the fabric of his shirt.

    "How's the technique?" The young man asked nervously.

    Shen Yaocheng didn't reply.

    I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but it seems that the irritability of the day has really eased a little.

    But he still stopped him aloud: "That's enough."

    As soon as Shen Jiayan heard what he said, Shen Jiayan immediately stopped and stopped.

    He considered it for a while, and said cautiously: "Ahem, bro, look, I have massaged you for you, so you can calm down. I promise I won't make such a mistake again next time!" Shen Yaocheng sighed

    , After all, the stern look between the brows faded a little, and his expression softened a lot.

    "Come here."

    "Hey." Shen Jiayan walked around in front of Shen Yaocheng again, looked at him with slightly lowered eyebrows, obediently waiting for him to speak.

    "Why didn't you find me today?"

    Shen Jiayan was taken aback by this question, and forgot to answer for a while.

    "fear me?"

    Only then did Shen Jiayan come back to his senses, and hurriedly shook his head, but his face clearly had the expression of seeing a ghost.

    Shen Yaocheng sighed.

    "It's because I'm usually too strict with you."

    Shen Jiayan was dumbfounded again, and he even suspected that he had heard it wrong.

    Before he could figure out the situation, he saw that Shen Yaocheng had already faced the desk again, lowered his head and plunged into the documents on the desk, "Go to sleep, it's late." "Ah?" That's it


    Shen Jiayan blinked, apparently not realizing what was going on.

    Shen Yaocheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at him, "Why? Don't want to sleep?"

    Shen Jiayan woke up instantly, and quickly shook his head, knowing that the other party was letting him go.

    "I'm so sleepy! I'm going to bed, good night brother!"

    After speaking, he turned around and ran away, not giving Shen Yaocheng a chance to repent.

    When his back disappeared at the door, Shen Yaocheng finally looked back, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

    The next day, it was already eight o'clock when Bai Mo went downstairs, much later than usual.

    On weekdays, he would never allow himself to sleep past six o'clock, but today he made an exception.

    All because of what happened yesterday.

    Thinking of what happened yesterday, even he didn't realize that his eyebrows frowned.

    His reaction at that time was too violent.

    Mingming already knew what kind of guy that person was, but he still couldn't control his emotions and was affected by the other person.

    What was he expecting? Did he really think that such a person would take him seriously and even save him?

    Mingming had clearly seen his character early on, but still had some unrealistic delusions because of some insignificant actions.

    It was him who was stupid.

    The same mistake, he will not make a second time.

    When he came to the dining room, his breakfast was already set on the table. He sat down in his seat, bowed his head and began to eat breakfast.

    At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the restaurant, and Aunt Chen came in with a plate in her hand, which contained a bowl of undrinked porridge and an empty cup.

    Aunt Chen had a sad face, but when she saw him, she still greeted him, "Ah, good morning, Mr. Bai."

    Bai Mo nodded to her, "Aunt Chen."

    He looked at the plate in her hand, although he didn't ask anything, But Aunt Chen seemed to see his doubts, and said: "Ah, this."

    Aunt Chen sighed, and said with some melancholy: "Young Master, he is sick and has a low-grade fever. It must have been blown by the wind last night." Listening to

    Chen When my aunt mentioned him, the movements in Bai Mo's hands froze for a moment.

    In the next moment, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

    Hair? It was obviously him who was blowing the wind yesterday, but it turned out to be him who was sick.

    Aunt Chen looked at him for a while, pondered for a while, and then continued cautiously: "Yesterday, because the young master was worried, he has been waiting for you since he came back. He stood at the door for a long time, and at night he has been waiting in the living room with the windows open. , If you blow it, you'll get sick."

    Bai Mo's hand holding the spoon was tight, and he didn't speak.

    Aunt Chen sighed, "Mr. Bai, I know it might be a bit talkative to say that, but... the young master just speaks a little bluntly, but he is actually not bad." He has been out of his mind since he got home yesterday,

    waiting You never rested for a moment.

    "And... Uncle Liu also said that not long after you got out of the car, the young master called the eldest master and the others. He still doesn't worry about you." Bai Mo still didn't speak,

    but his fingertips holding the spoon were already strong enough Some whitish.

    In the quiet room, the curtains were drawn tightly, and the room was dark. Lying on the big bed in the center of the room was a figure tightly wrapped in a quilt, and a humidifier was placed on the bedside table next to it, making a gurgling sound of operation.

    The door was opened from the outside with a gap, and a tall figure appeared at the door.

    The figure stood at the door for a while, then walked towards the big bed in the center of the room, and stood by the bed.

    The long and narrow phoenix eyes drooped down, looking at the sleeping person on the bed.

    The author has something to say:

    Bai Mo now: I will not make the same mistake a second time.

    Later white ink: Wife QAQ.

Chapter 009 Sick

    The figure on the bed was tightly covered by a soft goose down quilt, the quilt was pulled under his nose, a wet towel was placed on his forehead, his exposed face was blushing, his eyes were closed but his brows were slightly furrowed, It seems to be very uncomfortable.

    Bai Mo looked down at this scene, stretched out his hand and pulled down the quilt a little. The person on the bed seemed to have just breathed out, his lips were slightly parted, and the originally red lips were now pale and dry.

    Bai Mo looked at him expressionlessly, without any fluctuation in his obsidian eyes.

    At this moment, the long eyelashes of the person on the bed trembled slightly, and slowly opened their eyes, with eyebrows furrowed.

    Bai Mo was startled, and subconsciously took half a step back, staring at the person on the bed, as if he was guarding against some scourge.

    However, what he didn't expect was that after waking up, Shen Jiayan didn't even look at him, and his eyes didn't even focus, like a half-dream, half-awake state of ignorance.

    He moved his lips weakly, and struggled to utter a word: "...water."

    Bai Mo was taken aback for a moment, and at this moment, he also noticed that Shen Jiayan didn't seem to see him here, no, it should be said that he did, but he didn't Didn't realize it was him standing by his bed at this moment. Otherwise, he might fly into a rage and yell at him with disgust to get out.

    Shen Jiayan lay motionless on the bed, his consciousness had not yet fully returned, but he called out weakly again, "...water."

    Bai Mo lowered his eyelids, and his hands hanging by his side tightened.

    After half a minute, he finally moved.

    He walked to the bedside table, poured the water from the kettle into the glass, and held it in front of Shen Jiayan.

    But the person on the bed didn't move, as if he didn't even have the strength to sit up. After a while, he pulled his hand out of his arm very slowly, and stretched out to him tremblingly.

    Bai Mo frowned.

    A hint of impatience flashed in his eyes, but he put the water glass back on the bedside table first, removed the towel from his forehead, lifted the quilt a little, and supported Shen Jiayan on Shen Jiayan's shoulders to sit slowly up.

    Through the thin fabric of pajamas, he could feel Shen Jiayan's hot body temperature at this moment, and when his palm touched the temperature, he couldn't help frowning.

    Is this a low-grade fever?

    Shen Jiayan's whole body was limp as if he had no strength. Bai Mo originally wanted someone to lean on the backrest of the bed, but the other party couldn't even lean on it at this time, and fell forward frequently.

    Bai Mo gritted his teeth, so he had no choice but to sit down by the bed, suppressing the disgust in his heart, leaning against him, holding his shoulder with one hand, and reaching for the water glass with the other.

    He handed the water glass to Shen Jiayan's mouth, grasped the angle and tilted the water glass slightly, and the other party obediently opened his mouth and drank the water.

    Bai Mo looked down at the person leaning on him, his thoughts suddenly drifted away, and he didn't pay attention when the other person stopped drinking.

    "Hmm—" Shen Jiayan choked a little and coughed twice.

    Only then did Bai Mo regain his senses, and quickly removed the water glass, but some water still flowed out and slid down his jaw.

    Bai Mo frowned, then reached out to put the water glass back on the bedside table, and wiped the spilled water with a paper towel.

    After Shen Jiayan finished drinking the water, he closed his eyes again, his lips parted slightly and gasped weakly, the corners of his eyes were a little red from being choked just now, and his brows were still frowning.

    Bai Mo looked at him for a while, and when he was about to pull out his body and put him down again, there was a knock on the door, and Aunt Chen's voice sounded, "Mr. Bai, are you inside?" Bai Mo stopped his movements and

    responded "Aunt Chen, I'm here, come in."

    Then Aunt Chen opened the door, and she held the dinner plate just now in her hand. There was still porridge inside, but it seemed to have been heated a bit, and there was still steaming smoke.

    Aunt Chen looked at the two of them for a while and then looked away without saying anything.

    After putting down the dinner plate, she said: "The young master hasn't eaten since last night. I'm afraid he'll be starving, so let's eat some." Haven't eaten since last night


    Bai Mo glanced at the hot porridge that Aunt Chen put on the bedside table, and said, "I see."

    Aunt Chen seemed relieved, and said to Bai Mo, "Mr. Bai, you have worked hard."

    After finishing speaking, she also Without staying long, he turned and left the room, closing the door gently before leaving.

    Bai Mo glanced at the person leaning on him again, finally heaved a sigh, reached out and took the bowl over, holding the bowl in one hand and the spoon in the other.

    The porridge was still hot, so he blew it first, and then fed it to Shen Jiayan's mouth when the temperature was about the same.

    "Open your mouth."

    Shen Jiayan opened his eyes in a daze, obeyed obediently, and drank the porridge brought by Bai Mo.

    Seeing this, Bai Mo repeated it silently, and Shen Jiayan ate it obediently.

    But before taking a few mouthfuls, Shen Jiayan suddenly coughed violently, then turned his head, and spit out all the porridge he ate just now.

    All spat on Bai Mo.

    Bai Mo froze all over.

    Although Shen Jiayan is not quite sober now, she still instinctively knows what she did just now, her eyes slightly widened, she turned her head and looked up at the person she was leaning against, with a hint of uneasiness in her eyes.

    "Sorry..." He said in a very low voice.

    But to his surprise, the other party was not angry, his black eyes lightly swept over the stains on the white shirt, he didn't say anything, he just put down the bowl in his hand, supported his shoulders and made him lie down again, Then he went into the bathroom in the room without saying a word, and closed the door.

    The crisis subconsciously feared did not come, which made Shen Jiayan relax again, tiredness struck again, and fell asleep drowsily again after a while.

    In the bathroom, the water from the faucet was rushing. Bai Mo wiped off some of the stains on his body, and prepared to go back to his room and change his clothes in a while.

    When doing all this, his expression is very calm, because all this is very familiar to him.

    He has been doing these things a lot since he didn't know how old he was, taking care of his seriously ill mother at home or in the hospital every day. They have no money to hire a nurse, so these things can only be done by him.

    Perhaps because of recalling the memories of that time, or because the sick Shen Jiayan was too different from usual, he could feel that he was a little abnormal when facing Shen Jiayan today.

    He shouldn't be doing this.

    After cleaning up, Bai Mo returned to the bedroom and found that the person on the bed had fallen asleep again.

    He walked to the bed, took the previous towel to the bathroom and wet it again, then went back to the room and applied it to his forehead again.

    After finishing all this, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

    When Shen Jiayan woke up again, there was a dry towel on his head. The humidifier in the room had dried up and stopped working at this time, and the room was silent.

    From the gap in the curtains, it could be seen that the sky outside the window was already dark. He turned his head and glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was already past eight o'clock.

    He still felt a little weak all over, but he was much better than before.

    He supported his body with his hands and sat up on the bed. He drank some water by the bed and felt much better.

    Only now did he feel a pang of hunger.

    Thinking about it carefully, he hasn't eaten for more than 24 hours, and now he really wants to eat.

    So he got out of bed, put on his slippers and went downstairs.

    Everyone should have finished dinner at this time, so he can only go to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat.

    The light in the kitchen was on, there must be someone there, his eyes lit up, and as soon as he entered, he saw Aunt Chen standing in front of the stove cooking something, and a scent wafted through his nostrils.

    As soon as she heard the movement, she turned around, and when she saw Shen Jiayan, she hurriedly put down the spoon in her hand and walked to him, worried: "Master, why are you up? How are you? Are you better?" He nodded, "

    I Much better Aunt Chen, do you have something to eat? I’m a little hungry.”

    “You’re here just in time!” Aunt Chen hurriedly said, “I’ve made soup for you, drink some.”

    “Yeah, okay " Shen Jiayan sat down in front of the cooking table, his stomach was still rumbling, and he was so hungry that he waited for food.

    Not long after, Aunt Chen brought a bowl of hot soup to him, and Shen Jiayan felt alive after taking the first sip.

    Aunt Chen stood by and watched him eat, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he saw that he was eating deliciously.

    "I didn't eat much porridge at noon, must I be hungry?"

    Shen Jiayan put down the bowl and tilted his head in doubt, "Noon?"

    Did he eat at noon?

    "That's right, I brought a bowl of porridge to the room at noon, didn't Mr. Bai feed you a few mouthfuls?"

    Shen Jiayan petrified on the spot, his mind went blank, and he even suspected that he had heard it wrong.

    However, the next second, he remembered.

    It seems that there is such a thing. When he was sleeping, he seemed to vaguely sense someone coming in, and then he asked that person to pour water for him to drink, and later the person fed him porridge, and he vomited it all, and even vomited on that person.

    Is that person actually Bai Mo? ?

    Ahhh what did he do? !

    Aunt Chen saw that Shen Jiayan's face turned blue and white, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Master, master? What's the matter? Are you feeling sick again?"

    Shen Jiayan suddenly lost his appetite, and said weakly: "...I'm fine, Aunt Chen, but I'm a little tired, I'd better go up and have a rest first." Aunt Chen nodded hurriedly, "Okay, then go and take a rest. What's the

    matter Tell Aunt Chen what you need."


    After returning to the room, Shen Jiayan sat on the bed blankly, his mind blank.

    He tried to recall the other person's expression after he vomited on Bai Mo's body, but he couldn't remember.

    Is he mad? You must be angry, right? ! Who wouldn't be angry if someone vomited all over him, let alone the person he hates the most! He definitely doesn't want to see him again in the future——

    Shen Jiayan was startled suddenly.

    No, but why did Bai Mo appear in his room in the first place? Obviously the most annoying person, and he said that to him yesterday.

    Why does Bai Mo still treat him so well and take care of him like this?

    The author has something to say:

    +1 for Xiaoyanshe's death scene

Chapter 010 Bullying

    Shen Jiayan tried to figure out what Bai Mo meant by doing this, but his hair was all messed up and he still couldn't figure out why.

    He hasn't figured out what attitude he will have to face him tomorrow, anyway, let's hide from him for a while, otherwise it will be awkward to meet him, just think about it and grab the ground with his toes.

    With such thoughts in mind, Shen Jiayan yawned, lay back on the bed and fell asleep again.

    However, his plan was shattered early the next morning.

    At nine o'clock in the morning, when Shen Jiayan went downstairs to have breakfast, Bai Mo happened to be sitting at the dining table eating slowly.

    Shen Jiayan froze in place.

    He usually gets up late, and if he has nothing to do, he won't get up until nine o'clock. At that time, everyone in the family has already woken up, and he usually eats breakfast alone at this time. But today, Bai Mo was there. Why? ?

    Moreover, he seemed to be calm and composed, and he didn't have any special reaction after seeing him, but just glanced at him lightly, and didn't mention what happened yesterday.

    That's okay, it suits him well if he doesn't mention it.

    So Shen Jiayan also pretended that nothing happened, pretending that he didn't have the memory of yesterday's social death.

    He goes to the dinner table, sits down, and pre-emptively begins playing his nasty persona.

    "Tsk, it's unlucky to see something unclean again in the morning." He said in a strange way.

    Bai Mo, who was sitting on the other side of the table, ate with his head down in silence as if he hadn't heard his words.

    Shen Jiayan felt a little strange in his heart.

    What's going on, why is there no response at all?

    The enemy does not move and I do not move, Shen Jiayan decided to observe quietly first.

    He picked up a piece of toast and gnawed on it, but he glanced at the person diagonally opposite from time to time, and his thoughts were a little confused.

    Sitting across the table, Bai Mo was chewing quietly with his eyes downcast. Even with his eyes downcast, he could clearly feel the gazes of the young man opposite him from time to time, but he still pretended not to notice.

    He looked much better than yesterday, a little more rosy than yesterday's morbid paleness, but he was still a little thin and tired, but seeing the way he started to bark his teeth and claws again, it was obvious that he had recovered a lot.

    Sure enough, as soon as he regained his energy, he changed back to that unpleasant appearance.

    The young man took two bites of toast with little interest, stopped eating half of it, threw it on the plate as if he had lost his appetite, and then took two more bites of the apple on the side, pursed his mouth, and muttered: "It's not sweet at all."

    Then he seemed to lose interest in eating, and focused on him again, as if thinking about how to humiliate him for a while, before speaking for a long time.

    "Tsk, it's all because I saw something unclean, which made me lose my appetite." He said loudly, as if he couldn't hear it.

    After speaking, I was still watching his reaction.

    Unfortunately, he didn't give him the reaction he wanted, but calmly put down the fork in his hand, and pursed his lips with a napkin.

    Shen Jiayan still looked at him suspiciously, as if wondering why he wasn't angry, so he put in more effort.

    However, no matter what he did, the people on the opposite side were indifferent, as if they couldn't see him.

    [Shen Jiayan: Why do I feel like a fool. ]

    [System: Sparrow Food. ]

    [Shen Jiayan: ...]

    Bai Mo got up from the dining table after wiping his mouth. He had finished his breakfast and was about to leave.

    Shen Jiayan frowned, and looked away in annoyance, picked up the water glass in hand and was about to drink, but heard a cold voice next to him, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

    "Be careful of choking."

    Shen Jiayan choked without any surprise after hearing this.


    He coughed for a while before suddenly looking at Bai Mo, but when he turned his head, Bai Mo had already gone far away.

    What did he mean by that just now? Was he mocking the fact that he choked when feeding him water yesterday? ?

    [Shen Jiayan: Did you hear the system? ? I suspect that he was yin and yang to me just now and I have the evidence! ]

    The system was silent for a while.

    In the original plot, the protagonist never fought back when he was humiliated by the cannon fodder host. He was completely a weak little white flower. How could he be yin and yang? Moreover, his reaction when he heard the host's malicious words just now was too flat. Could something be wrong?

    Over there, Shen Jiayan was still swearing at the side, completely unaware of the system's silence.

    After a while, the system's voice sounded again.

    [System: Host, it's time to continue the plot. ]

    Shen Jiayan was stunned.

    [Shen Jiayan: Huh? what plot? ]

    The system was silent for a while, and then a text appeared in Shen Jiayan's mind.

    In the past two days, Bai Mo has discovered that there are many things that are not right around him.

    Two days ago, Aunt Chen sent him a change of clothes. There was a white shirt with a big grimace drawn on the back with a black marker.

    Naturally, this can't be painted by Aunt Chen, it can only be painted by a person.

    Bai Mo looked at the grimace behind the clothes that was too ugly to look at for a while, then fell silent.

    He folded his clothes expressionlessly and put them in a corner of the cloakroom.

    The clothes were obviously unwearable, but this had no effect on Bai Mo. He didn't buy the clothes in the first place. When he moved in, the cloakroom had been fully prepared for him, and there were several identical shirts inside.

    In addition, when he returned to the room once, he found that a piece of the bed sheet was wet, and the position was very strange.

    He looked at it for a while, frowned, just changed the sheets, and threw the dirty sheets to the laundry room.

    Another time someone had glue on his doorknob. The marks were obvious, and he saw them as soon as he got to the door, and he wiped off the glue before opening the door.

    This kind of prank, even if it is not big, did not have a big impact on his life, because the technique is too low, and it can be easily seen through. At first he would frown, feeling a little disgusted in his heart, but then he just dealt with these pranks blankly.

    The tricks are very childish and old-fashioned. It's not like he hasn't experienced it in high school, so he doesn't have any special feelings.

    But the perpetrators were not so calm. After not getting the response he wanted, he began to vent his anger on him in the open.

    During dinner, Shen Jiayan was already sitting in the seat when Bai Mo arrived at the restaurant. Shen Yaocheng was not there as usual, but Shen Bowen was rarely here today. Shen Jiayan was chatting endlessly with him, but the other party just smiled and listened to him, nodding from time to time.

    After seeing Bai Mo coming in, Shen Jiayan suddenly fell silent, and his cheerful and bright expression also changed.

    But he just glanced at him and then looked away, raised his chin proudly, as if he didn't see it.

    Bai Mo also sat down on the seat in silence.

    While eating, Bai Mo could feel that Shen Jiayan was deliberately targeting him.

    When he wanted to pick up food, Shen Jiayan turned the turntable on purpose, and Shen Jiayan picked up whatever dish he wanted to pick up from that plate.

    He didn't respond the first time, but after the second and third times, he stopped serving food and just buried himself in eating.

    Even Shen Bowen couldn't see it, and called Shen Jiayan helplessly, "Xiaoyan."

    Shen Jiayan pretended to be at a loss, "Huh? What's wrong?"

    Shen Bowen said: "Don't turn the turntable when others are picking up food."

    Shen Jiayan pretended to be surprised, and said with a bit of yin and yang in his tone: "Ah? Who is there? Is there anyone else here?"

    What did Bai Mo do after hearing this ? There was no reaction, the pupils drooped slightly, and the long eyelashes cast a faint shadow under the eyes.

    Extremely childish.

    After taking two bites, he didn't eat any more, put down his chopsticks, got up and left the restaurant.

    Shen Bowen sighed, and looked at Shen Jiayan with a bit of accusation in his eyes. Shen Jiayan shrank his head, but the other party just said helplessly: "Let's eat."

    Shen Jiayan nodded and lowered his head to pick up the rice.

    A few days after that, Shen Jiayan's behavior still did not stop.

    Gradually, Bai Mo got used to it, and even found it a little ridiculous. His methods are extremely low-level, they are all small tricks that cannot be put on the table, and he is essentially afraid of being discovered by others.

    He is more timid and cowardly than the few boys who pushed him out in high school.

    These few days Shen Yao was not at home in Chengdu, Shen Jiayan felt a lot more at ease when starting the plot. Usually it is basic to treat Bai Mo as a transparent person, and sometimes he will humiliate him face to face when he is in a "good" mood.

    But no matter how provocative or bullying he was, Bai Mo didn't respond, which made Shen Jiayan feel a little strange.

    He repeatedly confirmed with the system that the system said that Bai Mo's performance was indeed a little different from the original text, but the current direction did not deviate too much, just let him continue with the plot, and Shen Jiayan followed suit.

    Anyway, he will return to school in a few days, and this episode can come to an end for the time being.

    On this day, he was invited out by a few friends of the original owner. It was the nightclub that the original owner and the others frequented, Ye Shuo.

    Loud music is deafening in a dimly lit environment. Shen Jiayan was sitting among a kind of Shamate with colorful hair, and the surrounding noise made his head ache.

    The fox friends and dog friends were having a good time drinking wine, while Shen Jiayan sat in the middle and silently drank water from a cup in an attempt to sober up.

    The original owner had a poor capacity for alcohol and the quality of the wine was not good, but he just liked to drink it, and after drinking it, he became drunk. Shen Jiayan himself had no interest in drinking, and thought he would stop drinking if he didn't drink, but he still couldn't refuse when he was poured alcohol by the people around him. After a few drinks, he was already a little tipsy.

    He sat in his seat and waited silently, trying his best to reduce his sense of existence. He didn't want to come at first, but the system said that the original owner's avatar likes to go out to play. It's okay if he refuses once or twice, but if he refuses too much, the avatar will collapse, so Shen Jiayan still came today.

    "Brother Yan, drink!" On the side, the red-haired Yuan Hao held up two wine glasses and stuffed one of them into Shen Jiayan's hand with a smile.

    Shen Jiayan twitched the corner of his mouth to take the cup, and swallowed it down.

    The strong wine seemed to be burning his throat, causing him to frown, but he quickly recovered his expression, pretended nothing had happened, and made a few jokes with Yuan Hao, and then used the excuse of going to the bathroom Get up and leave the deck.

    Shen Jiayan was drank a lot by them just now, and now he was a little dizzy, and this feeling became worse after he got up, but he still stumbled and walked to the bathroom while leaning on the wall.

    In the bathroom, the loud music outside was cut off, and he finally felt a little cleaner. After washing his hands at the sink, he delayed for a while before leaving.

    As soon as he got outside, he felt the dizziness and nausea just now returned, and even the picture in front of him became a little blurry.

    If he drank any more, he would probably be really drunk, so he should find an excuse to leave after returning to the booth.

    On the way back to the booth, the crowd was crowded, surrounded by dancing men and women and waiters coming and going.

    Shen Jiayan walked slowly, accidentally bumped into many people along the way, and stumbled.

    When passing by the bar, a waiter happened to turn around after delivering the wine with a plate, and the two collided face to face.

    At this moment, Shen Jiayan's brain was in chaos, his movements were slow, and he didn't react at all. He was about to fall forward after being hit.

    However, he didn't fall to the ground as expected, but fell into an embrace.

    He blinked blankly, seeing the person in front of him wearing an expensively tailored gray shirt.

    An elegant sandalwood scented his nostrils, and a magnetic voice rang in his ears.


